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when did you start understanding KH?

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Hello everybody, as you know KH has got a very complex story and the series itself is not simple and superficial.

So basically did you get the story immediately or did you have to replay the games or watch again the cutscenes to fully understand it? and how old were you?



what about me? back in 2006 I started playing Kingdom Hearts at the age of 9, I finished KH1 and KH2 but not understood the story so much(too young?)

Then at the age of 13 I discovered the existence of KHCoM(yes I know it took me 5 years D:) so I decided to play again KH1 then ReCoM and again KH2.

This time it was totally different, what I remembered to be a simple and normal tale magically became a complex, interesting and awesome story :D


you know what's funny? that even now after so many years I still don't know at 100% every aspect of KH and sometimes I discover some new pieces of it

Kingdom Hearts is truly one of the best game ever!

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I understood it from the start and I spend a lot of time helping people here understand it. I cannot blame people for getting confused though bc often vital plot info is provided in reports and interviews that some fans do not ever get a chance to read or just do not bother to read ( reports lol)

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Uh, from the beginning. I mean yeah, I was a little confused when playing 2 back in the day having not played CoM, but tbh they actually do explain what happened pretty well in the prologue with Roxas. Everything after that was pretty easy to understand. Except time travel of course.

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I played them as they were coming out, so I didn't miss anything of the story, and I understood everything in the order it was delivered. Like


-Ansem is a mad scientist

-In reality he is the apprentice who stole the identity of his master

-But was possessed by an evil Leonard Nimoy

-Who is actually travelling through time to gather diferent versions of himself

-Etc etc

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Since KH1. However, I lost track once I got BBS, but I soon managed to get the story fit togather again... until DDD, where they added timetraveling. If it weren't for this site, I don't think I would understand all that has happened in that game.

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i had little trouble understanding the story. BBS came along and threw me for a bit of a curve but i managed to figure out what how it worked itself into the story. then DDD came out and even though i was able to understand it, that didn't make it any easier to digest. things got a bit pants on head awesome when DDD came along and that's probably because it's the KH game given the daunting task of connecting all the previously established plot points together as well as moving the story along to set the stage for KH3. for me, DDD will forever be the black sheep of the series. 

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I started in fall 2008 when i was 13, i played the games in this order:


1. KH1(2008)

2. KH2 (2008)

3. KHReCoM (2008)

4. KH358/2 Days (2013)

5. KHBBS (2013)

6. KHReCoded (2013)

8. KH2FM (2014)


It didnt take to much for me to understand it, i will admit that i was confused when i jumped to KH2 at first.

Edited by Lulcielid

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I played KH1 and understood the story, but I didn't play CoM. So when I jumped into KH2 like a lot of people did I was confused about who Roxas was and why Sora was sleep. After Playing BBS is when I really started to understand the story

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More like when did you STOP understanding KH :U


I've always been able to understand it for the most part. Mostly it's a matter of remembering what things happen when, since the series is presented out of chronological order, and loves throwing in random flashbacks.

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In my case, I have to say that I slowly began to have a bigger understanding of the story of Kingdom Hearts when I started to play the other games! (KHII was my first, KH1 my second, and Chain Of Memories my third.)  I had many questions in my head about what was going on, but luckily, since I love to read, I read all the Ansem/Secret Ansem Reports in the numbered entries, and I read everything else in the other games too.  Plus, linking the games together by playing them chronologically was also a huge plus for me!  To this day, I can honestly say that I understand the story of the series quite much!  That's not to say that I understand it completely though.  Even now, there are some things I see fans post here that surprise me!  I'm glad that the story always provides mysteries and keeps you guessing! :3


Kingdom Hearts is the best! :D

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I started to really understand after I played BbS (after I played 358/2 Days as my first game) and watched all the cutscenes of KH, Re: CoM, and KH2. It seems that if you know BbS, the rest is quite easy to get. Well, once KHX is completed and KHUX is released around the world and completed and after HD2.8 is released and you see KHXBC, the rest is easy to understand.

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It didn't take me that long. Because of how dedicated and how much I wanted to know the story, I would spend everyday trying to understand the lore of Kingdom Hearts. So, probably after Kingdom Hearts 2 is when I did my research and went deeper into the story. It took me about 2 years to finally understand the whole story.  It was that long, mainly because I was playing Birth By Sleep at the time, and that just confused me even more. With Kingdom Hearts 2 I wasn't understanding the whole concept of Nobodies. 


Tip: What helped me understand the story of Kingdom Hearts was reading the Ansem Reports. They explained SO many questions that I had been wondering and was confused about.

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Play Kingdom Heart 1 when I was like 10 or 11 and I understood the story. Than play Kingdom Hearts 2 and understood the story, only thing I was confused about was why Sora, Donald, and Goofy was asleep for a year. I pretty much understood about Roxas in KH2 but they still didn't go full detail on him. Like Roxas being a member in the Organization 13, being best friends with Axel, and him betraying the Organization 13 (Thank God for 358/2 Days!). But other than that I pretty understood it, then I play Chain of Memories on my gameboy advance because I wanted to know why Sora, Donald, and Goofy fell asleep for a year before KH2 and I understood KH1, Chain of Memories, and KH2. Than 358/2 Days came out in 2009 I understood the story but I didn't understood why Roxas was able to see Xion's face while the other characters only see Xion wearing her hood. Then after that I found the KH13 website (took me 3 years to sign in) and I read all of Nomura's interviews on 358/2 Days and I understood why some characters only see Xion wearing her hood while Roxas, Axel, Namine, and Riku see Xion's face. And long story short after Birth by Sleep, Re:Coded, and Dream Drop Distance came out I just Nomura's interviews to fully understand the KH story after I play each new Kingdom Hearts game. I pretty much understand the story now.

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Honestly, as soon as I began I picked up relatively easy.


I started with KH2FM, as I had saw some videos from a person named foxsundance and he really keened my interest for trying that game out first. I was pretty young, so I never bothered to understand the plot. After that, I played KH1 and started from there, which made it pretty easy to understand, especially with JPBBS releasing a little later after I got into the series to clear up the hazy areas.

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I played the Kingdom Hearts games in the weirdest order possible,so the series was very confusing to me at first,I started with 358 Days then BBS,then KH2,COM,KH1,ReCoded and even after rewatching cutscenes numerous times on the Internet there were still some things I didn't understand.I started understanding KH a couple years after I joined this site,probably around 2011 or 2012 because a lot of members would clarify some of the more confusing aspects in the series and I saw quotes from Nomura and stuff and now aside from time travel I think I fully understand KH.


There are still some minor things I don't understand like how Roxas got two keyblade,some people say its from Ventus and others say its from Xion and I don't get how Sora is the Keyblade chosen one when so many other characters have keyblades as well or why did Riku lost his Keyblade because of the darkness in his heart but Xehanort can still use his keyblade despite being pure evil or why Master Xehanort came back in KH3D instead of Terranort or how come Young Xehanort say that Ansem is Xehanort reduced to just a heart,I always though heartless were people who lost their heart like Sora at the end of the first game or how come Young Xehanort can time travel when you have to leave your body behind to time travel or something.

Edited by Isaix

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Despite being a huge kingdom hearts fan since the release of kh2, I was only 9-10 years old so I didn't understand the whole story in depth.But when I got older, especially after the release of Birth by Sleep, I understood it completely.

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