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Power Jusho

I think I know why the trailers for KH2.8 & KH3 aren't out yet

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I think that Square Enix didn't release the 2.8 and KH3 trailer yet because they either haven't finished recording the english voicing for the trailer or they haven't finish editing the trailer with the lip sync with the english voices. I think it's the latter.

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I'm not sure that's the case. I mean it might be an excuse they can use for why the international fans didn't receive a trailer, but that still wouldn't explain why they haven't released the trailer to the Japanese public. In any case I'm sure they have their reasons for not releasing it right away. 

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They don't have to record English voices for all the trailers, especially if there's nothing new storywise that's being showcased. If there's no new scenes being voiced, then they don't have to record for them. If anything the longer Eraqus and Xehanort conversation was probably recorded right from the get-go, so if anything that's already made footage. If there were any new voiced scenes in the 2.8 trailer then either they already English recorded them by now, or they will just do what they did with the last trailer and keep the Japanese voice with English subtitles narrating over them. As for gameplay, that is the least of their issues, most of the gameplay dialogue that Sora shouts is recycled from KH2, so odds are they haven't even begun voicing for battle lines yet (if I recall that's typically the last bit of voice work they do, because repetitive shouting can do a number on your voice). So really at this point the voice acting shouldn't really work as an excuse as to why they haven't released the trailers yet. If anything the reason has something to do with marketing, particularly with "is this the right time to release them to the public, or will this time be better...?". On the fans side of things we'll just want them as soon as possible, if not right away, but there might be other sides to this as well. They could just be waiting for the main D23 event to start getting underway so that way there might be more attention given to it from both fans and other spectators alike.

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i figured it was because people paid to go to this event and see these trailers so releasing them shortly after would just make that money a complete waste. i mean it was still a complete waste but releasing the trailers so soon would only highlight that fact. guess SE wanted to make people feel like they spent their money on something worthwhile. Wouldn't make sense to pay to go see a trailer 3 hours before the rest of the world sees it for free.

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You're probably right. Back when the E3 trailer was announced, they released all the other trailers for different languages the same day. They're probably wanting to continue the trend. Furthermore, there may be extras in the trailer that they didn't show at D23 so that no one could blab beforehand -- Like a release date OR a release year. 

Plus D23 is not yet over, I don't think.


OR we might be getting it for Jump Festa next month.

Edited by DaxovanHearts

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i figured it was because people paid to go to this event and see these trailers so releasing them shortly after would just make that money a complete waste. i mean it was still a complete waste but releasing the trailers so soon would only highlight that fact. guess SE wanted to make people feel like they spent their money on something worthwhile. Wouldn't make sense to pay to go see a trailer 3 hours before the rest of the world sees it for free.

This makes the most sense to me.  I mean, I know I'd be pretty pissed if i paid for the event and then come to find out I could have just gotten the info for free a bit later.

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You could be on to something, but really, for now, we know next to nothing the state these new trailers are in terms of being released!  It's saddening, but I hope we get the trailers very, very soon! X_X

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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