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Naruto Roleplay Interest Check

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Hey guys it's Utopia!


For some time, before I took a break from KH, I've been trying to get a Naruto Roleplay going, but no one seemed to join...


This thread is just to see who's interested in one at the moment...


Also, If you are interested, please, please, PLEASE give me advice on what you would like to see in a Naruto Role-play

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Hmm well naruto is one of those shows with a gigantic universe and plenty of the world is already constructed. It'd be pretty interesting for sure and i've had a similar idea in the past


I'd sign up btw


Also about what you'd or generally stuff that would fit into naruto:


I'll divide this into several points

1 chakra and jutsu

2 the starting point

3 ranks

4 ninja tools 

5 spirit animals

6 clans


first off the whole chakra thing is a bit problematic as people would have to be limited or have extensive knowledge on it

for example swift style and a personal favorite steel style are a little more complex in nature

Posted Image

also you'd need some sort of limit on your jutsu and for the love of god no teachniques like kyubi mode, sage mode and 8 gates cuz that's really anoying

also i'd say personally created jutsu should be in the majority and not be overpowered (shikamaru for example uses very few jutsu but ends up a total badass)

but even those need a limit


secondly i'd like to say some stuff about the setting

(an in depth look) http://www.leafninja.com/country.php

a general look

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I'd say it'd be smart to chose just 1 country and konoha may be the obvious choice but personally i feel like the hidden star village and the hidden sky village need more love but konoha is fine (albeit a little generic)



Next is the start: I'd say pretty much everyone starts as genin maybe 1 or 2 chunin and if it's really necissary i'd even throw in a sanin but let's face it: you don't wanna have a group where everyone is from anbu or everyone is a sanin that's just dull it's much beter to have a group progress, hit walls and eventually become overpowered badasses



Ninja tools are a must. Everyone loved kakashi's blade, sasuke's blade and honestly i really like all the miscellaneous tools and strange techniques that are used at times. Examples are like the second kage's sword and the chakra weapons kazuma used. Also by strange techniques there are things that don't really need chakra like the bat communication technique

I know the main plot is about tailed beasts but i'd leave them out of this. It's dull when you have these all mighty beings in someone's character. It's fine if it's an enemy or better yet a target but really i'd avoid it. Same goes for curse marks and a ton of stuff like that (I already mentioned the 8 gates)



Spirits and spirit animals are another thing. For example gamma bunta is the trump card of some ninja i'd say yes to all animal contracts and definitely have familiar like creatures



finally clans and bloodline limits. In naruto there are several and i'd say let anyone who wants have it but with it they should not expect a fully functional mangekyosharingan or worse a susanowoo I even encurage clans but some should be thought about twice before actually allowed

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Hm.. I see.. I definitely like these ideas you've given me. Thank you for taking time out to type all of that! I have noted your ideas and you will see a lot of them in the RP if it starts!

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Hmm well naruto is one of those shows with a gigantic universe and plenty of the world is already constructed. It'd be pretty interesting for sure and i've had a similar idea in the past


I'd sign up btw


Also about what you'd or generally stuff that would fit into naruto:


I'll divide this into several points

1 chakra and jutsu

2 the starting point

3 ranks

4 ninja tools 

5 spirit animals

6 clans


first off the whole chakra thing is a bit problematic as people would have to be limited or have extensive knowledge on it

for example swift style and a personal favorite steel style are a little more complex in nature

Posted Image

also you'd need some sort of limit on your jutsu and for the love of god no teachniques like kyubi mode, sage mode and 8 gates cuz that's really anoying

also i'd say personally created jutsu should be in the majority and not be overpowered (shikamaru for example uses very few jutsu but ends up a total badass)

but even those need a limit


secondly i'd like to say some stuff about the setting

(an in depth look) http://www.leafninja.com/country.php

a general look

Posted Image



I'd say it'd be smart to chose just 1 country and konoha may be the obvious choice but personally i feel like the hidden star village and the hidden sky village need more love but konoha is fine (albeit a little generic)



Next is the start: I'd say pretty much everyone starts as genin maybe 1 or 2 chunin and if it's really necissary i'd even throw in a sanin but let's face it: you don't wanna have a group where everyone is from anbu or everyone is a sanin that's just dull it's much beter to have a group progress, hit walls and eventually become overpowered badasses



Ninja tools are a must. Everyone loved kakashi's blade, sasuke's blade and honestly i really like all the miscellaneous tools and strange techniques that are used at times. Examples are like the second kage's sword and the chakra weapons kazuma used. Also by strange techniques there are things that don't really need chakra like the bat communication technique

I know the main plot is about tailed beasts but i'd leave them out of this. It's dull when you have these all mighty beings in someone's character. It's fine if it's an enemy or better yet a target but really i'd avoid it. Same goes for curse marks and a ton of stuff like that (I already mentioned the 8 gates)



Spirits and spirit animals are another thing. For example gamma bunta is the trump card of some ninja i'd say yes to all animal contracts and definitely have familiar like creatures



finally clans and bloodline limits. In naruto there are several and i'd say let anyone who wants have it but with it they should not expect a fully functional mangekyosharingan or worse a susanowoo I even encurage clans but some should be thought about twice before actually allowed


Are you cool with a 1x1?

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