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Azure Flame

Pokemon: A new Beginning in Johto

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Strike smirked and thought in his head, "Healing both of us, she really is new to battling." Out loud he said, "Okay now Zoda, move in with a Crush Claw attack!" Strike said as Zoda then showed sharp, hard claws and went in to slash Chikorita.

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Chikorita was hit, hard and landed on the ground. It stood back up and readied an attack. "Uh. Chikorita what are you doing! I didn't give out a command!" The pokemon ignored her and charged towards the Cyndaquil with a tackle attack.

Edited by NEX

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The Chikorita charged again taking the flaming attack but clearly sustaining major damage. Another Tackle attack heads straight for Cyndaquil. Alexis tries to get the grass type pokemon to stop.

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This time, however, Zoda got hit and was pushed backwards by the attack. "Zoda, are you okay?" Strike asked as Zoda faced his and nodded yes and turned back to face Chikorita. "Okay, let's calm down that Chikorita with your powerful move! Use Extrasensory!!!!" Strike said as Zoda then used an unseeable attack on Chikorita.

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The Chikorita flinches from the psychic attack and is staggered but still being healed by the Terrain. "Chikorita listen up! We need rebalance this fight! Use Synthesis!"


The grass type backed away and began to glow as it took in the light of the sun

Edited by NEX

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Alexis watched as the attack hit and Chikorita flew back once more. skidding across the ground and coming to a stop. Defeated. "I-Its over.... I lose..."

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Adam seemed to ignore James as he watched Strike and Alexis battle. He payed close attention to the rather disobedient Chikorita. As he saw the one-sided battle come to a close he walked up to the two of them and looked over at Alexis. "Of course you lost. I don't mean to sound so harsh but you had absolutely no rhythm or even control during the battle. Of course Im one to talk a lot of us probably only know how to battle through others. We are young so we probably are mimicking the trainers we watched on TV or maybe even seen in the gyms if any of you were like me and had a gym in your town." He was now speaking to everyone at this point, but then returned his attention to Alexis. "However being good at battling isn't the only thing that makes us who we are, taking good care of your pokemon is also something that will define us as trainers. Now c'mon I think Professor Elm has a machine we can use to heal up your Chikorita." He looked at Strike. "You too." he said as he walked towards the lab. "Oh." he looked around. "Im going to leave Rex out here to run around a bit longer so would you guys mind watching him for me while we are inside?" he asked James, Chuck, and Kor.

Edited by Unto The abyss

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''My name is James!'' He said happely to Chuck and Kor. ''And this little guy is Blaze.''

''What are your names?'' James asked while he keeps trying to get Blaze to calm down.

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Alexis looks at the boy who appeared to have went on a tangent. "Um... Ok." She muttered as she recalled Chikorita. She looked towards Strike and shrugged before following Adam back into the Lab.

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(Fixed. Also sorry about that. I think I'm beggining to grasp on how Roleplaying here works. It's really slow paced but it does make sense.

What I can't understand is how you can make long enough posts while keeping it small enough so that you don't "control" another's character.)



Tei ran inside the Pokemon Center and quickly ran to the counter on the other side of the entrance, showing his injured Pokemon to the pink-haired nurse behind it.

"Can you help him?" Tei asked full of worry. Meanwhile, the nurse offered him a smile.

"Of course. Just put your Pokemon back to its Pokeball and we can offer him a quick recovery." She kindly answered.

Tei obliged and offered his Pokemon to the nurse.

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Strike thought Adam was being a bit stubborn with his words to Alexis, but Strike didn't say anything. Strike just looked at Zoda. "Well okay, let's heal you as well. Back in the Pokeball for then?" Strike said as he tried to put Zoda in his ball only to have Zoda slap it away. "What? You don't like being in the Pokeball? Well okay then, I won't force you into doing anything." Strike said as Zoda smiled and said "Quil" at Strike. Strike took Zoda into his arms and walked back into the Pokemon Lab.

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Adam lead the two inside. "How rude of me. I haven't told you my name yet." he said as he turned around to face them. "Its Adam." he said as he pointed towards a rather large machine. "I believe thats it. Well I'll go ask the professor how to run it. In the mean time you two should place your Pokeballs containing your Pokemon in the machine." Adam then walked off to talk to the professor.

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Strike looked at Adam before he walked off. "But Zoda doesn't want to go into its Pokeball." Strike told Adam as he was walking off. Strike knew there must be a way to heal Zoda without him being in the Pokeball, because Strike wasn't going to force Zoda into it's Pokeball.

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"Dont worry about it once my pokemon is healed up I have a move we can use on him." Alexis smiled. "Although I suppose I should give her a name..." Muttered Alexis. "I think I know what name to give her."

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(Angel, the way I try to write is a way that doesnt control others but still is full of enough information for the others to run off of and continue. That and having it make sense.)



Adam returned after being told what to do. "Alright are the two of you ready?" He asked as he walked up to the machine and waited for a pokeball to be placed in it.

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Ashley leaned into it, making happy noises as she was pet. "Yeah when I saw her I just knew she was the one to pick." Chuck said. "So, the three of us are going to travel together, wanna join us?"

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Alexis nodded and placed her pokeball in the machine. "Alright then. Begin the healing process please." She smiles

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Strike looked at Adam, "Zoda is not a Pokeball Pokemon, so we will just have to heal him with Chikorita's help. I would never force this guy into doing anything he didn't want to do." Strike told Adam as he and Zoda waited until they could get help themselves without having to use a Pokeball.

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"Understandable..." he said as he pressed a few buttons and the machine whirred to life. "It'll take a few minutes. So why don't we pass the time with small talk. where are the two of you from" he asks clearly out of his element.

Edited by Unto The abyss

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"I am from Ecruteak City, right here in Johto. But, my family actually moved here before I was born from Kalos. They came here to learn more about the old legends of Johto, both Lugia and Ho-Oh's stories. And since I grew up learning about and being around the Burnt Tower itself, I have developed a liking to Raikou and I would actually like to meet it someday, as that is why I am starting this journey. I figure if I go out and explore the region, I might actually come across it." Strike told the group.

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