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Starbuck holiday cups

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Controversy is coming to town. Starbucks' festive red cups, which mark the upcoming holiday season annually, are being tainted this year by scandal. The tipping point of the scandal began after an American evangelist, Joshua Feuerstein, aired his grievances about the cup in a now-viral Facebook post. As Starbucks unveiled earlier this month, the classic red cups — which in the past have included symbols like ornaments, reindeer, and more — were wiped clean of any graphics this year. Instead, the holiday design is minimalistic, featuring a "two-toned ombré design, with a bright poppy color on top that shades into a darker cranberry below." However, some Starbucks fans and critics — namely Feuerstein — are not fans of the design. "Starbucks REMOVED CHRISTMAS from their cups because they hate Jesus ... SO I PRANKED THEM ... and they HATE IT!!!!" he captioned a clip.Read more: http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/starbucks-red-holiday-cups-are-causing-outrage-among-christians-2015911#ixzz3r1lUIabB


Don't you people have anything better to do?  If you want to make the world a better place you should do something like feed the hungry instead of worrying over coffee cups.

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As long as I get my peppermint mocha I won't complain lol. I actually like the plain red cup, it's no pun intended, simple and clean. Really silly that people are complaining about the cup designs, I'd just bring my own coffee cup if it bothered me that much. :/

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"Starbucks removed Christmas from their cups because they hate Jesus!!"


Umm...that statement is kind of confusing, isn't it? I mean, since when do ornaments and reindeer glorify the aspect of Christ's birth, anyway? If anything, they actually take AWAY from thoughts of Jesus, because they're usually associated with Santa, getting gifts, and decorating Trees. That statement would actually only make sense if they removed a Nativity scene, or something.


Just sayin'.

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"Starbucks removed Christmas from their cups because they hate Jesus!!"


Umm...that statement is kind of confusing, isn't it? I mean, since when do ornaments and reindeer glorify the aspect of Christ's birth, anyway? If anything, they actually take AWAY from thoughts of Jesus, because they're usually associated with Santa, getting gifts, and decorating Trees. That statement would actually only make sense if they removed a Nativity scene, or something.


Just sayin'.


I agree. Although they have been associated with Christmas, they don't have anything to do with the real meaning of it. If anything, i would say starbucks was getting cheap and using less designs on their cups :P

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I agree. Although they have been associated with Christmas, they don't have anything to do with the real meaning of it. If anything, i would say starbucks was getting cheap and using less designs on their cups :P


Exactly, Penpen! Surprised no one considered that possibility, really... Starbucks and other companies like it, change logos/designs all the time, it shouldn't be immediately seen as scandalous. They do it to stay hip, cool, and keep up with current trends and tastes. Minimalist art has been all the rage this year, actually. It's "chic".

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This entire thing started because one insanely unhinged man got angry on Facebook, and now people have armed their guns to fight in the War on Christmas that doesn't actually exist. Frustrating. Very frustrating.

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This is why italian christians seem way more chill to me xD Not that all american ones start shit, but yeah wwww 

If they started a fight over starbucks it would be complaining about the coffee itself

Edited by Yuno Gasai

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Actually, if anything, the more minimalist and humble nature of the cups is probably more in line with the teachings of Jesus, given that he himself was born in a manger, devoid of decoration.


I really don't think he would mind too much about our cups.

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I heard that Starbucks also took away their snowflake on their cups because people who don't celebrate Christmas don't want Christmas "forced upon them".

When was snowflake equated to Christmas? And how is that harming anyone?

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"You can't please 'em all, now can you?"


Some people don't like it, some people do, and then there's people who are like me who just don't mind either way.


Wait, did you just say Starbucks cups? That is even more saddening. In fact, it's not even Thanksgiving yet, and they're discussing this NOW?


Just put White Trees with no leaves on them and make the ground on the design white as well. And they can keep the design for both this month and next month because of the leaves in fall, and there are no leaves in the trees?


...I'll be quiet now.

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I agree. Although they have been associated with Christmas, they don't have anything to do with the real meaning of it. If anything, i would say starbucks was getting cheap and using less designs on their cups :P


Actually I read that one of the reasons Starbucks kept the cups plain is to allow people to create their own designs.

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Actually I read that one of the reasons Starbucks kept the cups plain is to allow people to create their own designs.


That sounds really cool! Yeah I don't know what "Christians" started this because I am one and I think this whole thing is pretty stupid. Just sayin, not all american Christians are like this, some of us have brains.

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That sounds really cool! Yeah I don't know what "Christians" started this because I am one and I think this whole thing is pretty stupid. Just sayin, not all american Christians are like this, some of us have brains.



Most christians do not give a fudge about the cups. I certainly do not lol. The only thing that annoys me is when people say saying Merry Christmas is offensive so they say you should say "happy holidays" instead to be politically correct and not offend someone. To me that's ridiculous. First off Christmas is not just celebrated by christians. Secondly, I would not be offended if someone wished me a "Happy Hanukkah" or "Happy Kwanzaa." I would take it as what it was meant to be - a friendly gesture. People need to learn to be more tolerant all around and not take offense to every little thing.


Yeah, it's too bad a small few have to ruin it for everyone.  I don't think saying "Merry Christmas"  is offensive, but I also don't see a problem with being politically correct.  I don't get why some people make a big deal about it since it's a good thing to respect others.

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Yeah, it's too bad a small few have to ruin it for everyone.  I don't think saying "Merry Christmas"  is offensive, but I also don't see a problem with being politically correct.  I don't get why some people make a big deal about it since it's a good thing to respect others.


I don't care if people actually prefer to say Happy Holidays but it's when they try to force that on others so they won't be offended I have a problem with. Someone saying Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah to you will not ruin your life I promise. If someone gets offended or feels disrespected bc someone made a friendly gesture they need to realize the world does not revolve around them and get over it. I don't feel disrespected when people I know celebrate their religious holidays that I don't celebrate.  You know why? I know that there are different beliefs and that's ok. I respect the fact they have their own beliefs and since they do not try to force me to practice their beliefs it should not matter to me. I also won't be offended by it. Matter of fact I think it's nice they offered a friendly gesture or good wish to me. It's called tolerance. People want to preach about being tolerant while being intolerant.  Cherry picking that concept gets us nowhere.

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I don't care if people actually prefer to say Happy Holidays but it's when they try to force that on others so they won't be offended I have a problem with. Someone saying Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah to you will not ruin your life I promise. If someone gets offended or feels disrespected bc someone made a friendly gesture they need to realize the world does not revolve around them and get over it. I don't feel disrespected when people I know celebrate their religious holidays that I don't celebrate.  You know why? I know that there are different beliefs and that's ok. I respect the fact they have their own beliefs and since they do not try to force me to practice their beliefs it should not matter to me. I also won't be offended by it. Matter of fact I think it's nice they offered a friendly gesture or good wish to me. It's called tolerance. People want to preach about being tolerant while being intolerant.  Cherry picking that concept gets us nowhere.


Yes, some people really need to quit being so picky about the little things.  I mean who cares?  It's one sentence.

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I just had a mini discussion about that, before class started today. And one of my classmates work at Starbucks. 


After they explained to me, I was like: "Ok, THAT IS SO DUMB!" And my classmate agreed of what I said. 


And then I threw my 2 cents in saying this: "The cup don't need no doggone, snowflake, reindeer, or snowman, just because it's a Christmas cup! Santa's hat is red! RED IS CLOSE ENOUGH, IT'S A CHRISTMAS COLOR along with green and white! Dang!" 


It's just a stupid cup. Man.... lol 

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Hate to disappoint you but most christians aren't complaining about it nor do they care. This was started by a vocal minority lead by Josh Feuerstein :P

You're not disappointing me. That's something I already know.

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