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TsuyuKusa Neshiro

Do you guy think BBS 0.2/V2 will be a full game or a short game?

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Personally I would love a full game as Aqua set in the realm of darkness. But I'm hesitant to believe the V2 will just be a short episode like final mix had at the end of it. But hey if it isn't then sweet. All new keyblades (hopefully) based on the words that have subcummed to darkness. The hype train is here, all aboard.Edit: I do know that Kotaku claims its a short episode game, but I kinda wanna hold that with a grain of salt till more info comes from Square, also thought of a another question, do you guys think BBS 0.2 will just be an upgraded graphics with flowmotion of bbsfm secret episode or entirely new? Cause as I recall the secret episode was entitled as "A fragmentary Passage" which is also what the "new" game is titled.

Edited by TsuyuKusa Neshiro

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It will all depend on how much content from the original BBS V2 is still left to tell.  I would say 4 hours minimum, they need to make it substantial enough to where it could be justified as being labeled a separate title.

Edited by Ven983

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its funny how theres more stuff on 1.5 and 2.5 but 2.8 going to cost 60 lol

That's probably because 2.8 is more sexy. :D


I mean, a movie in the KH3 engine. Atleast I assume that X Back Cover will be in the KH3 engine by the looks of that Dive to the Heart Platform. And of course a small game in the KH3 engine. On top of that an entire remastered game.

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