heartless101 83 Posted August 20, 2010 Robert defeated one last X-Soul by using thundagra. Robert panted for breath. (Those were a lot of X-Souls. There were much more than there were in Radiant Garden and I just got here.) thought Robert. "Great job guys" said Robert sincerly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperPunk 13 Posted August 20, 2010 Amu just stared agrily at the ground. How could she be so weak? Even WITH the KeyBlade...? She was the first one to be captured AND inujred. "We're not fit for this..." She said, letting her bangs cover her eyes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo/Yami 37 Posted August 20, 2010 Somnus stood up. "Don't say that. We're just new at this. Thats it. We'll get better. So that say that ever again. Got it?" He said. After de-summoning his keyblade the crystal's light faded. Somnus looked at all of them and smiled. "Besides, we fought a lot of those guys so cut yourself some slack Amu." He gave a small chuckle before closing his eyes. One light floated up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heartless101 83 Posted August 20, 2010 Robert doubled over, being very exhausted. "Why were there so many of those X-Souls?" asked Robert panting for breath. Robert couldn't believe that there was so many of the X-Souls. (I have to investigate other worlds to look for the X-Souls and defeat them. There might be more X-Souls then here but there might be less X-Souls then here) thought Robert panting for breath. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperPunk 13 Posted August 20, 2010 Amu gulped. She was shaking in exhaustion. "Why don't we rest for today...? We're all tired..." She looked at Sophie and then she said to the others. "This is our hometown so...we can stay here..." She assured. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heartless101 83 Posted August 20, 2010 Robert panted in exhausion. "Yeah awesome idea. So tired. Too many X-Souls" panted Robert. Robert put away his Darkness Inferno. Robert fell asleep right where he was sitting at and didn't move at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Think Pink 1,967 Posted August 20, 2010 "Huh?" Sophie watched as Robert toppled over, falling asleep. She giggled, and sat down. She was exhausted, too--how did Sora manage so much fighting? He must take a lot of naps. Of course living on the beach, he must get pretty bad sunburn if he falls asleep on the sand... She shook her head, and laid back. "Well, I'm going to bed." She yawned. "I guess seeing my home getting attacked and being attacked myself and almost killed took just a LITTLE bit out of me." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperPunk 13 Posted August 21, 2010 "Well, we can't sleep out here...be senseful...There might be more of those things waiting..." Amu shook Robert and tried to wake him up. She turned to Sophie. "We can stay at my house for tonight." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heartless101 83 Posted August 21, 2010 Robert barley woke up. "Uh... sleepy. Too many X-Souls" said Robert rubbing his eyes. Robert stood up. "I can't believe that Master Sora was able to stand this much fighting. I wonder, has he ever encountered these X-Souls?" asked Robert rubbing his eyes. (There must be some source of these X-Souls. I must find that person or thing and destroy it to server Master Sora.) thought Robert. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperPunk 13 Posted August 21, 2010 Amu laughed a little to herself. "Master Sora?? What? Do you think he's a god or something?" She eyed Robert suspiciously. "Come to think of it, I haven't seen these in any of the pictures in Sora's book..." How did he know what those things were called anyway...? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heartless101 83 Posted August 21, 2010 Robert panted for breath. "He's the ultumiate keyblade weilder. I show respect for him. I'm not sure about you 3 but no matter what, he's the best keyblade weilder ever and I show respect for him. And also, I don't think that Master Sora ever faced those creatures. They were nobodies fused with heartless. I precived the word just about a hour ago when I was at Radiant Garden. Those creatures were called X-Souls" said Robert. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperPunk 13 Posted August 21, 2010 "Hmph...I think his nobody, Roxas, was better." Amu said smirking, trying to make Robert mad. "I mean, he was ruthless, right? Hahaha. We can talk about th X-Souls when we get to my house." Amu extended a hand to Robert. "C'mon, Let's go." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heartless101 83 Posted August 21, 2010 Robert glared at Amu. "Pffft! Sora was better than Roxas but I have to admit, Roxas was pretty good." said Robert. Robert walked behind Amu over to her house. (That was either a joke trying to get me mad or she really meant it) thought Robert. (I guess with great power, comes at a great price. I guess this weapon takes more out of me then Sora. But then again, this was only my first day at using the keyblade.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperPunk 13 Posted August 21, 2010 "Well, he makes a good other." Amu added, reciting Roxas' last line in the book. One thing bothered Amu though. "Why do you think Sora is so great? I mean, he is, but you make such a big deal out of it..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heartless101 83 Posted August 21, 2010 Robert looked at Amu. "He's my idol. I learned about him when I was 4. My dad told me stories about Sora and how great he was and I wanted to be just like Sora. "Plus he's a awesome keyblade master. I'm sure that Sora's light has brought us all here together because that the worlds were in trouble and we needed to combine forces to save them. That's what makes me admire him even more. He had the wisdom in order to gather us all here together." said Robert. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperPunk 13 Posted August 21, 2010 "Well, Sora fights for what's right. No matter the cost... He even turned into a Heartless for Kairi. I'm not even sure I would make that sacrifice yet." She stared at the setting sun and remembered how much it warmed her heart when she heard that Sora did that for a friend... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heartless101 83 Posted August 21, 2010 Robert looked at Amu. "That's another thing. He was really brave. Because of his love to Kairi, he sacarfised himself to save her." said Robert. "He's a real true hero in my book. I would do anything to meet him and make him proud" said Robert sighing deeply. (I wonder though. What lurks of those X-Souls. They seemed really dangerous.) thought Robert. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperPunk 13 Posted August 21, 2010 "Yeah I really admire him for that..." They got to her house and she reached into one of her pockets. "I know its not much but, hey..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heartless101 83 Posted August 21, 2010 (yeah I noticed that I was wondering ) Robert watched as she got out her keys. "Yeah, that's one of the things that I admire most about him. Not only bravery, but friendship as well. I guess that's one of my fatal flaws. That is friendship. I've never made any friends. I've only been respectful to Master Sora but there might be a change" said Robert. (That is no lie, I think that there will be a time where I will respect Amu, Sophie, and Somnus) thought Robert. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperPunk 13 Posted August 21, 2010 (My phone was lagging and it posted twice TT_TT I hope I dont get in trouble) "Oh? And why is that?" Amu unlocked the door to her home and looked at everyone. "Pick you're own rooms guys. There's enough." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heartless101 83 Posted August 21, 2010 "It's just because that I've been mean to everyone, and I thought that no one cared about me at school, so I thought why should I care about them?" said Robert. "Anyways, thanks for offering everyone to sleep in your house" said Robert smiling at Amu. Robert went inside the room and saw a couch and lied down on it. (I haven't seen a couch in a long time) thought Robert. (This will be how Robert will turn evil read if you dare Robert gets possesed ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperPunk 13 Posted August 21, 2010 "No problem." She said to Robert before he left to his room. When he was gone, she went to the dining room and sat at the table. Amu took out her Keyblade and placed on the table in front of her.. "Why have you been fussing with me all day?" She asked, as if she would get an oral response. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo/Yami 37 Posted August 21, 2010 Somnus just looked around the house. He couldn't recall the last time he had actually been in someone else's home. Somnus honestly didn't feel like searching for a room. He knew he wouldn't be able to get some sleep anyway. After all, he had to protect a crystal, save the world with a giant key, and he was the last person in the world with the ability to have a crystal seal. Somnus summoned his keyblade and stared at it. Something seemed familiar about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heartless101 83 Posted August 21, 2010 Robert looked at his Darkness Inferno. "I guess I'm supposed to help Amu, Sophie and Somnus save the world with this keyblade. I'll help as much as I can. The only thing I wonder was what were those creatures, the X-Souls? And what were their purpose? I dont think that Sora ever actually fought them" said Robert out loud even though that no one could hear him. Robert de summoned his keyblade and went to sleep. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperPunk 13 Posted August 22, 2010 Amu laid her head on the table silently and slowly drifted off to sleep... "Amu...Defeat him...The Keyblade....Your friends....They're the REAL power..." "AH!" Amu gasped as she woke up from her slumber. She woke in a cold sweat and her head was pounding. "What...was that..?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites