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wait what

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ok I know that there is 2.8 for the ps4. but is that what 2.9 was going to be or what im saying did 2.8 replace 2.9 and if so will it be on ps3

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We don't know. I'm still hoping 2.9 is a thing because i really want the HD version of the previous games on PS4. It should've been a full bundle but it looks like they're stretching it out to earn even more money.

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lol, but seriously why would there be a 2.9 

Because it's titled appeared on both their conference schedule and one of their current developers Linkedin profiles, which were both removed quickly. That is not a coincidence especially the former appearance.

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Because it's titled appeared on both their conference schedule and one of their current developers Linkedin profiles, which were both removed quickly. That is not a coincidence especially the former appearance.

between then and now it really could have gone under a name change and the guy didn't use the up to date name. plus, the title says the final prologue so i see no reason for another game

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It's Impossible for it to be on PS3. BBS 0.2 runs on Unreal Engine 4 which the PS3 is incapable of running

 Honestly I highly doubt there will be 2.9 since it does appear to be 2.8. FF Versus changed names and consoles too btw. I'm not saying this is 100%, but realistically I doubt they are two separate things.

Edited by Flaming Lea

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Well, since this game is called "HD 2.8 Final Chaper Proplogue" It's pretty safe to assume that this will be the last game before Kingdom Hearts 3.


So I don't think 2.9 is gonna be a thing.

Edited by Master Eraqus

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