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A New Dawn *A kh-related rp*

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Sophie jolted--this wasn't what she had expected. Twilight Town? She was back home? Immediately her hopes diminished. Did this mean there were only two worlds? She looked sadly over to Amu. She looked mystified. "This is my hometown." She said eventually. Sophie's eyes widened. "You're from Twilight Town!?" Amu nodded seriously, and then narrowed her eyes. "How could you know this is--" "I live here too!" She exclaimed excitedly, and pointed to her house. She breathed a sigh of relief, but then held her breath again. Surely her journey wasn't over?

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Amu gaped at Sophie.

"You LIVE here? How come I never saw you?!"

Suddenly a mysterious black, humanoid creature appeared in front of them. A bright red 'X' slashed across it's chest.

Amu took a step back. "Sophie...what do you think that is..?"

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Robert walked around Radiant Garden and saw some more of the creatrues which were called the X-Souls. They looked like big black creatures with a huge X on them. Robert slashed through the X-Souls and then used strike raid on them. (How come I've never heard of these creatures before?) thought Robert defeating the rest of the X-Souls.

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Somnus just stared at the creature and summoned his keyblade. "We can kill it now, and discuss that later." He said, ready to fight. Somnus knew that there were probably way more than one hiding. *OOC: Hee's been there the whole time. no questions*

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"Right," Sophie agreed, and summonded her Keyblade. She couldn't get over that fact that it was HERS. She snapped out of it just in time to avoid being attacked by the creature. She glanced at Somnus and Amu. "Is this one of those Heartless or Nobodies?" She asked in confusion. It didn't look like what she'd pictured from her dad's "stories". "No!" "What..." She slashed at the creature. "What IS this thing!?"

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Robert walked through Radiant Garden and saw a huge X-Soul. It was much bigger than any X-Soul he has ever seen. "Dang! What is this X-Soul???" asked Robert. Robert tried to slash it but it knocked Robert with it's huge hand. "Ugh!" exclaimed Robert. Robert gasped when he precived what the X-Soul was. It was a combination of a Twilight Thorn and a Darkside. He examined the X-Soul. It's body was silver-ish and his hands were black and his feet were black.

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Amu summoned her KeyBlade and swung it at the monster. She missed and it caught hold of her leg.She kept struggling to get free but it was no use.

It held her upside down and started to emit a dark haze.

"GAH! H-help me!!"

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Somnus slashed at the creature and it let go. It turned its attention to Somnus and tried to tackle him. Somnus slashed at it again and then slammed it into the ground with his keyblade. "This thing..." Somnus got ready for some more and the crystal began to glow.

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The X-Soul who was a combination of the Twilight Thorn and the Darkside through Robert up in the air. "Augh!" shouted Robert. Robert used the momentum that he was gaining when he was thrown up in the air so that when he landed, he sliced the X-Soul. Robert landed safely but he knew that he still needed to defeat the X-Soul. Robert used dark fiagra on the X-Soul but the X-Soul just absorbed it like it was nothing.

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Amu landed on her back with a thud.

A sharp pain struck her on her ankle. She lifted her foot and saw the horrifying damage.

Her leg was being consumed by the black aura the monster had placed on her while it held her.

Amu screamed, terrified. "Get it OFF of me!!"

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Sophie bent down next to Amu. "Are you okay, Amu? Did it break your--oh, no," She gasped, seeing the dark aura creeping up her ankle. Amu screamed frantically for them to get it off. Sophie bit her lip--what could she do? "Don't touch it," She insised. "It'll spread further. Don't worry, we'll figure something out." She promised as Somnus destroyed the giant monster and ran over.

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Somnus looked at it and then pointed his keyblade at it. A thin beam of light touched the black aura and it disappeared. Somnus turned around and more of the creatures appeared. "What the-" One of them charged at him and Somnus slashed it. It jumped back and three of them tackled him to the ground.

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Robert looked at the X-Soul. Suddenly it seemed less tired ever since it absorbed the dark fiagra. (Either it's immume to fire, or darkness.) thought Robert. Robert jumped up and sliced the X-Soul to defeat it. (But I used dark fiagra on the other X-Souls... why is this one, the one I defeated, was immume to dark fiagra) thought Robert. Robert walked around Radiant Garden some more, looking for more X-Souls.

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"Somnus!" Sophie yelled, and slashed the creatures. They disappeared, and she watched as more appeared. She raised her Keyblade in an offensive position, and glared hatefully at the creatures. "What ARE these things!?" She helped Amu get to her feet. "Well, I guess all that matters now is defeating them." She answered herself before running at all of the monsters.

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Robert finished detouring around Radiant Garden and at the gate, he saw a portal. It looked like the portal that Robert took to Radiant Garden from Destiny Islands. (I know that this portal is different then the one that I took earlier.) thought Robert. (I think that the X-Souls are finished here for now) thought Robert. Robert went into the portal and he landed in Twilight Town. (... Twilight Town. A very different world.) thought Robert. Robert saw the same 3 people from the Islands. (I better help them. They look like they're in trouble) thought Robert. Robert took out his Darkness Inferno and charged at the X-Souls and sliced some of them.

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Somnus stood up. The dark aura had coverd his leg and shoulders. He pointed hiskeyblade at himself and it cleansed the aura off. Somnus helped Robert by slashing some of the rest. More kept coming. Somnus tried to shoot the beam he used to cleanse the dark aura at the creatures. He shot once and he killed one of the creatures instantly.

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Robert saw a X-soul behind Somnus. (Looks like he's in trouble.) thought Robert. Robert used thundagra on the X-Soul. Robert sliced through some more X-Souls. (I can't believe there's so many X-Souls here) thought Robert.

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Amu stuggled against the monsters. Her ankle still ached but she had to fight.

"What ARE these things?!?!"

She looked over her shoulder and quickly dodged a firaga the creature conjured.

"What?! They can use MAGIC too?!" She yelled in surprise

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"Some of them are immume to magic as well" said Robert to Amu. Robert kicked the X-Soul and then sliced through the X-Soul that he kicked. Robert sliced the X-Soul behind Amu and then used blizzardagra on the X-Soul.

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"Magic?" Sophie repeated in awe. There was magic, too? She supposed it shouldn't surprise her after all of this. She destroyed another of the wierd creatures. She remembered her dad telling her the stories of Sora before she went to bed every night when she was younger. The creatures symbols didn't match the ones he'd described. Had he just be mistaken? Or were these some new breed of enemy? Either way, their fate would be the same as that of a Heartless or Nobody. She'd defeat them.

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Two of the creaturess tried to tackle Somnus again. He killed them before they got him and blocked the Fire one casted at him. "We need to wrap this up." Somnus said before killing two of the creatures that just arrived. The crystal glowed vibrantly and Somnus gripped his keyblade tighter.

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Robert slashed the X-Soul behind Sophie. Robert used thundagra on multiple X-Souls. (There's too many even with the 4 of us. We need something like reinforcements.) thought Roy. Roy kicked the small X-Soul and then sliced through the X-Soul. (I can't believe there's so many X-Souls)

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(All of these X-Soul things) Sophie thought, shuddering as she destroyed another. (Where have they come from? Kingdom Hearts?) She looked around. They could defeat them all, but there wasn't a very good chance. She glanced back at the other fighting Keyblade wielders. (Well, we have to try, after all.) She thought determindedly before attacking them again, her spirits raised. This was her home, and she was going to defend it.

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Amu was completely out of breath right now.

She was weak...Pathetic...

She felt so much rage at herself she forced herself to fight.

"Pathetic....So...pathetic." She panted

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The crystal glowed enough so that everyone could see it. Somnus clutched his chest and fell on his knees. He stood up slowly and slashed at the creatures with great force. Somnus killed many of them and every single creature that tried to attack from the back was stopped by a water like stream that shot up and stopped attacks. After Somnus killed all but two of them*along with the others* he fell to his knees in exhaustion.

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