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KHUX Medal Suggestions

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Playing Unchained X is loads of fun but I think my medal selection is a bit lackluster. Just a bit ago, I unlocked the final medal slot for my Starlight Keyblade (which looks great) so I wanted to see if you guys had any suggestions. I'll post a pic of my current setup.


First Slot: Magic Boost

Second Slot: Speed Boost

Third Slot: Attack Boost

Fourth Slot: Speed Boost

Fifth Slot: No Boost Yet


Edited by KHVision

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Wow, your medal selection is low because you have 3800 unspent jewels, Lol.


Go draw 12 medals from the rare medal lottery and hopefully you'll get some gold ones to go with that badass keyblade!

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  On 9/7/2015 at 4:47 AM, Ninkoro said:

Wow, your medal selection is low because you have 3800 unspent jewels, Lol.Go draw 12 medals from the rare medal lottery and hopefully you'll get some gold ones to go with that badass keyblade!

its like he has the ultima weapon and doesn't know how to use it lol

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  On 9/7/2015 at 4:47 AM, Ninkoro said:

Wow, your medal selection is low because you have 3800 unspent jewels, Lol.Go draw 12 medals from the rare medal lottery and hopefully you'll get some gold ones to go with that badass keyblade!

Thanks for the tip and man do I feel dumb lol I figured I should save the jewels since I thought they'd be super important. I did end up getting two Gold Sora Medals so that's a plus!

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  On 9/7/2015 at 5:13 AM, KHVision said:

Thanks for the tip and man do I feel dumb lol I figured I should save the jewels since I thought they'd be super important. I did end up getting two Gold Sora Medals so that's a plus!

Np japanese confuses the best of us, glad you got some good medals!
  On 9/7/2015 at 5:05 AM, Keyblade master26 said:

its like he has the ultima weapon and doesn't know how to use it lol

Couldnt have said it better myself. Edited by Ninkoro

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BTW the last slot for Starlight is Magic, I have it up to +19 right now :/. Dunno how far we can go for it.


Also, personally I think its best to save up for 3000 as you are guaranteed a 5* medal.  Regardless, this game is SUPER giving in its materials, im really surprised.


If you want, try to get the Older Hercules, Cloud, or KH 2 Riku in an Org Suit for Power, apparently and according to JP wiki, they are the "best" Plus Tuesdays are days to upgrade your power medal :)

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"If you want, try to get the Older Hercules, Cloud, or KH 2 Riku in an Org Suit for Power, apparently and according to JP wiki, they are the "best" Plus Tuesdays are days to upgrade your power medal  :)"


Where did you get the information on this?  I've been trying to find information on which one's are good / what some of the obscure metals I have do and haven't had any luck.  Also, which Hercules do you mean?  The skinny one or the Super buff one?  I totally get Cloud being really good though I've been using my 3 star version of him while I wait to get his Evo stuff and he's been putting down whoopings worthy of a 5 star easily.  

Edited by Emuemuman

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I linked it in my other posts :)Here (This is the link)  I meant the older Hercules,you get 7 Attacks at around x3.20 for a 5*, which is pretty good.


Tinker Bell and Jiminy are similar, imo, i use either or.


The KH1 Soras are also similar, so there isnt a difference there.


King Mickey is considered the best Magic AoE, but Wisdom Form Sora F is pretty good as well.


Really, any 5* star medal is pretty good, except for those that give u ability points back after using them.  Personally those are useless.

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Interesting, thanks for that, appreciate it.  Its odd to see that its two Power that are "SS".  I'm happy to have cloud since I like him the best of the "top" physicals so I'd probably use him over Herc / Riku anyway for that reason :P


Other than that this all seems to be pretty much what I expected.  I actually have both Mickey and Wisdom Sora so that's interesting if I ever want to do a weenie buster team.  Also you said Jiminy is equivalent to Tinker Bell?  I have him but not her, so he's worth raising then?  Pretty happy with what I have based on this list (though too bad my Donald, Goofy, and Diz are apparently not great (I'm guessing Diz is one of the ability generators... I couldn't figure out what he does haha)


, Might hold off on pulling much more.  I really want a Kairi, and she doesn't seem to be in the game yet :)

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  On 9/8/2015 at 10:49 PM, Emuemuman said:

Interesting, thanks for that, appreciate it.  Its odd to see that its two Power that are "SS".  I'm happy to have cloud since I like him the best of the "top" physicals so I'd probably use him over Herc / Riku anyway for that reason :P


Other than that this all seems to be pretty much what I expected.  I actually have both Mickey and Wisdom Sora so that's interesting if I ever want to do a weenie buster team.  Also you said Jiminy is equivalent to Tinker Bell?  I have him but not her, so he's worth raising then?  Pretty happy with what I have based on this list (though too bad my Donald, Goofy, and Diz are apparently not great (I'm guessing Diz is one of the ability generators... I couldn't figure out what he does haha)


, Might hold off on pulling much more.  I really want a Kairi, and she doesn't seem to be in the game yet :)


Yeah, the thing is that, this is all preliminary, as we dont know all the full stats  and nobody has done the complete math on it.  I believe Jiminy is worth raising, I have him as a 5 star, and works pretty much the same as my 4* Tinker Bell.  Really any medal can be well versed, just make sure to have a balance of Single Damage and AoE Dmg, as you never know which one you might need.  


Hercules and Riku are strong because of high multipliers and #Hits.  Cloud is similar to them, I believe hes pretty high tier as well.

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Yeah I expect all three of them to settle in well when things are more ironed out.  And I'm sure a lot will change over time, it seems like the 6 stars might not even really be taken into account fully yet given that its so hard to use them well even for the highest level guys (the cost tho).  Wouldn't be surprised to see some guys make some surprise power in their 6 form.  


Also I failed to resist pulling before, got a Dupe Aerith :(  At least it was one level higher than the one I had I guess, upgrade lol

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So the medals with attack up abilities are top tier now. I'm not sure with something though, I noticed there are 2 kinds of attack up abilities. One attributed, other is not. Does the latter affect all other medals with attack up? Also you put them in the first slot right? So the other remaining medals will have attack up?

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Putting them in the first slot gets the most bang for your buck yeah, and they all effect all of the medals that come after.  


The only difference between the two types is one works on all attributes and the other specific only.  Of course the specific only are stronger, but its not a huge difference (still worth using them in a all attribute team of course).  

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