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A New Dawn *A kh-related rp*

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Somnus still refrained from looking directly at Robert. The crystal glowed a little and faded. It was responding to something nearby. "I'm sure that won't be too much of a problem." Somnus said. He was waiting for the right time to temporarily sync the crystal with his heart and figure out what was going on. Problem was, there seemed to be no time.

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Sophie shook her head slightly. "The light of Sora is what brought me here?" (I was so sure all of those were just stories. And at first I was sure that girl was lying to me, but now that everyone seems so sure... are they crazy? Brain-washed into a cult or something? Am I supposed to be part of it?) "Why would it bring me HERE? Why would HE bring me here?" None of this made sense to her.

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"We were all brought to where Sora, Kairi, and Riku resided."Amu said.

She clutched her hands into fists and bit her lip. After a while, she extended her right hand.

"This...is why we are here..."

As soon as those words were said, a ray of light shined across her hand. And there it was. A KeyBlade.

"I found this out 3 days before coming to the island."

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"This is Sora's birthplace. This is the world Sora came from." Somnus waited for Sophie to comment, half expecting a remark that questioned everyone's, including her own, intelligence. "Stop thinking about what you think you know and focus on one thing at a time. I'm sure than you'll understand." Somnus looked at the keyblade that had appeared in Amu's hand. "And so it begins." He said before putting the two halvs of the papou he had in the water.

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Sophie's jaw dropped, and she stared at the object that appeared. It sounded just like the 'Keyblade' her dad had described when telling her the stories. Which may or may not actually be just STORIES. She stammered in awe. "Is-Is that a-a Keyblade?" Suddenly, it didn't seem so impossible anymore. She looked up in surprise, finally grasping what it meant to be in Sora, Riku, and Kairi's home. It meant she was in another world. It meant that this was the Destiny Islands. It meant that everything was true.

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Robert smiled under his hoodie. He saw the keyblade that Amu had. (I see so that's why we were here. We were directed by Sora's light. We are here to obtain the keyblade...) Robert held out his hand and dark stars came out of his hand and he summoned the weapon that he has been seeking for. The keyblade. Robert smiled in delight. (Now I can use this weapon. Sora deserves respect. I shall give him respect by doing this.)

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Instead of just the girl having a Keyblade, now one of the boys did, too. She shook her head. This was partially amazing, and very terrifying. It meant her home could have been destroyed--there was a chance she never would have existed. She took a deep breath, and held out her hand. If they were right, that they'd been drawn here by Sora's light to recieve their own Keyblades... She stumbled back a step when one appeared in her grip. "Whoa! I-I have--"

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Robert looked at the keyblade the other girl just summoned. (The Rainfell. I don't know how I precived that keyblade's name,... but what's this keyblade?) Robert thought. (... The Darkness Inferno. I like that name...) thought Robert. Robert marveled at his keyblade.

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Amu cringed.

More KeyBladers...

More people sucked into this world....

"Yeah, that's your KeyBlade." It tells you it's name itself. Treat it as a comrade, not a weapon..."

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Robert took off his hood. Robert de-summoned his keyblade. (I think it's time for a little tester) thought Robert. Robert looked at the 2 girls and the 1 man. "... Well good luck on your journies." said Robert to the 3 of them. (The keyblade. I must use it to defeat the heartless, universed and nobodies. That's what I'm supposed to do. But I'll make my ultumiate plot later.) thought Robert.

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"Hmm," Sophie carefully inspected her Keyblade. She was thrilled to have it, but also kind of afraid. What did this mean? Why did she have this Keyblade? Was it for no reason other than for show? Or was she, too, supposed to protect the worlds like Sora had? She immediately decided on the last option. She was going to save the worlds. But... what did they need saving from?

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Somnus grew even more uneasy as time progressed, especially after seeing that all of them, even Robert, could summon a keyblade. He held his hand out and something similar to data swirled around. Light then shined through the data and the keyblade was in Somnus's hand. "...This keyblade is mine." Somnus de-summoned his keyblade. He closed his eyes and the crystal glowed briefly.

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(So all of us can summon a Keyblade.) Sophie thought, inspecting the little group. "But what does this mean?" She asked aloud. (Are we all supposed to save the world together? It doesn't seem like we'd all get along so well... it's more like we're all competing.) She looked out of the sparkling ocean. (But, if we're competing like it seems... then what are we competing FOR?)

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Amu was glad to see Robert leave. The eerie feeling was gone...

She looked back at the other 2 Keybladers.

She de-summoned her Keyblade and addressed them.

"I'm assuming that you have heard of the Heartless and Nobodies right?"

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Sophie nodded to the girl. "Yes, I've heard of them. They were in the legends about--I mean, they were there during Sora's journey, right?" She sighed in annoyance, her gaze switching to the boy and girl rather than the ocean. It was too peaceful, and her mind was reeling. "Let me guess--they're all real, too?" The girl shook her head. "Yeah." "Well," Sophie took a deep breath. "I guess we never really got to the introductions. My name's Sophie."

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"Right." Amu laughed once.

"My name's Amu. Saviour of the World I guess..."

She extended a hand to shake their hands.

"Nice to meet you guys."

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Somnus just opened his eyes. He looked at the others and then nodded. The crystal pulsated. Somnus preffered to stay on the discussion of the enemies they would have to fight rather than something as pointless as introductions. "Name's Somnus." He said, not really looking at them. His attention was focused somewhere else.

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Robert went into a portal and went to Radiant Garden. "Interesting. This is Radiant Garden. My home" said Robert. He saw a bunch of heartless and nobodies there. (Alright here we go!) thought Robert. Robert summoned his Darkness Inferno and charged at the heartless and nobodies. But suddenly, they fused together. "WHAT????!!! They fused together?" asked Robert.

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When they had gotten around to something other than Sora, several white portals appears along the coast of the island.

"What are those? Do you...think we should go through...?"

Is this the first step to following Sora..?

She looked at Somnus and Sophie, wondering...

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"Right," Sophie beamed at Amu and Somnus. Why had the other boy left? Had he come to the same conclusion as her--they were meant to save the worlds? Or had he left because he was afraid to, or didn't want any part of it? She frowned, confused, but quickly re-arranged her expression. "You seem to know a lot more about what's going on than I do." She admitted. "I understand why we're here now. But what do we do now? If we're supposed to save the worlds... how do we do it?" She saw the portals start appearing. "Huh?"

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Robert stepped back in panic. He saw the nobodies and heartless morph bodies to form multiple combinations of heartless and nobodies. (Lord Sora what are these monsters that fused together) thought Robert. He knew that it would take some time before he would precive the answer. Robert used dark fiagra to defeat some of the monsters and then stabbed one. But suddenly, one of the monsters hit Robert and Robert fell to the ground. (Dang, these things hurt) thought Robert.

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"Well, I'm gonna go through one...Follow me if you want." She said walking towards one of the portals.

(I just want to get this over with....)She thought.

Her shoes started to touch the waves and she became nervous....

Could she do this alone?

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After hesitating for only a second, Sophie ran after Amu. She wasn't going to be here in some strange world alone. Her new quest was to protect the worlds from... from whatever they needed protecting from. Sophie knew that she needed to find something in the worlds. Enemies, Keyholes, SOMETHING so she could keep them safe. Portals seemed to be the only form of transportation she could find now, so... "Hey! Hey, wait up, I'm coming with you!"

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Robert got back up and used strike raid on the last monster. "..." (The X-Souls.) (So that was what the enemies were?) thought Robert. I have to admit they were quite powerful. But those X-Souls are out of control.) thought Robert. Robert continued to walk around Radiant Garden.

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Amu smiled slightly.

"Thanks..." She turned to the portal and stepped through it. The light consumed them and she felt a shiver go down her spine. She closed her eyes when the light was too overwhelming.

Then, when she opened her eyes, the scene had changed. No more waves and no more sand.

They were in her hometown....Twilight Town.

What evil could possibly be roaming around here??

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