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What Kind of KH Fan Are You?

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So I notice that the KH fanbase (especially in this site) is somewhat broken into two catagories: There's one group of the fanbase that heavily talk about the lore and overall story of the series. And there another group that heavily talk about the gameplay of the series. Though there are some that like to do both but don't you dare say you talk about both. But which out of the two catagories do you mostly fit in in the KH fanbase?


Are you mostly someone that likes to mainly talk about the story and lore of the KH series? Or are you the one that talks about the overal gameplay of the series? For me, well, I'm sure you guys know that I mainly like to talk about the gameplay with the threads I make on my KH topics

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I prefer discussing the story/plot of the series cause, to be honest, I love the complexity of Kingdom Hearts. Yes you read that right. I love how complex the story is so you can try to put the pieces together and with how complex it is, many theories and speculations come up from this which can be very interesting. This is probably why I like the lore of FNAF so much too. xD

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I find both aspects important as both of them are what has made the KH series so loved, so I enjoy a conversation about either, but I always have to give the upper hand to talking about story as it is open to interpretation.  The only times when I have really preferred talking about the gameplay is when there is a new mechanic introduced.

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I'm very picky and demand great gameplay as square till has to hold up there quality of games, and if i speak of kh's plot it's mostly the first game, the other ones consist of disney worlds padding out the 20% of story in those games. 

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I talk about both. Gameplay and story always interests me, and KH's stort as well as insane awesome gameplay and boss battles are my favorite part about it. The characters too. However I do not like talking about theories usually (especially in the forms) just because I don't want to start a debate or argument or something. Many things in KH's plot aren't confirmed anyway. If anything, I sometimes talk about theories to my close KH friends but other than that I prefer not to talk about the theories and whatnot. This goes for other games like Five Nights at Freddy's as well.

Edited by Aqua7KH

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I wouldn't say I necessarily fall into either category. If I had to pick one, probably gameplay; I find people tend to either drastically overthink or underthink the assorted plot points, so it doesn't end up being a worthwhile discussion a lot of the time.

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You can actually discuss the story, speculate about upcoming plot points and argue over what is and is not reasonable.

You can't really do that for gameplay; I mean, I love the gameplay, it's what got me into the series. The story didn't really get through to my tiny child mind back in 2003. It's possible to share gameplay strategies, advice about game mechanics and that sort of stuff, but you can't argue about it like the story.


So I'm a category A kinda guy.

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The story and lore, really. I don't have too much to talk about with gameplay, and neither do the brunt of discussions here as far as I know. The story is where most of the admiration/complaints/blah about the series seem to come from. I must not have been paying attention because the fanbase doesn't seem all that divided between gameplay or story. There are many other things they're polarized about...

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So I notice that the KH fanbase (especially in this site) is somewhat broken into two catagories: There's one group of the fanbase that heavily talk about the lore and overall story of the series. And there another group that heavily talk about the gameplay of the series. Though there are some that like to do both but don't you dare say you talk about both. But which out of the two catagories do you mostly fit in in the KH fanbase?


Are you mostly someone that likes to mainly talk about the story and lore of the KH series? Or are you the one that talks about the overal gameplay of the series? For me, well, I'm sure you guys know that I mainly like to talk about the gameplay with the threads I make on my KH topics


What sort of fan am I? Only the best kind, I'm sure. I enjoyed the shiny key that boy with the spikey hair possessed. Very shiny, indeed. And his footwork, well done if I do say so myself. I've been informed that this is what you call "gameplay". I suppose this is my favorite aspect.

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Hard to say to be honest. I generally stay away from discussions on the forum regarding the series (outside of the polls of the day). This is mostly because I don't like discussing the series in depth. As much as a super fan as I am, when those who talk about the lore/story go too in-depth and throw theories out and about like no tomorrow, it's just not my area of expertise. I know the story as well as I can, characters too, but I can't predict or discuss things in incredible detail. So I tend to avoid it if that makes sense?


As for gameplay, again I don't really discuss this. I mean like, outside of Chain of Memories' card system being criminally underrated. I dunno. Maybe it's a silly way of thinking considering this is a Kingdom Hearts forum xD

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