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Hey everybody

So i decided to rewatch the trailer for 2.8 again. I completely forgot that there was some footage from KHIII at the beginning. And recently I've started learning japanese and so I decided to take a look at the command menu. The first 3 are all normal; Attack, Magic and, Items. But the final one confused me. Its "summons." I was wondering if anyone else caught this. Or, what this means for KH3 since we havent seen any summons yet. Or maybe it is just a place holder. Just thought I'd bring it up.

Edited by khdude214

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Summons ARE confirmed to be in the game. But like everybody is saying here, the Command Menu's current form is a place holder, so either the appearance or placement of commands may change in the future. It would make sense if it stays in this orientation though, it would be consistent with the layout in KH2 and the change they made to the Command Menu in KH 1.5, both of which having Summons be a separate Command rather than listed with other spells in Magic. Anyway, hopefully whatever changes they make to the Command Menu in the future, I hope that we can have the option to use the menu as it is now, kind of like how KH2 had the option to switch between KH1 and KH2 styles of menus. It just has a nice sleek modern design to me, fitting for a PS4 title. But I would still like to have a menu that changes with the worlds you're in. And if there's anything like command styles/link styles or even with the Drive Forms it would awesome to see the Command Menu change into themes for each of those too!

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Summons are confirmed to be the Disney Land/World rides, and this was confirmed long ago, I find it strange that no one has said that yet. Also, the commands are placeholders, if you look at it well, you'll see that the command menu's cursor doesn't move at all, which proves it.

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Summons are confirmed to be the Disney Land/World rides, and this was confirmed long ago, I find it strange that no one has said that yet. Also, the commands are placeholders, if you look at it well, you'll see that the command menu's cursor doesn't move at all, which proves it.

Those are called Attraction Flow, the Summons are confirmed to be Disney characters again.

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