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KHBbS 16 new BBS pictures

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Hmmm....So they are adding + to the moves now. Not bad, it reminds me of crisis core. I can't wait to see old boy Zack again lol. I was wondering when Square-enix was going to bring him back. Heck they brought back Tidus.

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i actually like the first one its kind of funny

(Battle= Ventus V.S Bad kitty or whatever the cat's name is!?!?!


The cat's name is Lucifer. I'm going to have a hard time fighting him, stupid cat lover part of me, even if he is evil.


I love the picture with Aqua and Mickey using the Holy attack (I believe that's the attacks name in English, someone correct me if I'm wrong). I don't know why, might just be the angle.


The picture of Lucifer and Ventus is funny too. Looks like Ven is asking for a high-five, but forgot his miniature size, and Lucifer goes to accidentally squish him.

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i soooooo agree they should just put ff out of its misere srry for the speling im not good at it lol


Okay, if you're saying 'put Final Fantasy out of it's misery' then... what? That's Square most lucrative franchise. Cancelling it would be a horrible decision.

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i soooooo agree they should just put ff out of its misere srry for the speling im not good at it lol


Fun fact: KH is SE's third best selling franchise. Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest far exceeds KH.

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