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Unsolved questions that will be solved in KH3

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Hello guys! Your friend KeybladeMasterBalo here!


So i was wondering which is the complete list of questions that have no answer yet. I was hoping you guys could help me by posting the questions you think have yet to be solved within the series and that may be answered in the upcoming games. This may serve as a list to have for when the latest installments arrive so we can erase them from the list. What do you guys think? I'll start:


Why king mickey was on the RoD in the first place?

Who are the somebodies of the rest of the first organization XIII?

Who is Axel talking to in Re:CoM when he says "you guys are something else"?

Why Axel truly disposed of Vexen and Zexion?

What did Lea and Isa pretended to do at Ansem's the Wise castle?


Those are the only ones I can think of as of now. So guys be free to share your questions and doubts on the general series.



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-Looking for the Keyblade of that realm, because for closing the DtD you needed one key in each side

-Probably they are normal people. Still, we really want to see them restored

-Sora and Roxas, because they both act very different of anyone Axel ever met 

-He was planning to make Saix the second in command in the organization for some reason. Since BBS, they had a secret plan going which we still don't know what it is about

-Related to the previous answer, we still don't know what their plans were about

Edited by Fenrissychros

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-Looking for the Keyblade of that realm, because for closing the DtD you needed one key in each side

-Probably they are normal people. Still, we really want to see them restored

-Sora and Roxas, because they both act very different of anyone Axel ever met 

-He was planning to make Saix the second in command in the organization for some reason. Since BBS, they had a secret plan going which we still don't know what it is about

-Related to the previous answer, we still don't know what their plans were about

This^^^^^ Most of these questions were already answered, you just have to go back and pay more attention to what they're saying and doing.

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Before I give my lingering unsolved questions, I just want to say that some of the questions you have listed have already been answered.


"Why king mickey was on the RoD in the first place?"

To obtain the Kingdom Key D. How he got there has yet to be explained. But I will bet that it will be answered in 0.2.


"Who are the somebodies of the rest of the first organization XIII?"

They probably look just like their respective somebodies, but we don't know their back story or their real names.


"Who is Axel talking to in Re:CoM when he says "you guys are something else"?"

He wasn't directly talking to someone. He was referencing Sora and either Roxas or Donal and Goofy"


"Why Axel truly disposed of Vexen and Zexion?"

Axel disposed of Vexen to gain Marluxia's trust. Axel disposed of Zexion for Saix. Saix and Axel were planning to take over the Organization themselves. In some journal report or something like that exclusive to the Japanese version of one of the games (forgot which, but I think it was 358/2 days) that Xemnas was planning of appointing Zexion to second-in-command alongside Saix.


"What did Lea and Isa pretended to do at Ansem's the Wise castle?"

Most likely to sneak into the castle but that's unconfirmed, so yeah, this is left unanswered.


Now onto my list of lingering unanswered questions:


  • Why was Saix planning to take over the Organization with Axel when it was clear that he was already made a vessel for Xehanort?
  • How did Mickey find the Kingdom Key D?
  • Why does Riku's dark mode suit closely resembles Vanitas'... skin I guess?
  • Who did Master Xehanort's Keyblade originally belong to?
  • What are Ephemera's intentions inside the castle of Daybreak Town?
  • Why didn't Xemnas wield Master Xehanort's Keyblade? Yes, I know Nomura said in an interview that he simply chose not to, but I remember him saying that he didn't wish to say why before saying "it's possible he simply chose not to" or something along those lines.
  • How did Ansem the Wise survive the explosion of his machine in KH2 and how he was sent to the Realm of Darkness?

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What about these?


  • Before being caught by Saix, how did Kairi escape from Axel?
  • Why did it take almost a year for Lea, Dilan, Braig, Isa, and Master Xehanort to be restored. And almost two years for Even, Ienzo, and Aeleus?
  • Where has Namine been during most of KH2?
  • Can The Gullwings be trusted?
  • Because Sora gained much of Roxas' memories in KH3D, should we be worried that Kairi might experience the same thing with Namine's memories?

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-What is Kingdom Hearts?

-Who trained Yen Sid?

-How do Squall, Leon, Yuffie, and Aerith know so much about the keyblade?

-How did Xehanort get off Destiny Islands to begin with?

-What happend to Tidus and Wakka?

-When peace is restored, does that mean the worlds will come back together as one?

-Is the theory of the Old Mansion in Twilight town accurate? And if not, than what is it's significance? 

-Less of a question, and more just curiosity. Who is Marluxia? If exploring Castle Oblivion was so important to Xemnas, than he must have been important enough to be in charge over Vexen, Zexion, Larxene, Lexaeus, and Axel. (unless this was already explained and that Marluxia and the rest were sent there because Xemnas wanted them out of the way because he knew they were traitors) Either way, it doesnt make sense to send somebody on an important mission if you don't trust them.

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Who transformed the top of the Land of Departure's castle into the Old Mansion? (C'mon, we all know that's what the Mansion is) It has to have been a Keyblade wielder, since they can change a world's shape.


Is there a special reason for Roxas being born in front of the Mansion? Is it somehow related to Naminé being born into Castle Oblivion since the two places are related?

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Who are the 13 Seekers of Darkness?

Who are the 7 guardians of light?How did Saix/Isa get his scar?How will Roxas react when he meets Ventus? 

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Why king mickey was on the RoD in the first place?

Who are the somebodies of the rest of the first organization XIII?

Who is Axel talking to in Re:CoM when he says "you guys are something else"?

Why Axel truly disposed of Vexen and Zexion?

What did Lea and Isa pretended to do at Ansem's the Wise castle?


  • As the other members have mentioned before, he was in the Realm Of Darkness because he was searching for the Kingdom Key D, for he needed it to seal the Door To Darkness!
  • For this one, I'm sure that the somebodies of those certain Organization members were normal people to begin with.  As for their names, I think they'd be Arlene, Ymed(or Emyd), Rould and Aruliam!
  • He's referring to Sora and Roxas, because during the events of Chain Of Memories, while everything is transpiring, Axel seems to be enjoying it, and he's like: "Huh, you guys really are something else!"  He refers to the fact that they made him feel something. :3
  • To make it appear as though he was in on Marluxia and Larxene's plan to overthrow the Organization.  Can't get a person's trust without getting your hands dirty, eh? :P
  • I really don't know about this one!  A lot of the people say they wanted to overthrow the Organization, but they weren't even a part of the Organization circa Birth By Sleep.  My guess is that they wanted to become castle guards, or something of the sort. 

As for my questions, they are:

  • How will the events regarding the Foretellers affect Kingdom Hearts III?
  • Will we see the remaining Organization's somebodies?
  • Who was Eraqus, Xehanort and Yen Sid's master?
  • Will the true Kingdom Hearts be restored?
  • Will the Dream Eaters return, and therefore, the Realm Of Sleep?
  • Will Castle Oblivion ever be reverted back to the Land Of Departure?
  • Will we ever find out what the Keyblade Graveyard was before it was a barren wasteland?

Right now, I can't think of anything else. :3

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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-What is Kingdom Hearts? This has to be answered


-How do Squall, Leon, Yuffie, and Aerith know so much about the keyblade? Definite 1st game Retcon

-What happend to Tidus and Wakka? They were really just there for a star appearance in the 1st game, and haven't been needed.

-When peace is restored, does that mean the worlds will come back together as one?Yes, like kh1.

-Is the theory of the Old Mansion in Twilight town accurate? And if not, than what is it's significance? Just a theory

-Less of a question, and more just curiosity. Who is Marluxia? If exploring Castle Oblivion was so important to Xemnas, than he must have been important enough to be in charge over Vexen, Zexion, Larxene, Lexaeus, and Axel. (unless this was already explained and that Marluxia and the rest were sent there because Xemnas wanted them out of the way because he knew they were traitors) Either way, it doesnt make sense to send somebody on an important mission if you don't trust them. Very very interesting to see what they could do here. Marluxia is a very interesting character to me, and to see what they could do with his somebody is intriguing. They could also do absolutely nothing with him.

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  • For this one, I'm sure that the somebodies of those certain Organization members were normal people to begin with.  As for their names, I think they'd be Arlene, Ymed(or Emyd), Rould and Aruliam!



Here's what I think the Organisation XIII somebody names are.


Larxene: Arlene

Demyx: Dyme

Luxord: Ruold

Marluxia: Lumiaar


My unsolved questions are the following...

  • Why does Saix have a Beserk mode? does Lea have something similar?
  • Why was Braig so willing to be a vessel for Xehanort? Surely, as a scientist, he'd have alternate means of trying to get a Keyblade?
  • Who bestowed Xehanort his Keyblade? was it the sixth Foreteller or the Master Foreteller?
  • What is The End Of The World?
  • Where does Ventus originally come from?
  • Why is Eraqus so obsessed with the light like it is absolute?

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  • Why was Braig so willing to be a vessel for Xehanort? Surely, as a scientist, he'd have alternate means of trying to get a Keyblade?

You don't have to be willing to be a vessel for Xehanort. Sora surely wasn't willing to in DDD. xD


It's possible that Xehanort made him a vessel when he wasn't looking or something. :/




  • What is The End Of The World?

It was basically the ruins of all the worlds that were destroyed by the Heartless.


Goofy: "Gawrsh, is that all that's left of the worlds taken by the Heartless?"




  • Why is Eraqus so obsessed with the light like it is absolute?

I am not obsessed! I'm offended by that. The darkness probably made you think of saying such a preposterous thing!

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Why is Eraqus so obsessed with the light like it is absolute?


Because the Darkness has a s****y track record.


Just because it's paranoia doesn't automatically make it wrong.


You don't have to be willing to be a vessel for Xehanort. Sora surely wasn't willing to in DDD. xD


Sora was also unconscious, so willpower was irrelevant.

Edited by Alan Smithee

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Here's what I think the Organisation XIII somebody names are.


Larxene: Arlene

Demyx: Dyme

Luxord: Ruold

Marluxia: Lumiaar


My unsolved questions are the following...

  • Why does Saix have a Beserk mode? does Lea have something similar?
  • Why was Braig so willing to be a vessel for Xehanort? Surely, as a scientist, he'd have alternate means of trying to get a Keyblade?
  • Who bestowed Xehanort his Keyblade? was it the sixth Foreteller or the Master Foreteller?
  • What is The End Of The World?
  • Where does Ventus originally come from?
  • Why is Eraqus so obsessed with the light like it is absolute?


Ooh, those are good names too! :O  And well, I'm gonna try and see if I can shed light on your questions!


  • I'm guessing Saix has a Berserk Mode because it was the special power endowed to him upon becoming a Nobody!  Lea may have one, or then again, he may not.  I don't really know for sure!  (But, if the battle against Axel in KH2 with Roxas and then with Sora in the Cavern Of Remembrance is indicative of anything, Lea's Berserk Mode is most likely an ultra mega boiling inferno of death! :P)
  • Honestly, there's always been something about Braig that hasn't seemed right to me.  He's always been a fishy individual, and the fact that he gives those occasional, glaring stares during key moments in the games is indicative that he's probably in on old Nort's plans for his own personal gain.  Odds are that when Nort's defenses are at their lowest, Braig will reveal his treacherous true self!  (If it wasn't apparent already. :3)
  • I'm guessing it must have been the Sixth Foreteller who bestowed Xehanort's Keyblade.  We'll find out for sure pretty soon!
  • The End Of The World are the remains of worlds which were swallowed by the darkness. :3
  • I don't know where he originates from, so I really hope KHIII elaborates on that! :D
  • This is something I find interesting.  Perhaps we'll get to understand Eraqus more by the introductory cutscene we'll witness between him and Xehanort! :D

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-What is Kingdom Hearts? This has to be answered

-How do Squall, Leon, Yuffie, and Aerith know so much about the keyblade? Definite 1st game Retcon. I guess it's not important anyway...just curious really.

-What happend to Tidus and Wakka? They were really just there for a star appearance in the 1st game, and haven't been needed. Needed? No... but I'm still curious.

-When peace is restored, does that mean the worlds will come back together as one?Yes, like kh1. That didn't happen in KH1, at least, not the way I have in mind. I might be wrong, but my understanding is that the worlds were once united as one..after several events in the past, they were divided to the point where they exist separately from one another..my question is, will ALL of the worlds go back to the way they were, forming one Giant world..where traveling via gummi ship or dark corridors would be unnecessary. 

-Is the theory of the Old Mansion in Twilight town accurate? And if not, than what is it's significance? Just a theory. I think so too, but a big part of me wants it to be true. All of the unicorn references in the Mansion, and the six pillars, the broken figures in the main hall (similar to the chess pieces)..I don't know..just think it'd be really cool if they had hidden those small details in the game all along..to watch them come into play..do some sort of flashback sequence taking place in the mansion..i think itd be dope

-Less of a question, and more just curiosity. Who is Marluxia? If exploring Castle Oblivion was so important to Xemnas, than he must have been important enough to be in charge over Vexen, Zexion, Larxene, Lexaeus, and Axel. (unless this was already explained and that Marluxia and the rest were sent there because Xemnas wanted them out of the way because he knew they were traitors) Either way, it doesnt make sense to send somebody on an important mission if you don't trust them. Very very interesting to see what they could do here. Marluxia is a very interesting character to me, and to see what they could do with his somebody is intriguing. They could also do absolutely nothing with him. Yeah, I'm interested in knowing more about it, but I'm afraid at this point, the story has gone so far from this, that there might not be any reason to answer this question. If I'm not mistaken, Marluxia was the 11th member of the organization...and yet he somehow was put in the leadership position over one of the organizations most important missions..he failed of course, but still..interesting



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