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How do you handle a long, stressful week?

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Do something that you enjoy, or hang out with your friends, drink some tea, etc.


Also, science has shown that there is a correlation between exercising and lowered amounts of stress as well as higher sense of well being. I know this thanks to Neuroscience class, and because my shrink recommended exercising as well xD

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I'm a bit of an introverted type, so normally I'll just not interact with others very much during the weekend. I'll play a game, read a book, get on the internet, maybe watch something. If it's been particularly bad, to the point where it's put me in what I call "angst mode", I might write some bad poetry or something.


I also tend to let myself sleep in later than normal. For example, I try to wake up by 10 AM on weekends, but if the week has been stressful I'll allow myself to sleep to 10:30 or 11.

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If the weather's nice: go to a park, find a good tree or bench, put on some lovely music (maybe the 2.5 version of Lazy Afternoons), and just drift away...


If it's rainy: Enjoy the sound of the rain on your window.


If the above don't apply: play all the video games. Yes, all of them. Even that one. You know the one. :P

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I concur with the playing Kingdom Hearts, since that's how I've dealt with this week. That aside, whatever you usually do to unwind; sleep in, have a drink, take a walk, whatever. Lose yourself in something that isn't what you're normally dealing with. Find a good TV show, maybe a comedy.

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