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A Rant About Kingdom Hearts.

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Of course they care about money. Doesn't mean the games aren't good though. So, if the games are good, why not make more? 

Suffice it to say, I didn't buy any other games that weren't on the PS2. And now I've only bought the remixes for the PS3 and am going to buy 2.8 and KH3 for the PS4.

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Of course they care about money. Doesn't mean the games aren't good though. So, if the games are good, why not make more? Suffice it to say, I didn't buy any other games that weren't on the PS2. And now I've only bought the remixes for the PS3 and am going to buy 2.8 and KH3 for the PS4.

And it's funny because Nomura couldn't exactly care less about money.

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More constructive than "incorrect," and no, I didn't reiterate your point. Before deciding not to buy this one, you constantly complained about price and money, especially on the other HD remixes. From what it sounds like, you could have waited like 2 months since you don't care as much for seemingly all but 1 and 2 and gotten both for about $20 cheaper, and without complaint. In all honesty, I see more of a reason to complain if you weren't able to get the games before due to lack of money to spend on other consoles, but now that these HD remixes are out so many more people are able to play these titles.

Edited by Flaming Lea

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You're entitled to your opinion.


I respectfully disagree, however. I found Re:Com to be a nice change from the series' usual gameplay. It added a bit of strategy, which made it more immersive than others in the series like Days. I have no problems with any of the games so far. Days being the exception, I reallt didn't enjoy playing days. The rest, however, was fun for me. I love the story to all of them, too.

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You're entitled to your opinion.I respectfully disagree, however. I found Re:Com to be a nice change from the series' usual gameplay. It added a bit of strategy, which made it more immersive than others in the series like Days. I have no problems with any of the games so far. Days being the exception, I reallt didn't enjoy playing days. The rest, however, was fun for me. I love the story to all of them, too.

Fair enough but  Coded, really? Coded?

I'm not going to lie, as a long-time Kingdom Hearts fan, there is one hard truth that one must swallow first, and foremost- This series is an investment. Literally. And yeah, it is because of money. Although Square and Disney are corporations that cater to producing cool things for fans, you have to remember that at the end of the day, they are a business. And yes, they are going to make seemingly douchey, business-like decisions. They know that some people will be angry, but apparently, the loss of those fans doesn't compare to the millions of others willing to scrape together $400+ just to buy a PS4 and play KH3. Despite the inconvience, it's money for them. And that's what matters the most. I know it's frustrating, but it's not like it's going to stop or change...so really, being upset about it will and has, accomplished nothing.And, I'm not even going to touch on story issues, because every KH fan on this earth knows that as fun as Kingdom Hearts is, it has one of the most needlessly complex, and often hole-riddled plots in the history of games. Does that make it bad? Not necessarily. Just, undeniably flawed. However, those flaws are part of what makes Kingdom Hearts what it is. As a fan, sometimes you have to except the fantastic, along with the not so fantastic, and for every dumb line of dialogue, or stupid plot point this series has, it swiftly makes up for it with other outstanding, and lovable aspects.

Thanks bae I knew you'd understand <3

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Fair enough but  Coded, really? Coded?Thanks bae I knew you'd understand <3

To be honest... yeah. I enjoyed Re:Coded. The story and the gameplay. While the story wasn't completely important to the whole series, it was enjoyable within itself. At least, that's how I found it.

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I can understand your frustration about the different consoles for each game, as it was rather ridiculous that nearly every game came out on a different system.  The important thing to understand here is that Square-Enix is a business before anything else, and businesses are always looking for ways to increase their income.  As much as a game company may appear to be doing it all for the fans, there is always a business motive behind it; even Nintendo who seems to be the most fan-driven company do what they do because of money.  The other important thing to understand is that this is Nomura's story, and that just because he releases a spin-off title does not mean that it is him trying to milk money out of people (for the most part) but that he is trying to tell part of his story.  The reason the first KH game was so simplistic is because he thought it would be a one and done game,  but since he was afforded the opportunity to continue along with it, he was able to develop his story further.  Granted there have been things that he has put in there for no real reason, but he does his best to keep things relevant after they have been put in, which cannot be said about a lot of other storytellers out there.


As far as the HD remixes go, yes they are another way to increase the company's revenue, but it was also a response to fans complaints about all the games being on different systems.  These games were not required to be bought by anyone who had already played the games, they were just helpful to those who hadn't played them before, even though a lot of previous fans still bought them.  2.8 is the one collection that every fan would want to buy, as it includes two stories that have not been told before, and they are doing a service by putting on PS4 so that people can have a PS4 for KH3 as well.  I will agree that not bringing the previous collections to PS4 is not helpful and defeats the purpose, but you have to remember that this is a company based out of Japan, and they will cater to Japan first.  In Japan, Sony dominates the market and nearly everyone there has a PS3, so it doesn't really matter that they don't bring it to PS4 there, especially with the PS3 market still booming there.


It is fine to have your opinions, but understand that these games are not created solely for the fans, but they are created because A) it is a way to increase revenue, and B) it is a way for these game creators to tell their story.  

Edited by Ven983

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To be honest... yeah. I enjoyed Re:Coded. The story and the gameplay. While the story wasn't completely important to the whole series, it was enjoyable within itself. At least, that's how I found it.

I literally feel the only point of having Coded in there was to keep Nomura's promise of a game every year until KH3 (another thing i'm annoyed about because without all this faffing he could've made the wait much shorter).

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Companies are really all about money in the end of it all. Even when they honestly promise to be good to their fans and make great games...like any good business, it comes down to money and how much can be made.


I mean personally, I like all of the games, even the remasters counting the upcoming one, but....I can understand why you don't. :)


Sorry for my deleted post, it was a bit....unneeded. xP

No prob. ;)

I'm bae. xD Not him~ X3

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Lol *tries to take this thread with a grain of salt*. I'm glad they didn't put KH3 on the ps2 because it would have been limited in terms of graphics and game play mechanics.Plus, you need to face the fact that every single gaming company wants your money. That's what they do.

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Lol *tries to take this thread with a grain of salt*. I'm glad they didn't put KH3 on the ps2 because it would have been limited in terms of graphics and game play mechanics.Plus, you need to face the fact that every single gaming company wants your money. That's what they do.


And it's funny because Nomura couldn't exactly care less about money.

So Nomura's hypocrisy doesn't frustrate you?

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I agree with KH2 though. I did like it, but I feel like people view it in too high of a perspective. It's not the best game, gameplay or storywise. KH2FM, however, is arguable to have some of the best gameplay in my opinion. Still. The story wasn't the best in the series. That title stays along with the first Kingdom Hearts game. Kingdom Hearts sometimes feels like a separate title to me. It's the one I enjoy the most. While the others are enjoyable, I've never felt like any of them could achieve what the first one did.

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No hate..but.......

Good points. I've spent at least (rough, off the top of my head figure here) a thousand once you total up games, systems, replacements for games, the two remixes, and BBS replacements (Two burned out). 2.8 is out of my price range simply for having to buy a PS4 to play it. And then KH III is gonna come prancing out for god only knows how much... 

And the point of CoM being sold 3 times is valid to a point, as the Gameboy version was a marketing idea to branch the series out. The two DS games aren't looked up highly, but it's easy to see what they were trying to do. 

But yeah, in short, a lot of money for some content over again, plus systems you have to buy to own the games. It's a lot, but not money whoring per se, as every game series has done this. Slightly off topic, but..Castlevania springs to mind, with games bounding all over the place, remixes, and redone material. 

Edited by Jack Vladimir Frost

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No hate..but.......

Good points. I've spent at least (rough, off the top of my head figure here) a thousand once you total up games, systems, replacements for games, the two remixes, and BBS replacements (Two burned out). 2.8 is out of my price range simply for having to buy a PS4 to play it. And then KH III is gonna come prancing out for god only knows how much... 

And the point of CoM being sold 3 times is valid to a point, as the Gameboy version was a marketing idea to branch the series out. The two DS games aren't looked up highly, but it's easy to see what they were trying to do. 

But yeah, in short, a lot of money for some content over again, plus systems you have to buy to own the games. It's a lot, but not money whoring per se, as every game series has done this. Slightly off topic, but..Castlevania springs to mind, with games bounding all over the place, remixes, and redone material. 

I'm starting to think it might be a trademark of Japanese RPGs..

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To be honest... yeah. I enjoyed Re:Coded. The story and the gameplay. While the story wasn't completely important to the whole series, it was enjoyable within itself. At least, that's how I found it.

I second that

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Well "couldn't care less" means almost no interest. I say that Nomura doesn't exactly show interest in money as a goal. And he doesn't bother me at all. I have anger issues, but I have a whole lot of patience, except in lines.

It's easy to say something just to appease some people. He's the creative director for the whole series, he might not 'show interest', but I can 100% guarantee that with all these flaming spin-offs, it certainly was a factor for him.

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Can't I like the post more then one time? I honestly really liked reading Demyx's post, and I agree with many things. However, in my opinion, KH:CoM is a great game, where you can use nice spells and skills like Tornado and Quake. Also, Days was the game that introduced me to the series, I realy like the story (even though it's slow as hell, like you say) but the gameplay is quite awful. I totaly agree in KH1 and 2, but for some reason I like KH2 more, probably because of the Organization. I also agree with Coded, quite a bad game in my opinion, except for the Castle Oblivion part.


I honestly think the series should have ended in KH2 with Xemnas' defeat. Bringing back the nobodies turned into normal people in DDD is absurd, but necesary, because they are the best characters in the series, and they need them to keep selling games.


Kingdom Hearts stopped beeing my all-time favourite franchiese when BBS was released, I really didn't enjoy the game as much as I thought I would; the Jump Festa trailer is better then the actual game in my opinion.


Finaly, KH2.8 is stupid, that's the first thing I said when I saw it, it's just a way to earn more money, I will probably refuse to buy until 2017 or something like that.

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