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Hello Kh13, I've kept up with this website's news for almost 4 years, but never actually started an account. I love the KH series and have spent many nights grinding to lv 99 just because anything lower isn't good enough!! Anyway, I'm a big pianist, songwriter, and musician, (also a huuuge Queen fan) and part of why I fell in love with making melodies is because of the influence Yoko Shimomura's music had on my early piano days. Kingdom Hearts has a special way of attaching itself to some of our deepest emotional memories, and seeing so much as Sora holding the "keyblade of people's hearts" up to his own chest, willing to forget what will become of himself and smile knowing that his sacrifice will return Kairi's heart almost forces tears of compassion! Thank you for reading, and I am glad to be here!

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New to You... That's the name of a song, isn't it? Or does it just sound like one?


Intros, right. :)


Welcome to the site!


The name's Steven, but you can call me V-mon, or Ven if you'd like. :D


I am always happy to talk to others! Feel free to send a PM (Little Envelope at top of page) to me, or a Chat Request. If you have any questions, I strongly en"courage" you ask for assistance by me, or any other members or Staff to get your questions answered quickly.



Rock on!

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