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Azure Flame

Pokemon: A new Beginning in Johto

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Here it was, at long last, New Bark Town! Charles North, who preferred to be called Chuck, had finally arrived at his long awaited destination. Here he would receive his first Pokémon and start his journey as a Pokémon Trainer! He was so excited! As he approached Prof. Elm's lab, he found a bunch of other kids like himself, here to receive their first Pokémon as well. He went inside and approached the Professor.

"Hello young man, are you here for your first Pokémon?" Prof. Elm asked.


"Yes sir, my name is Charles North and I'm ready to start my journey as a Pokémon Trainer!" Chuck replied, a big smile on his face. "But please, call me Chuck."


"Oh, so you're Pryce's grandson!" Prof. Elm said, turning around to where three Pokeballs sat. One by one he threw them, and a Pokémon popped out of each. "You have three choices." he said. "Chikorita." he gestured to one with a leaf on it's head. "Cyndaquil." gesturing to the one with flames coming out of it's back. "Or Totodile." gesturing to the one standing on it's hind legs with spikes coming out of it's back.


Chuck looked them over and noticed something odd about the Cyndaquil. "Professor, aren't Cyndaquil normally blue? Why is this one red?"


"Well Chuck, some Pokémon may appear as an alternate color. It is a very rare occurrence, though it doesn't effect the Pokémon in any way other than it's appearance." Prof. Elm replied.


Chuck nodded, with a smile on his face as he decided which Pokémon he wanted. "Alright Professor, I would like to choose Cyndaquil as my partner."


"Alright Chuck." Prof. Elm said, grabbing Cyndaquil's Pokeball and recalling it before handing it to Chuck with a Pokedex. "Would you like to give a nickname to her?"


"Her?" Chuck asked.


"Yes, this Cyndaquil happens to be a female." Prof. Elm replied.


Chuck let Cyndaquil out of her ball and picked her up, looking at her for a bit. "I think I'll call you Ashley." he said, smiling. "Cyn!" the Cyndaquil replied, happily nuzzling his face. He laughed and returned her to her Pokeball. "Thank you Professor!" he said, before heading out of the lab.

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Kor was seen leaning on a wall in the lab, with his arms folded. He was thinking what to choose as his first Pokemon. It didn't matter who he picked, as it was the thought that counted. He smiled as he thought of something. He looked towards the Pokeballs, smiling. He had something in mind for his first Pokemon. "I have made my choice for this." Thought Kor, mentally thinking to himself in his head.

Edited by KHLegendIII

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Adam was standing at a distance from the other children. He had thought of his choice as he hiked here. He noticed that he looked extremely rough compared to the others due to his long travel with limited chances to take care of his appearance often only using small puddles as a mirror. However it were those puddles that helped him pick his first pokemon. He watched the newcomer select his pokemon, an unusually colored Cyndaquil. He looked over at the child leaning against the lab wall. (Kor)


<He looks like he has decided as well...> Thought Adam to himself. as he looked at the 5 empty poke balls on his belt. He then looked up from where he sat and spoke "I too have decided."

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While thinking about what pokemon he should pick he saw a Cyndaquill and had a connection with him already. ''I'll take him!'' he said loudly.


''That one? Are you sure about that?'' Professor Elm said. ''This one is quite stubborn.''


That's a challenge I'll have to accept than!'' he said while laughing. ''I'll name him... Blaze!''

Trying to get Blaze in his Pokeball he seems to be refusing. ''Already starting?'' He asked while looking annoyed at Blaze. '' I guess you will have to walk besides my than..'' James Quickly changed mood though as he was excited to begin his pokemon journey!

Edited by Nmovies11

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The alarm clock went off but that wasn't necessary since Tei had already woken up, some time ago, due to his excitement of finally getting his first Pokemon.
Life had been tough this last year, due to his parents's constant arguements and their getting divorced, but everything was finally getting put aside for something that would make the days to come a lot more fun. Or at least fun.
Swiftly, Tei ran down the stairs and instantly sat on the table. Breakfast was ready.
"You're up early." Tei's aunt, Vicky, noticed with a smile on her face since she was fully aware of the reasoning behind this unusual behavior. An average height woman with short blond hair that reached the back of her neck and green eyes.
"I sure am. I'm finally getting my first Pokemon! You know I-"
"You would have gotten your first Pokemon back in Kanto from Professor Oak, you would have picked Charmander but things changed and you had to move here, I know, I know." Aunt Vicky didn't even let Tei finish. She had heard the story a millon times after all and new every single word. She preffered to shorten it a bit though, to avoid using too many large sentences.
"I thought it was rude to interupt someone." Tei pouted as he took a few bites of the omelet on the plate right in front of him.
For the longest time, Tei had to follow certain rules which his strict mother had applied. Ever since he started living with his aunt, things had become a lot more...Free.
"It actually is but, like it or not, I grew tired of your little story." Aunt Vicky admitted.
"I appreciate your honesty!" Tei said and finished his breakfast.
In an instant, he was up and reaching for his backpack.
He checked himself on the mirror one last time and quickly ran outside with a shout. "See ya, aunt Vicky!"
"Be careful!" She shouted back.
A soft breeze, coming from the window, hit her face as a warm smile lit it up. "It feels like it was just yesterday..."
It wasn't a long run from Cherrygrove City to New Bark Town but by the time Tei got there he was almost out of breath.
He didn't care though. He had made it there and he was finally going to get his first Pokemon.
"Hello there! I'm Professor Elm." A man with short brown hair, dressed in a lab coat and wearing glasses, greeted happily. "I assume you're here for your first Pokemon."
"That I am, sir. Can I see the Pokemon please?" Tei performed a short bow and impatiantly waited for the Professor to reveal the 3 starter Pokemon. One of them would be his partner and best friend.
"You sure can. Here they are!" The professor sent out 3 pokemon one at a time, giving some intel on them too.
Chikorita, the Leaf Pokemon. Grass Type.
Cyndaquil, the Fire Mouse Pokemon. Fire Type.
Totodile, the Big Jaw Pokemon. Water Type.
"Cyndaquil!" Tei instantly chose. He had already planned for this some time ago. It was a hard choice which took days to make but in the end Cyndaquil seemed like the best option. The Pokemon looked really cute and cool, at the same time!
The pokemon let out a growl of happiness and climbed on the shoulder of its new trainer. Meanwhile the two remaining ones looked a bit dissapointed for not getting chosen. It broke Tei's heart. If he could he would gladly train all three of them but that was not how things worked.
"Great choice. Would you like to name him?" Professor Elm asked.
"Hmm..." Tei was sceptical for some time. He hadn't planned this far ahead. In the end, with his lack of creativity he finally came up with one. "Quill!"
"I see..." The Professor raised an eyebrow but Tei's new pokemon let out another happy sound. "Well, I hope you have a fun journey. Good luck!"

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Edited by AngelTheWeirdStranger

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(Tei isn't the first to show up, Chuck and James have both already gotten their Pokémon, and Kor and Adam are about to pick theirs as well. Also, there isn't anything for Elm to tell us as we aren't a special group that was specifically called there, we're all just a bunch of random kids who all came to start their journey. We don't even have to group up if we don't want to. Also, please use a smaller font, it's messing with my eyes, with the contrast betweenyours and the font sizes of everyone else.)

Edited by Azure Flame

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Kor walked over, and looked at Totodile. He could tell that this was the one he wanted, as he could tell on how it could do. He smiled at the Totodile, and pointed towards it. "I choose a Totodile, sir." Said Kor, talking to Professor Elm. Professor Elm looked at Kor when he said that. "Are you sure? This Totodile... May not be too friendly.. It tried to bite my head this morning when I tried to feed it." Said Professor Elm, talking to Kor. Kor looked on at the Totodile, who was growling at him, and nodded. "Of course, I think I'm capable of training this Totodile, I want make friends with any Pokemon." Said Kor, talking to Professor Elm. Professor Elm looked at Kor in concern, but smiled wholeheartedly. "Okay then, I won't make you change your mind, very well, then. Just be careful with him." Said Professor Elm, talking to Kor. Kor nodded, and went to pick up the Totodile, who kept growling at them, as Kor slowly and carefully picked him up with his Pokeball in hand, and took a Pokedex, and five Pokeballs from Professor Elm.

Edited by KHLegendIII

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(Tei isn't the first to show up, Chuck and James have both already gotten their Pokémon, and Kor and Adam are about to pick theirs as well. Also, there isn't anything for Elm to tell us as we aren't a special group that was specifically called there, we're all just a bunch of random kids who all came to start their journey. We don't even have to group up if we don't want to. Also, please use a smaller font, it's messing with my eyes, with the contrast betweenyours and the font sizes of everyone else.)


(Because you mentioned that, when Chuck entered the lab there were already kids like him there, I assumed that I could write about being one of those kids who arrived earlier. I guess I made it too early. I'll try to change it tomorrow. [Fixed]

My bad, I thought we were going with the Pokedex, and Pokemon Research thing but once again, I messed up again. [Fixed]

Okay, I don't mind grouping up with someone.

Sorry about the font. I fixed it.


Sorry for all that. First time roleplaying on these Forums. Still trying to learn how things work.

But I shouldn't excuse myself.

Sorry for everything.)

Edited by AngelTheWeirdStranger

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(It's ok. I just meant there were kids outside the lab waiting to enter. Since my post was the first, Chuck was the first to enter and receive a Pokémon, everyone else came in after.)

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Adam stood up and smirked at Kor "Similar thoughts I suppose." he says as he picks up one of the Pokeballs containing a Totodile. "An aggressive Pokemon like this is perfect for me..." he said. 


"You too?" said Professor Elm as Adam looked at the pokeball.


"Yeah. Positive" he opened the pokeball and from the flash of light appeared the small blue crocodile. "From this day forward your gonna be my partner, hmmm lets get you a name." he looked at the Pokemon for some time. every now and then it snapped at his fingers when he tried to pet it on the head. he smiled. "How about Rex....." he said, finally getting a hold of the blue Pokemon after it latched onto his hand. he winced when it happened, but still smiled. "It means King. and I named you that because I have the feeling you will be as powerful as a king." The pokemon seemed to let go after listening to Adam, looking at his kind face. 


'Here you will need this." said the Professor as he handed Adam a pokedex. 


"Thank you" Adam said still sitting on the floor with the Totodile in his arms. 

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James Strike was seen walking into the Pokemon Laboratory. His black hair was styled nicely to impress the professor. Elm walked over to Strike and smiled at him, causing Strike to do the same. "Hello, and welcome to my laboratory. I am Professor Elm, the main Pokemon professor in Johto. Please come this way to pick out your starter Pokemon." Elm said walking Strike to the back to get his starter. Elm then showed Strike all the choices. Strike looked them over, Chikorita was acting like it had an attitude problem, Totodile looked like it was trying too hard to be the center of attention, and lastly Cyndaquil was being shy and looked scared, but looked like it was actually a very loving and caring Pokemon. Strike picked Cyndaquil up and pet it, while smiling at it. "I shall call you Zoda. Its a shorten down version of a spelling of Prince." Strike said with a smile. Elm nodded, "What a fine name for a fine Pokemon. I hope you two grow together and learn from each other. Here is Zoda's pokeball, five extra pokeballs, and your pokedex. I recommend you go travel the region battling gyms, its a good way to grow, and maybe you will find Raikou, Mr. Strike." Elm said with a smile. Strike took the items and wondered how Elm knew who he was. "How did you know that?" Strike asked confused. Elm smiled, "Your father called not too long ago and told me who you were and why you wanted to travel. And if you will let me, I will give you my phone number so you can call me at any time, and if I find anything out I will tell you." Elm said as Strike smiled and gave Elm the phone. Elm put his number in Strike's phone and handed the phone back to Strike. Strike smiled as he pick Zoda back up, after he had put him down to recieved the items from Elm. With Zoda in Strike's arms, Strike smiled at Elm, thanked him for everything and left the lab.

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Alexis was running as fast as she could to New Bark Town. She had woken up late and felt that she would miss out on her chance for her first Pokemon. "How could I let this happen!! I set three alarms and everything!!" she whined as she bolted down Route 29. Eventually she reached New Bark Town and headed straight for the Professor's lab as she reached out for the door, it opened and she crashed into the boy who was exiting the building with a Cyndaquil.

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Strike was pushed backwards by the crash and Zoda let out an Ember attack at Alexis as Zoda was frightened from the crash. "What's the big idea?!? Who in the world just did that to me?" Strike asked aloud.

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Alexis shakes nervously as the ember nearly missed her. "uh.... I-Im sorry." She whined absolutely horrified by the flames that nearly scorched her. "I-Im just here to get my first pokemon." She muttered nervously.

Edited by NEX

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Rose Gold, simply just Rose. She had been on a boat for what seemed to be FOREVER. 

Rose tapped her foot impatiently as the boat sailed, and not even ten miunets later, it arrived near New Bark Town.

She had to get away from her parents, and start her journey in Johto.

She knew exactly what pokemon she was going to get too. The beautiful Chikorita. 

She at least hoped her Chikorita was a girl...though having a boy wouldn't be horrible.

She rushed into the Pokemon lab. 

"ARE YOU PROFESSOR ELM?! I HAVE CAME TO OBTAIN CHIKORITA!" she exclaimed, pointing at the old man. 

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Strike got up and noticed that the voice was coming from a brown haired girl. "Oh, I'm sorry as well, miss. And don't worry about Zoda here, he just got scared, he is a shy thing, but I am sure he has a caring heart. My name is James Strike, people call me Strike. I actually just got Zoda and was about to leave on my journey. Maybe I should see which Pokemon you choose, since I am here and all." Strike said with a smile as he held Zoda in his arms.

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"If thats what you want to do.... Im Alexis." She smiles before carefully stepping by him. "I really am sorry and I also apologize for scaring your Cyndaquil."  she walks in seeing two dark haired boys with Totodiles. One seemed ready to leave. The other appeared rather comfortable on the floor. "U-Uh.." before she could say anything another girl came in exclaiming that she had arrived for a Chikorita. Immediately Alexis shied away patiently awaiting for the girl to obtain her pokemon first. 

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Cam ran into New Bark town and entered the lab in order to get his pokemon. Professor Elm was there waiting, and Cam also saw many kids that had already gotten their pokemon as well. "Hello, there." Prof. Elm said reaching his hand out to Cam to shake it. "Hello sir, I'm here to pick out my pokemon." Cam said. Prof. Looked at him and smiled, "Well, of course you are. Now here are the three pokemon you can choose from, choose wisely." Cam looked at the three pokemon and the first thing he noticed Cyndaquil seemed grumpy and mean, he then noticed Totodile which looked cocky and snobby, and lastly he looked at Chikorita and noticed how calm and chilled they looked. "I think I will take Chikorita, it seems to be like me." Cam said with a smile. "Alright then go ahead, by the way Chikorita is a she." Prof. Elm said with a smile. "Good to know, l will keep that in mind, now come along Leafa if I could call you that." He said to his Chikorita, the Chikorita smiled and nodded as they walked together to grab the 5 other pokeballs and the pokedex.

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Before Tei could leave the lab, Professor Elm handed him a Pokedex and 5 empty Pokeballs and wished him a great journey.
Soon Tei was outside, heading towards Cherrygrove City.
"How about we try and catch our first Pokemon?" Tei asked his Cyndaquil as they both walked through Route 29 of the first day of the Journey. Quill happily nodded. "Great. Except I have no idea how catching Pokemon works."
While walking through the grass a small, purple creature jumped out and attacked.
Tei recognized the Pokemon as Rattata. It was a cool Pokemon but they were quite common back in Kanto too.
"Okay, let's catch it!" Tei announced full of determination and threw a Pokeball at it. An attempt which resulted to failure, since the small Mouse Pokemon knocked it away with its tail. "That's one Pokeball gone wasted."
Rattata tried to scratch Tei's face but Quill quickly leaped from his shoulder and Tackled it to the ground.
Rattata quickly got back to its feet and charged at Tei's new Pokemon, using a Scratch attack to deal damage. Quill shrugged it off and waited for its trainer's commands.
"Erm..." Tei quickly consulted the Pokedex and checked on his Pokemon's moves. "Try Leer!"
Quill gave the Rattata a malicious look which didn't seem too big of a deal to its trainer but the wild Pokemon's defense lowered.
Rattata attacked again and Quill was now looking tired. "Hang in there buddy. Use Tackle!" Tei commanded and his Pokemon obliged by tackling the wild Pokemon and knocking it unconcious.
"Now's our chance to catch it!" Tei announced and threw one more Pokeball.
The Pokeball opened upon impact then turned the wild Rattata into a silhouete of red light before said light vanished within it.
The red and white ball fell on the ground and started shaking right and left before finally making a clicking sound.
"D-did that do it?" Tei asked himself and waiting in silence for a few seconds in blissful shock.
He then retrieved the Pokeball and raised it above his head, full of happiness. "We did it! We got out first Pokemon!"
Tei expected Quill to make another happy sound but when he turned to check on him, the poor Pokemon was breathing heavily.
"Erm, you should take your Pokemon to the Pokemon Center and fast!" A man who had apparently watched the fight said.
"I-I will!" Tei instantly panicked, took Quill into his arms and ran towards Cherrygrove City as fast as he could.

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Edited by AngelTheWeirdStranger

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(My next post after this one may be late, guys, as I have school today.)


Kor looked at everyone else, and smiled. He was also moving his hands, as his Totodile was trying to bit his hands, and Kor patted the Totodile on the head. He looked at his Totodile, who growled at him. He could tell that it would take some time for his Totodile to give him his trust. He Thought up of something in his head, and looked at his Totodile. He smiled at what he thought up of. "I think I'll call you Azure, as you're blue as the ocean. Azure, I'm sure we can get to an understanding eventually." Said Kor, talking to his Totodile, named Azure.

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Adam watched as three more people entered. "I apologize for suddenly leaving but..... Its getting a bit too crowded for my liking." he said as he stood up and scratched his head. "alright Rex, we best be off." he grabs his bag and with the Totodile following behind him he proceeds towards the door.


The Totodile seemed very interested in the blonde girls ponytail. as they passed. almost as if he was going to bite at it.


"C'mon Rex lets get this journey started!" he grinned. and the two stepped outside. only to sit down next to the building to get to know one another better. He told him all about the journey he took to get here from Olivine City and explained everything to the pokemon.

Edited by Unto The abyss

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(AngelTheWeirdStranger, you can't control other people's characters without their permission, it's one of the biggest rules of RPing.)


Chuck was just outside the lab, watching the two boys with Totodiles walk out. "So you guys went with Totodile huh?" he asked, smiling at them. "I picked Cyndaquil myself."

Edited by Azure Flame

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Adam stopped. "yeah.....Yeah I did." he seemed thrown off by Chuck's sudden Interaction. "Any reason you chose the Cyndaquil?" as he said this he appeared to be trying to distance himself from Chuck while disguising it as a conversation.


The Totodile then leaped out of Adam's arms and walked up to Chuck. It appeared to be very happy to meet Chuck and held out its paw.

Edited by Unto The abyss

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Chuck bent down and took his paw, smiling at the Totodile and shaking it. "I don't know, I just felt a connection to her. Though it could also be because of her alternate color. Come out and say hi Ashley!" he said, tossing the Pokeball. The shiny Cyndaquil popped out and hopped on Chuck's shoulder.

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