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The Kingdom Hearts series has become a joke

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Hardly. Every numbered entry is a brand new game with zero connection to past titles.

Nevertheless it has gotten massive damage after the release of FF13. Fans will always buy KH but in case of FF I'm not so sure. It was always a great, highly-anticipated franchise until the Fabula Nova Chrystallis series.When KH4 releases, newcomers can ignore the Dark Seekers saga. Problem solved.

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And of course Kingdom Hearts fanboys/girls will argue with this but remember you're a fanboy/girl you understand the series and have been there since most likely the PS2 days. Someone coming into the franchise now will be completely lost.


And then yes, there has been HD collections but they have been handled shockingly.

  • Firstly, all 3 developed by the KH3 team thus delaying KH3 which has been in development since 2010. There was 67 members of the KH3 team working on 2.5. And the Osaka studio doesn't exactly have 200 people there.
  • First two are PS3 exclusive despite Square Enix having the PS4 dev kits months before 1.5 was even announced.
  • 1.5 can't be on Xbox platforms due to an exclusivity contract surrounding Square games prior to the merger but there is zero excuses for 2.5 & 2.8 to not be available on Xbox platforms.
  • Also those 358/2 Days and Re:coded movies were shockingly bad.
  • And a movie based off a mobile game port of a web browser game? What the heck?



I'm glad we can criticise this series as it does have glaring flaws as you've stated. However, a part of me thinks that you're starting to tired of the Kingdom Hearts series. I'm not saying this as a fanboy, rather, this isn't the first post in which you've undermined Kingdom Hearts from a personal perspective rather than objective.


The Legend of Zelda series has a complex timelines with alternate reincarnations of the hero, the princess and the villain. I find that series jarring and I even have the official guide but does that stop me from enjoying it? no, not at all! Let fans be confused, let fans be puzzled: it creates investment into the world of Kingdom Hearts.

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Anyway, if someone wants to get into the series just when KH3 arrives, then I'm sorry but they are too late. KH3 isn't being made for new people, it's being made for the fans who've followed it for quite a while now.


That is so bullshit.......how's that right or acceptable?


Making the series so anti-beginners is the one thing they should've avoided because with the time that will eventually kill the franchise and send it to obscurity


The one thing that made me despise the KH fanbase so much is that they think that they're those elite group of people whom they think the games are made for them and only for them,condemning any and every new fan who doesn't understand what's going on or wants to get into the series and latching on anyone who dares to criticize it



Ever wondered why the sales of the current KH entries can't even compare to KH1 and KH2?Because either people lost interest or flat out fallen out from it due to how poorly it was handled and how unfriendly it is for beginners to get into..........leaving only it's cult following and the random passing Disney fans to buy it cuz it featured their favorite movies


And even then.....even if you understand the plot of the series fully and completely that doesn't make it perfect either cuz the plotholes are up the wazoo and some plot points and devices ranges from pretentious to outright stupid

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The real joke about KH is that they didn't release 1.5 and 2.5 for the Playstation 4. Really.. Whats up with that.


That's one of my points. They had the dev kits before they even announced them. No excuses.

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That is so bullshit.......how's that right or acceptable?


Making the series so anti-beginners is the one thing they should've avoided because with the time that will eventually kill the franchise and send it to obscurity


The one thing that made me despise the KH fanbase so much is that they think that they're those elite group of people whom they think the games are made for them and only for them,condemning any and every new fan who doesn't understand what's going on or wants to get into the series and latching on anyone who dares to criticize it



Ever wondered why the sales of the current KH entries can't even compare to KH1 and KH2?Because either people lost interest or flat out fallen out from it due to how poorly it was handled and how unfriendly it is for beginners to get into..........leaving only it's cult following and the random passing Disney fans to buy it cuz it featured their favorite movies


And even then.....even if you understand the plot of the series fully and completely that doesn't make it perfect either cuz the plotholes are up the wazoo and some plot points and devices ranges from pretentious to outright stupid

That's where the new Saga comes in. I never said it shouldn't be for new people. Just that it isn't made specifically for them. There is a way to catch up on the games and all you need to buy is 3 games now. I don't know what else people want. Should they just retcon the story and remove the other games from the story? Yeah the story has its flaws. It's not perfect. Does that mean it's shit? No it doesn't. 

Edited by Sorarocks93

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And of course Kingdom Hearts fanboys/girls will argue with this but remember you're a fanboy/girl you understand the series and have been there since most likely the PS2 days. Someone coming into the franchise now will be completely lost.


And then yes, there has been HD collections but they have been handled shockingly.

  • Firstly, all 3 developed by the KH3 team thus delaying KH3 which has been in development since 2010. There was 67 members of the KH3 team working on 2.5. And the Osaka studio doesn't exactly have 200 people there.
  • First two are PS3 exclusive despite Square Enix having the PS4 dev kits months before 1.5 was even announced.
  • 1.5 can't be on Xbox platforms due to an exclusivity contract surrounding Square games prior to the merger but there is zero excuses for 2.5 & 2.8 to not be available on Xbox platforms.
  • Also those 358/2 Days and Re:coded movies were shockingly bad.
  • And a movie based off a mobile game port of a web browser game? What the heck?



I agree, the development of KH3 has been developing slowly and the HD collections could be a major reason for that. Then again we have no evidence of that to my knowledge and there could be other major reasons for it.


The HD collections will without a doubt be released on the PS4 one day. Nomura has said that KH3 is the next title in the series so my guess is that he'll release a complete series collection in, say, 2018 or something along those lines. Maybe they were being idiots when deciding to just release 1.5 on the PS3 that's possible. However, I don't have much knowledge of their development plans for the collections so there could just as well be a very good reason for it. Who knows?


As some have pointed out already, Xbox has very little presence in Japan and is probably at the very back of Square's mind. Is it stupid to not release it on those consoles? Yes, in a way. But you have to keep in mind that Xbox sales are very bad in Japan and it probably has more to do with Square Enix's business decisions than it has to do with the KH3 team and Nomura. I doubt that it even occurred to Square and Nomura to release the collections on Xbox. 


I never looked at the Days and Coded segments of the collections as movies, just a collection of cutscenes, similar to the other games' 'theatre mode'. It's sole purpose was to keep people up to speed with the story and I think it did a fairly good job in that respect and I highly enjoyed them personally. It did bother me that Days cut out many action scenes but I was happy to see that they fixed that problem in Coded. Overall I have nothing against these "movies" as some of you call them and I like having them around so that new fans can easily get into the whole story.


Well, when you say it like that it sounds dumb but the idea itself in its essence is fine IMO, in fact I'm very excited about it. One of the things I love the most about the series recently is their focus on the lore of the KH world and this "movie" is nothing but an expansion of that lore, showing us events from a thousand years before the series, before the worlds all got separated. Also, it'll be in KH3 graphics, what's not to love?



I respect your opinions on this matter and I agree with you on some points but like other people have said, this article is very opinionated. So I'm sorry you feel this way, I guess :/


Also, I wouldn't use this timeline image to show that the story has become complex. Every single remake is also on it so of course it seems unbelievable convoluted. Remove them and it's not so bad.

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I agree, the development of KH3 has been developing slowly and the HD collections could be a major reason for that. Then again we have no evidence of that to my knowledge and there could be other major reasons for it.


The HD collections will without a doubt be released on the PS4 one day. Nomura has said that KH3 is the next title in the series so my guess is that he'll release a complete series collection in, say, 2018 or something along those lines. Maybe they were being idiots when deciding to just release 1.5 on the PS3 that's possible. However, I don't have much knowledge of their development plans for the collections so there could just as well be a very good reason for it. Who knows?


As some have pointed out already, Xbox has very little presence in Japan and is probably at the very back of Square's mind. Is it stupid to not release it on those consoles? Yes, in a way. But you have to keep in mind that Xbox sales are very bad in Japan and it probably has more to do with Square Enix's business decisions than it has to do with the KH3 team and Nomura. I doubt that it even occurred to Square and Nomura to release the collections on Xbox. 


I never looked at the Days and Coded segments of the collections as movies, just a collection of cutscenes, similar to the other games' 'theatre mode'. It's sole purpose was to keep people up to speed with the story and I think it did a fairly good job in that respect and I highly enjoyed them personally. It did bother me that Days cut out many action scenes but I was happy to see that they fixed that problem in Coded. Overall I have nothing against these "movies" as some of you call them and I like having them around so that new fans can easily get into the whole story.


Well, when you say it like that it sounds dumb but the idea itself in its essence is fine IMO, in fact I'm very excited about it. One of the things I love the most about the series recently is their focus on the lore of the KH world and this "movie" is nothing but an expansion of that lore, showing us events from a thousand years before the series, before the worlds all got separated. Also, it'll be in KH3 graphics, what's not to love?



I respect your opinions on this matter and I agree with you on some points but like other people have said, this article is very opinionated. So I'm sorry you feel this way, I guess :/


Also, I wouldn't use this timeline image to show that the story has become complex. Every single remake is also on it so of course it seems unbelievable convoluted. Remove them and it's not so bad.


Sure a couple of opinions down the bottom, but the majority is fact and many people are already agreeing with me. 10 likes is proof of that.

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The multiple-consoles thing has been most unpragmatic (though they've finally realized this and remedied it with 1.5, 2.5, and 2.8, so points for that), and the writing just won't stop going all over the place.


As a fanboy (albeit a greatly jaded one), even I can admit that.

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Since this topic isn't going in a positive direction, and is devolving more into an argument rather than a civil discussion, I'm going to go ahead and lock it to prevent further bashing. Sorry guys. :/

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