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I've seen this video countless times now, but it still makes me laugh xD

Also is it bad that I knew exactly what this was gonna be just by reading the title?  (EDIT: or the previous title anyway)

Edited by Jim

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Yeah, no. I'm not watching that. It's disrespectful to make any kind of joke with the people who died/were injured for the safety of others.

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Yeah, no. I'm not watching that. It's disrespectful to make any kind of joke with the people who died/were injured for the safety of others.

Posted Image

(My dad is a Marine, though he's honorably discouraged. Still, this made me slightly angry.)

Sorry guys, I figured it was a funny little prank call video. Didn't mean to offend anyone. My bad. I'll see if a mod can delete this thread.

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Sorry guys, I figured it was a funny little prank call video. Didn't mean to offend anyone. My bad. I'll see if a mod can delete this thread.

No, don't! I have a video I wanted to share that is related to this.This will make it way funnier! I promise. xD
(This really is not to offend those who died. This is merely trying to be a joke. :( If it does get deleted, I apologize too.) Edited by Steven Drake (SteVentus)

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