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Neku Sakuraba

KHBbS How did this happen?

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In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, at the beginning of the end of Aqua's story, she is raided by a swarm of Unversed. But, coming to the rescue is Terra's Earthshaker and Ventus' Wayward a Wind. But how?


Terra's keyblade is currently at the Keyblade Graveyard, accompanied by the Lingering Will, and from what we can see, Ventus' keyblade shattered after the fight with Vanitas. If these were the case, how could they have shown up? Also, why would Terra's keyblade change only to go back to Ends of Earth?


If you have any comments, theories, facts, or general I put, place them in the replies below, so we can help find this answer.

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They are just manifestations of the Hearts of her friends going there to help her. I don't see problem with Ventus' WW manifestating and dissapearing after that, and Terra's EoE probably reverts to its weak form if he isn't wielding it. It probably left the Lingering Will to go help Aqua, then return to him

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In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, at the beginning of the end of Aqua's story, she is raided by a swarm of Unversed. But, coming to the rescue is Terra's Earthshaker and Ventus' Wayward a Wind. But how?Terra's keyblade is currently at the Keyblade Graveyard, accompanied by the Lingering Will, and from what we can see, Ventus' keyblade shattered after the fight with Vanitas. If these were the case, how could they have shown up? Also, why would Terra's keyblade change only to go back to Ends of Earth?If you have any comments, theories, facts, or general I put, place them in the replies below, so we can help find this answer.


The keyblade that's in the Keyblade Graveyard is Ends of Earth and the one that went to help Aqua was Earthshaker. Also, those were Heartless, not Unversed.


How did it happen? No idea, it's probably just a scene trying to show how all 3 are still conected, you shouldn't think too much about it.

Edited by Xamtehwt Trece

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Keyblades can exist in more than one place at a time. This is shown by Roxas and Sora both being active and wielding the Keyblade for several weeks before Sora went to sleep. Both where using Sora's Keyblade at the same time.

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it's like a physical manifestation of their hearts, in the form of keyblades. makes sense since keyblades are tied to the user's heart. it's just trying to show how her friend's hearts are with her and they have strength through friendship and all that jazz. 

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