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Which character do you hate?

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Yes, I don't know if you guys have made a topic like this but whatever. ;D

So which character in Kingdom Hearts do you hate?


Personally, for me, hmmm... Well this is a hard one

Theres times where I just think Sora's a try hard and tries to save his world with those corny sayings, but Sora's Sora.



Thats who I hate

omg hes battle was just plain friggin annoying ._. End of story.

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Worst character made in my opinion because nothing focuses on him, he's just the guy who goes around helping ppl.


I dislike Malificent.. she's just annoying >.<

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I want to hug Sora, but he's just so STUPID sometimes....


<---- Thought he was a COMPLETE idiot in Hallow Bastion right before the Space Paranoids when he banged the keyboard like a caveman. o.o

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ummmmm i dont wanna sound like an ass but


i mean REALLY if you hate him WHY PLAY THE GAME?!


DONT TELL ME, you played the games for Riku DIDNT you?...................


i would have to say that NO i dont hate any character *although they DO annoy me at times*

i have to say i barely hate anyone....*although I DO flip Larxene off once and a while when she kills me*...............and i DO drop F bombs towards The Riku Replica.........


*sigh* oh but i forgot.......everyone hates the happy innocent person (like me) http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif


BUT i will say this: Something is wrong with Sora, one way or another........something is wrong........like REALLY sad story wrong.........cuz the fact that he's all calm and laid back and then he has the strange temper that turns into a violent excursion.......so yeah..........somethings wrong............like abuse or something xD i dunno but i DO know thats whatever it is, it's something that will make people depressed or something..............yeah............like those people who hold in their emotions then burst and blow (or try to blow) ppl's heads off....or cut....either way...........you saw it happen with Larxene........and Riku......so yeah..........something..............


so yeah.........theres something there (and also with Riku too but thats another story)

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D: ... how can you hate marly!!


Thats like me asking you how can you hate poor Axel D;


Even though Sora can get so annoying, he's so adorable and cute Q u Q yummy.

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Honestly, I don't see HOW someone can HATE Axel. x] HE IS JUST SO FREAKIN AMAZING! ...He kind of reminds me of my pedo uncle, strangely enough.


And Sora, I could NEVER hate him. I just think that sometimes he's... o.o *shot*


Marly is the bestest boss ever<3 Heehee. FLOWER POWER!!!!!

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yes Axel is AWESOME!!!!

although i have a request:

NAME ONE GOOD REASON THAT YOU LOVE RIKU (and it has to be good so no saying "cuz he's hot" or "cuz he insults Sora" anything like that, it has to be personality related)


and YES i like Riku (but i dont love him.....his personality annoys me constantly..............but he IS nice...........at times..........sometimes.............when he feels like it........i think.........)


xD my friend (who is a boy) has a crush on Marly xD although i WILL say that i laughed when he flipped down his hood and flowers flew everywhere xD

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A reason to like Riku ;

Even though he has his parts where he looks evil, he still has the good ol' Riku in him.

And plus, he helps everyone even though it's not that noticable *cough*


.. and his hot

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because he has that cool-ness to him, he's not afraid of anything, he looks out for his friends, and he's the only one in the game that doesn't say too much corny dialogue. (except for in the end of kh2 - but that was more cute than corny.) i usually pay complete attention when riku talks - i just like how he talks and what he has to say. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif


PS: I never understood how Marluxia randomly kept a crapload of flower petals in his hood... o.o

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oh sorry Dx .. thanks for reminding me >_>


well ... I still hate axel ... and repliku (even though I adore his japanese voice actor >_>)


.. I like demyx .. he's funny xDD "run run awaaaaaay"

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i really hate Maleficent... way too annoying and whats the point of her being number 2 if u dont even fight her?! i know u fight her in #1 (which was a little hard for me) but shes just annoying in #2... and she pales in comparison next to Organization XIII!!!!!


i would like to add, YES i am a Saix fan...

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