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General Computer / Tech Help Discussion Thread

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Can I upgrade windows 7 32 bit to windows 10 64 bit? Can i or will it just be 32 bit ver of windows 10?

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You have to check your computer properties if you have a 32 bit operating system or a 64 bit operating system.  Downloading a new OS won't magically change it to 64 bit if it's only capable of 32.  

This PC(/My Computer) > Right Click > Properties Under System it'll say.


You should note that Windows 10 has a ton of tracking software to "improve your experience".  

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It would be wise not to upgrade if you have 4 or less than 4 GB of RAM. I believe Windows 10 64 bit requires 2 GB which is a lot of resources. It should be possible to upgrade from Windows 7 32 bit, but if not then save all your files and do a clean install.

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