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Moar interest checkkkkk

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Hey awesome rpers! I just wanted to know if anyone was interested in a rp? Do not worry because it's not going to start for a LONG time (for those of you who know me you easily know that I'm in literally like 8 rps and I have a bad habit of like starting so many different rps and joint so many different rps even though I'm in so many already and it's just omg) but don't worry! I just wanted to see if anyone had any interested in this rp I would like to do in the future.


It is an AU of the Sonic the Hedgehog series (that being said you don't need to have much knowledge of Sonic the Hedgehog other than maybe a character or two)


This AU is set in a universe where all the Sonic the Hedgehog characters are human, so you can be any Sonic character you'd like but just human version. It takes place in a post apocalyptic city now called Torrent Zone. Two years prior to the rp, vicious tsunamis and earthquakes wrecked havoc on the world and the city so now everything is plunged almost completely underwater.


So, if you're interested in this- great! I wanted to basically use this thread to talk about ideas and whatnot for the future rp. I'll mention those ideas after I hear your guys input!

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I'll likely join! Especially if it's going to be a while from now. College has me pretty busy, but hopefully soon I'll either be on break or will drop an RP (hate dropping, but I'm thinking about it.)

No problem! And that's great to hear! (Especially since no one else replied OTL)Yeah, it won't be for a little while. Plus, it gives more time to think up of ideas!

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I love books/movies/manga/tv shows or virtually ANYTHING that takes place underwater. I'M IN!

Well, it's not like completely underwater. Just imagine living in a city after a tsunami apocalypse. Basically San Andreas if you ever saw that movie with Dwayne Johnson (great movie)

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Well, it's not like completely underwater. Just imagine living in a city after a tsunami apocalypse. Basically San Andreas if you ever saw that movie with Dwayne Johnson (great movie)


hmm...im still in

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I would've wanted to join, but if it's going to be humans, I'm out. :P I'm more into being able to be something other than a human, but now this, this is showing how much everyone is trying to avoid being animals and monsters. It's okay, though! I'm not totally bashing on the idea, a Sonic RP sounds good! But it should just stay Sonic, nothing else. Continue on.


(Just saying my opinion on it. Don't mind me. :) )



Rock on!

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No problem! And that's great to hear! (Especially since no one else replied OTL)Yeah, it won't be for a little while. Plus, it gives more time to think up of ideas!

It looks like there will likely be additional interest after all. ; )  If not, we could do a 1x1 when the time comes.  Hopefully I'll get to playing Sonic Adventures before the RP takes place.


I would've wanted to join, but if it's going to be humans, I'm out. :P I'm more into being able to be something other than a human, but now this, this is showing how much everyone is trying to avoid being animals and monsters. It's okay, though! I'm not totally bashing on the idea, a Sonic RP sounds good! But it should just stay Sonic, nothing else. Continue on.(Just saying my opinion on it. Don't mind me. :) )Rock on!

Hmm, I must say that is definitely unique.  I have seen some forms of monsters being roleplayed, namely elves, demons, and so on, but each have very human characteristics.  I suppose most feel that they cannot tap into the mindset of an animal and thus effectively RP as them.  To each their own, however, and I wish you the best of luck in your RP ventures.

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It looks like there will likely be additional interest after all. ; ) If not, we could do a 1x1 when the time comes. Hopefully I'll get to playing Sonic Adventures before the RP takes place.Hmm, I must say that is definitely unique. I have seen some forms of monsters being roleplayed, namely elves, demons, and so on, but each have very human characteristics. I suppose most feel that they cannot tap into the mindset of an animal and thus effectively RP as them. To each their own, however, and I wish you the best of luck in your RP ventures.

That's always true!

I would've wanted to join, but if it's going to be humans, I'm out. :P I'm more into being able to be something other than a human, but now this, this is showing how much everyone is trying to avoid being animals and monsters. It's okay, though! I'm not totally bashing on the idea, a Sonic RP sounds good! But it should just stay Sonic, nothing else. Continue on. (Just saying my opinion on it. Don't mind me. :) )Rock on!

Well, I don't mind the idea of just having the Sonic characters regular. In many of my rps that involve video game characters, when it's an AU I say humans only because the world of the rp is a regular world. (For example, in my Roleplaying Game rp, any inhuman character had to be human because the laws of that world forbid it) I wanted to use the human rule since this is an apocalypse rp basically and I figured having them human would just make it more interesting and survival more difficult. (Also, not going to lie I absolutely love the character designs of the human Sonic characters) However, if you guys really want to just have regular Sonic characters and don't mind it, I don't see why not.

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