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Angel Dominguez

Star Wars Fits Perfectly With KH

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Nope, still don't want Star Wars in my Kingdom Hearts: That's like putting an Ice Cream Sundae on top of a Maccaroni Pizza!

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That music was nice, really nice. But I still don't want Star Wars or Marvel (the Cinematic Universe one) in the Kingdom Hearts series at all. But I don't care anymore because if Nomura does decide to add Star Wars or Marvel in the Kingdom Hearts series than he should add it after Kingdom Hearts 3. Because I want the new Kingdom Hearts saga to have a fresh new story and have less convolute.

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Honestly, Star Wars fits perfectly into Kingdom Hearts, because KH basically is Star Wars. I mean, light & darkness are themes of both, jedi and keyblade masters are basically the same, Xehanort is pretty much palpatine combined with voldemort. Keyblades are lightsabers. They fit perfectly. Even their visual styles could blend, considering how weird Star Wars already is with the aliens and stuff. A talking duck, dog, and kid with giant hair wouldn't stand out THAT much.


Literally the only reason not to have it is the fact that to do it justice you'd have to go to multiple worlds for most of the movies, and make that world longer than most. I wouldn't see any harm in items, secret bosses, or summons from the movies, though.

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i thought there was going to be an actual argument in support of a Star Wars world in KH. 

sure the moment may seem cool in your head but how are we supposed to get to that moment in a game? it has to work within the context of the story or else it'll feel like we're playing through a bad fan-fiction cross over between Kingdom Hearts and Star Wars. i'll say that i wouldn't want to see a Star Wars world in KH3, but if SE has to put in a Star Wars or Marvel themed world, just do it in the next saga

Edited by Headphone Jack

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Nope, still don't want Star Wars in my Kingdom Hearts: That's like putting an Ice Cream Sundae on top of a Maccaroni Pizza!

It's not yours. If they put SW in Kingdom Hearts, more power to them. Edited by Kaweebo

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I don't like Star Wars. I tried watching the movies before, but I found them utterly boring.


I know this is purely subjective. I don't care. I don't want something as boring as star wars to be in something as amazing as Kingdom Hearts.

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I don't like Star Wars too. Maybe I would like it as a world in KH3. I'm not against the idea and to be honest, I don't understand those people who dislike it.


I don't care about other opinions anyway, because Star Wars will be in KH sooner or later.

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I'm going to say this right now.  I am a huge Star Wars fan.  I've always been so since I was a little kid, and I had to admit that at first, I found the idea of Star Wars being in Kingdom Hearts to be somewhat strange.  But over time, I've warmed up to the possibility of Star Wars one day making an appearance in a Kingdom Hearts game, and when the time comes that it does, I'm pretty sure that it's gonna end up being awesome!  Nomura once said he's a huge fan of Star Wars, so if he managed to include it in Kingdom Hearts, I'm sure he'd be able to do the property justice!  (Taylor Davis's rendition of Duel Of The Fates was amazing, just wanted to put that there!)


Damn, imagining Yoko Shimomura compose a majestic theme like Duel Of The Fates would definitely send chills down my spine! X_X


But yeah, I'm warming up to Star Wars being in Kingdom Hearts, so let's see what happens in the future! :3

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It's not yours. If they put SW in Kingdom Hearts, more power to them.


I love Star Wars, but if you put Star Wars in Kingdom Hearts 3: two things will happen.


1) The Disney Animation worlds will be undermined because everybody geeks out over Star Wars.


2) The Star Wars is too rich to condense it to one world. Sure, some of the Disney worlds have heavy lore, however, they're not as long-lived and pop-culture relevant as Star Wars. Star Wars was it's own franchise that defined Lucasfilm as an indipendant company before Bob Iger's purchase.

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I love Star Wars, but if you put Star Wars in Kingdom Hearts 3: two things will happen.


1) The Disney Animation worlds will be undermined because everybody geeks out over Star Wars.


2) The Star Wars is too rich to condense it to one world. Sure, some of the Disney worlds have heavy lore, however, they're not as long-lived and pop-culture relevant as Star Wars. Star Wars was it's own franchise that defined Lucasfilm as an indipendant company before Bob Iger's purchase.

Maybe they would. I still want to see it. And seeing as how Disney doesn't own any of the rights to the original films or the prequels right now, they'd have a limited supply to adapt from anyway. I'm fine with not seeing everything SW adapted into KH. I just wouldn't mind seeing a small piece of it.

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Maybe they would. I still want to see it. And seeing as how Disney doesn't own any of the rights to the original films or the prequels right now, they'd have a limited supply to adapt from anyway. I'm fine with not seeing everything SW adapted into KH. I just wouldn't mind seeing a small piece of it.


The thing is, making condensing Star Wars is going to infuriate Star Wars fans as it undermines the lore of Star Wars, so in that logic: it's all self-defeating which is why I cannot see Star Wars working as a "world" for Kingdom Hearts 3!

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The thing is, making condensing Star Wars is going to infuriate Star Wars fans as it undermines the lore of Star Wars, so in that logic: it's all self-defeating which is why I cannot see Star Wars working as a "world" for Kingdom Hearts 3!

It won't infuriate me, I don't care. If they do it, cool. Everybody else will either have to suck it up and play along or leave. If not, no harm done.


If it helps, I don't really think SW will be included anyway, for probably all the reasons you've come up with. I still wouldn't mind it if it was. 

Edited by Kaweebo

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