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Been sooo stressed lately...

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Ugh...so school is starting in about two weeks, and my stupid friends have already decided that they're going to start some drama. They want to kick another friend of ours out of "the group" *insert eye roll here* because she said something stupid about someone behind their back. (Though they talk about everyone else in the school.) I mean, God, they're planning to do this during the first damn week of school. Sometimes, I really, honestly, wonder why I like them so much.


And it's not like school isn't already going to be hell for me. I have 4 "honors" (one of which takes up my study hall period) classes that I'm taking (though I shouldn't be complaining...having more work is better than being bored and taking tests on the same stuff I've been learning for the past 4 years, IMHO), as well as a "High School Prep" class. My grade in HSP is averaged into my algebra and language arts averages, so if I get a bad grade in that, I'm really failing 3 classes. No pressure at all, amirite?


On top of all that, if my brother decides he can't walk himself home from the bus stop, I'll have to quit field hockey (which I love).


Oh, and, I almost forgot, on the last day of school last year, I got into a huge fight with another girl (though everyone in the whole school hates her, [for good reasons too...she actually made a girl cry several times...and then she has the nerve to go and complain that the crying girl bullied HER]) so a good number of people backed me up). So, she pretty much hates my guts. And I can probably expect a meeting with the guidance counselor so that the girl and I can "discuss our feelings" and "solve the argument peacefully". Because that ALWAYS ends well.


Is it really any wonder why I haven't been able to sleep these past few weeks?




God, it felt good to write that. ;D

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When you get out of high school, you'll look back and wonder how immature everybody can be.


About you're friends, well that happens everywhere. People are like that its a stupid world. Try to talk to them about it and see if theres another way to resolve it (Though knowing the teens from high school its probably no other way). And about you're grades, just try a little harder to get a better grade. Its worth the extra effort when you finish grade 12. Take it from me. I passed grade 12 with a C- average. I failed half of my courses xD I'm so proud /sarcasm.


And your brother is younger than you I assume. Try to talk to your mum about a way to work around it so you could keep playing field hockey, because it means a lot to you.


About the fight with the girl. Try to push her aside from you're daily life, it'll only cause more harm then good. School can be a really shitty place, but if you have at least one good friend, then you'll manage to get through it :)

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Gah, nobody likes drama, I don't blame you. You are in a very stressful situation, but I advise you to stay calm. Keep a mentality telling yourself that everything is going to be alright. Honors classes aren't hard if you just keep your focus on them :)


And about your brother, basically what Auxon said, talk to your mom about it. Hopefully you can pick field hockey back up.


The girl....don't try to start anything this year, but I must say, you have an advantage over her if she hates your guts. People don't like to get challenged, and parents say fights are bad and all of that stuff, meh. I say good job. You stood up for your classmates directly or indirectly, and hopefully you kicked that -insert curse word here- to the curb and taught her a lesson. Maybe during your sessions, you guys can talk out the problem and hopefully things will change :D

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I know what you're going through because I went through almost the same thing only it was an enemy that my friends and I didn't like. It's good that you're in honors. I was in science honors and english honors so I know how stressful it can be. If it's too stressful, you can talk to your school counselor. Maybe she/he could take you out of an honors for this year. As for your friends, if they're pressuring you they're not really your friends. If you have a best friend or friends that you can trust I would talk to them about the situation.

As for the fight on the last day of school you had the same thing happened to me when I was in eighth grade. I ripped Kimber's (the girl) earring right out of her ear. I almost went to jail for that. So, if you ever get into a fight with another person again whatever you do DON'T rip out anything that could cause bleeding!!!

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