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Nero Kunivas

Tainted Blood (RP Thread)

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 - Henry Hansees -


Henry wasn't anticipating that attack from the ninja girl, the attack soon hit his back and covered the area of the blast in a large cloud of smoke, inside the smoke however, Henry was smilling, as he did feel the blast, but chuckled a bit, the attack itself was surprisingly powerful and quick, the only problem is that Neena had used a darkness elemental attack, which was, a large portion of his own power, so instead of taking the damage and the energy dissipating, he absorbed the energy, while still taking the blow, albeit reduced by his innate resistance of it.


Soon enough, the smoke was still there, and no sign of him could be seen, or rather felt, but soon enough he reapeared in a flash of darkness beside Neena, "Not bad!" he said quickly as he finally unsheated his sword into a combo of four strikes, all of which were aimed at her chest, all with enough force to make her at least stagger, but that wasn't all, every slash, materialized an orb of crimson fire behind her as he finished the combo with a open palm strike which let out a wind shockwave possibly throwing her back, right at the orbs, which would explode as soon as she got near them, all happened so quickly it would be hard to notice.


"Not even a thank you before attacking me?" He asked, "You know, back there, when I blocked the hit for you...jeez you're no fun..."


- Mikhail Crad -


(Nothing to do right now, so i'l skip this post)



- Gabriel Stross -


"Chat" Gabriel suit's Ai spoke out loud for both Korben and Uzume to hear, he remained with his back leaned against the wall, as he messed with his hologram and keyboard on his left arm, manually controlling some building bots to do the finishing touches upon Sahala, stopping its digital deconstruction into the database momentarily.



- Dex -


Dex was now in the market area of the city, walking about, looking for anything remotely interesting to see or do, "Uneventful day..." Oryx spoke within Dex's mind, 'Tell me about it' Dex replied with a thought, knowing Oryx would read his mind. 


"What about Plutia?" Dex asked, "She's making progress...albeit she just killed an empire's scientist..." Oryx replied, "Damn." was all that Dex could say.

Edited by Scrapmaster

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-Emperor Korben-


Amused at her frantic movements and bold claims of harming and ending his life, Korben merely watched Uzume struggle and shout for a while, before she asked a...rather simple question. "Why don't I answer your question with another question?" He asked rhetorically, walking closer to Uzume and studying her. "Why wouldn't you be chained to this chair?" He stated mockingly, then he chuckled upon reflecting on her accusations of changing her sister, which he presumed to be Peashy, or maybe his former left hand: Plutia. "Your sister was the product of her own changes, little girl. In this world, you would always have been powerless to do anything to change it and defy fate itself. Fate, little miss Uzume, was the result of her change. You can't fight fate, so don't even try...like how you shouldn't have tried to oppose me." Korben spoke to her coldly, his words were to the point and unfaltering as he basically told her how worthless her existence is and how fruitless any of her actions are.


"NOW! I know you have ties to the Order of Lux, perhaps you are even a part of it....so I ask you, no, I demand that you tell me what you know. Because if you don't...I will make the next 10 minutes of your existence as agonizing and terrifying as I possibly can...and beyond." His words dripped with a seething contempt and a sadistic undertone, they flowed like poison in Uzume's mind, or anyone who was on the receiving end for that matter as they could only look into his burning, dark blue eyes of flame.


"Resist....or lie...and I'll make it the next five minutes." He added, with his eye flames flaring up very slightly and the embers emanating from the ends of the flames were no longer harmless in appearance. "Talk, "goddess".


-Slade Joseph Wilson-


Slade looked to Vortludo, then nodded at his suggestion. "You are correct, we must leave them to it. We can...do other things." He mused, the signalled others mentioned to follow.


-Nolan "Arkham" Vigil-


Nolan sighed as Eclaire spoke...but in the end, he could only nod. "You are right there...we do need all the assets we can get...but...*Sigh* Never mind, I just have a lot on my mind currently. Just, try and keep the troops out of too much trouble. Good people are hard to find in this world, Eclaire...it was hard enough for me to find you." He said somewhat calmly, then she left, presumably for other matters, while Nolan got off his seat and headed back to his Lab to begin more work, still having some doubts within.


-Azrael/Masked Man-


The Masked Man was quite surprised to see the Rebel Leader herself appear before them all and send off the rather rude Archangel, then question what he wanted from the Rebellion. "My Lady Eclaire, it is an honour." He spoke with honest reverence, rather than the false type some would expect from a Demon, then he cleared his throat. "It is about the Empire Citadel. It may not mean much to you but, their defences have increased...and they are developing....something new. Something powerful, something...Mechanical and very, very large." He told her about Sahala, or what he saw of it, as he was a master at infiltrating Empire Facilities, even before he came here, using this form during then too and keeping to the shadows as their plans were discussed. He wished to be able to be in several places at once, perhaps with a Shade or Astral Projection, but alas, he just had to be swift and he still missed a couple of things. He was lucky to have caught wind of the Sahala development, but in actuality, he was only guessing where the Mech might be from a hunch.


"I'd recommend caution...I have heard what they want it to do, and I doubt you can throw water at it to short it, their technicians aren't stupid....usually." He added, chuckling at the last sentence. "On another note, I can act as a perfect Infiltration Unit, as I can hide within the Shadows and if I intend to be seen, I feign alliance with the Empire. Korben is fooled, but I fool you not, for you are wise beyond measure. It is your choice whether to believe me or not, but I implore you to look past my species." He explained, then waited for a response.

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'I swear if their is one more person who resists dark magic I am going light and fire instead.' Neena thought to herself after her attacks had appeared ineffective. It was shortly after this though that he followed up with a combo of four strikes. Neena, in dark drive, was more than capable of dodging attacks like this. It was nothing, a series of flips, dips, and dodges later, and she was practically laughing at the man. She was assuming that this fight would be tougher after the fight she had seen just now. So much for that.


At least until that palm strike. It caught her off guard, and though she had been feeling the heat from behind her, the assassin had not yet had time to deal with that threat. She paid for that as they exploded, washing her body with concussive explosive force as well as the flames. It burned her pale skin, and she was blown back into the snow once again. Her dark form dissipated, returning her to her normal garb as she laid in the snow, bloodied and burned from her fights.

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- Henry Hansees -


Henry was satisfied as she ninja wasn't able to counter his whole attack, with a small smile on his face as the orbs were triggered for explosion, he watched as Neena changed forms and flew into the snow, now probably hurt.


Henry simply decided to do what no one would probably do, go see if she was ok, he slowly walked up to her while she was laying on the ground, sheathing his sword as he simply kept walking, he then squatted when a few feet from her to look at her and her wounds.

"Sorry about that, you didn't give me much choice. Not gonna ask if you're alright, thats pretty obvious, but are you going to be ok? I can get a healer for you if you want, but first I gotta ask, why did you hold back your attack? wanted to make sure no civilians were harmed?" he asked her, with a tone of indifference in his voice, he didn't really care why she attacked him, he just wanted to know why she did it, and why she held back to ensure the civilians were not harmed.

Edited by Scrapmaster

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Peashy was in her human form asleep until she had a sudden awakening from her sleep, almost like she had a nightmare "Where...am I again?" said Peashy as she looked around seeing no one around her within the room. Peashy soon took out the needles in her body & left the room in a hurry "Wonder where everyone went?" said Peashy thinking out loud as she journeyed around. Peashy soon found herself within a big open room where alot of mechanical stuff are being developed, tested & made (Gabriel's mech lab) "WOOOOW! Fun as toys! YAY!" screamed Peashy with joy as she jumped up & down before running around the place playing with anything she found interesting or fun looking. Peashy ended up accidentally breaking some things she played with & soon she found something really big that really got her attention. It was the Sahala mech "Oooooh...YAY! this looks like a fun toy" said Peashy feeling really excited seeing it. Peashy pushed some building bots out of her way as she quickly begun climbing it's leg before she started swinging off it "WEEEE!, hahaha!" screamed Peashy as she enjoyed herself.



After Korben not only mocked Uzume, told her efforts were fruitless & that her existence was nothing but worthless, thats when Uzume got angry "I HATE YOU KORBEN!!!" screamed Uzume a she tried to transform into her goddess form but failed as the chair she was in shocked her out of her goddess form the moment she entered it. Uzume took a moment after the shock to catch her breath coughing a bit while korben demanded info about the Order of Lux. As Uzume stared at Korben's dark blue flaring eyes Uzume felt a great amount of fear staring at those eyes. Uzume begun to shiver with the fear parazlising her "N-no...I won't back down! I won't lose! My hearts a hardcore freedom fighter!" thought Uzume as she then bit her lip causing some blood to drip down her mouth to overcome her fear with pain "Hehe, You'd better make it within the next minute Korben" said Uzume as she showed a little grin right before she spat some of the blood from her mouth at his face. "CAUSE I WON'T BREAK THAT EASY!!" yelled Uzume.

Edited by The Unversed

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- Gabriel Stross - 


"!" A very noticeable hologram image of a red exclamation point was projected in front of his helmet, as he saw through surveilance and the bots that Peashy was in his lab, his worst fears had come true, she is in the lab, alone, and breaking stuff, specially a hard-drive, containing some weapon schematics. Soon enough Gabriel's usual green lights on his suit turned bright red for a second as he nodded to korben, and gave him a remote control of the chair, all he needed was press a button and Uzume would be shocked, goddess form or not, before he stormed off, heading into his lab. Visible lightning coming off his hands, it was rare to see Gabriel pissed, a rare occurance that the likes of even Korben would be surprised at the mute's anger.


And soon enough he arrived at the lab, to see Peashy swinging up and down Sahala, his suit's light back to green, as he managed to calm down a bit, he simply crossed his arms as he looked at her,glancing at the destruction she did, "Please, don't touch what you're not supposed to." The suit's AI said, "Now get down." The suit followed. If peashy went for goddess form, he'd be ready to fight her off, although he'd need to minimize the damage to the surroundings.



- Mikhail Crad -


"Sure, why not?" Mikhail said as he agreed with Vortludo, "Lets leave them alone, sure, what could go wrong..." Mikhail commented with his normal sarcastic tone as he turned to follow Vortludo.

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-Emperor Korben-


Korben chuckled as Uzume struggled further and he dismissed the Blood Spit as a mere nuisance, then he pushed the button on the remote to shock her again, with higher intensity, for a solid 10 seconds, letting go only to punch her in the face hard and after savouring the blow, walked to her right.

"You are nothing but a fool, an ant kicking at a Titan's toe." He coldly stated, walking in a circle around her with the remote firmly in his hand and raised.

"And when I am finished with you...your spirit will be more broken than the proverbial window during a riot....or a Rebel Incident." He went on to say, then cranked up the intensity of the Shocks and prepared to push the button. "The Order of Lux. What are they planning? Where is their base? Do they have other strongholds? Are they vulnerable?" Korben demanded sternly, his threat of a stronger shock loomed.

Edited by SuperiorKunivas

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Snow flew into the air as Jadis's feet pounded the ground.  He was dashing down the darkened streets of Rhasolvich, hoping to make it there before the battle ceased entirely.  A beam of light suddenly struck the ground right before him, however, making fall back on his rear with a yelp.  It didn't harm him, but it was certainly enough to shake him.  More beams began to strike the town in various places, setting a good portion of the village on fire.  Jadis's eyes widened in surprise and alarm.  Oh, no, they're doing it . . . .


He wasted no time in scrambling to his feet and proceeding to arrive at the scene.  It was to his surprise, however, that the beams of light stopped shortly after they began, and by the time Jadis arrived the angel and dark imperial were nowhere to be seen.  A short distance away he caught sight of Fiora and Rufus, to which he ran over to.  "What's going on?  Is it over already?" he asked no one in particular, stealing a glance at the battlefield.  Instead all he saw were a young man and woman, the woman in the ground apparently injured while the other stood speaking with her.  "What's happening to them?  Were they fighting, too? and"--he couldn't help but shoot Rufus a glare--"you're still here?!"



The blond opened his mouth to retort to Slade's statement when the masked man spoke, words that rang true to a fault.  Immediately Yev stepped forward, his fist clenched tightly, though he didn't speak immediately.  He closed his eyes and turned his head away.  How could this man--this demon--already know so much about him?  Was he as easy to read as a windowpane?  This thought irked and worried him.  "I have suffered, more than you can know.  I won't try to deny that."  He glanced up to look into the face of the masked man, one that he couldn't see yet tried to envision.  "But tell me: why does that make me more like one of you?  I don't see any similarities, let alone in our races.  My father's nation had fought your kind for centuries.  You must understand that I can't help but question your objectives, and I can only hold little faith in this Succubus until I meet her."


Apparently Yev would meet her much sooner than he'd anticipated.  Soon she'd appeared from what seemed like nowhere to command Tiriel to stand down, and then proceeded to ask the demon what he intended.  Even if it didn't involve him, Yevgeni was interested in hearing news of the empire, and was particularly curious when he heard of this new weapon of theirs.


It was then that Vortludo's words had left Yevgeni's ears and infiltrated his brain, causing him to jerk his attention away from the rebellion leader and fixate on his companions.  A part of him was troubled to see them go; he wasn't all too keen on being left alone with this bunch, but this was his chance to further study Eclaire and speak further on her motives.  Finally Yev nodded in agreement and held out his hand to shake all of theirs, first handing it out to Vort.  "I understand," was his response.  "And while I can't really say that was the wisest move on your part, well, you have a big heart, and I do appreciate that."

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After being thanked by Rufus, Fiora answered his question. "They both ran off to shelter. They should be safe..." She quickly remembered that the man seemed convinced that they were her children. "A-also, I'm not their mother. We met at another town, and they brought me here so I could heal a friend of theirs." She quickly explained, slightly stuttering. With the battle now over, she didn't have much of a distraction to keep her from getting nervous as she usually did. She was about to ask Rufus who he was, but suddenly, the other two with them began fighting. Weren't they both fighting on the same side...? Why are they attacking each other now? She looked confused. After they had finished, Henry asked if the girl needed a healer. "If she needs help, I would be able to heal her..." She offered. "Why are you two fighting, though?"


While she waited to see if the girl needed any assistance, Jadis returned. "The Imperial soldiers already left. The others were able to drive them off. I've been helping with my healing magic." She informed the young elf. "Those two were fighting, but they seem to be finished now... What are you doing back here, Jadis? Where's Krea?" She asked, concerned about their safety.

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-Rufus Contralto-


Rufus, taken aback by the fact that she was not the children's maternal guardian, hung his mouth open with an unfortunately rude stare before bowing again.  Chivalric to a fault and being stricken with more than bad eyesight, it was entirely his mistake.


"Apologies are in order for this solecism, young miss.  I had taken you for older.  My poultices were not taken today because I have little funds to purchase the ingredients, should you see my predicament, though with enough supplies or coin I can aid you in your magicks.  You look upon a philterer, a potions maker, if you will, but one with an empty purse.  Would that I be an alchemist and change wood to iron and tin to gold."


He looked upon Jadis and cracked a grin.


"I see now that you two are not related.  This young impling has more fire than in my arsenal within his soul, and it burns.  It is gladdening that I can withstand its heat, though whatever purpose have you for your dislike?  And yes, where is your fellow?  Back in the hostel, I take it?"

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- Gabriel Stross - 


"!" A very noticeable hologram image of a red exclamation point was projected in front of his helmet, as he saw through surveilance and the bots that Peashy was in his lab, his worst fears had come true, she is in the lab, alone, and breaking stuff, specially a hard-drive, containing some weapon schematics. Soon enough Gabriel's usual green lights on his suit turned bright red for a second as he nodded to korben, and gave him a remote control of the chair, all he needed was press a button and Uzume would be shocked, goddess form or not, before he stormed off, heading into his lab. Visible lightning coming off his hands, it was rare to see Gabriel pissed, a rare occurance that the likes of even Korben would be surprised at the mute's anger.


And soon enough he arrived at the lab, to see Peashy swinging up and down Sahala, his suit's light back to green, as he managed to calm down a bit, he simply crossed his arms as he looked at her,glancing at the destruction she did, "Please, don't touch what you're not supposed to." The suit's AI said, "Now get down." The suit followed. If peashy went for goddess form, he'd be ready to fight her off, although he'd need to minimize the damage to the surroundings.

-Emperor Korben-


Korben chuckled as Uzume struggled further and he dismissed the Blood Spit as a mere nuisance, then he pushed the button on the remote to shock her again, with higher intensity, for a solid 10 seconds, letting go only to punch her in the face hard and after savouring the blow, walked to her right.

"You are nothing but a fool, an ant kicking at a Titan's toe." He coldly stated, walking in a circle around her with the remote firmly in his hand and raised.

"And when I am finished with you...your spirit will be more broken than the proverbial window during a riot....or a Rebel Incident." He went on to say, then cranked up the intensity of the Shocks and prepared to push the button. "The Order of Lux. What are they planning? Where is their base? Do they have other strongholds? Are they vulnerable?" Korben demanded sternly, his threat of a stronger shock loomed.



When Gabriel entered his mech lab Peashy didn't noticed him until he's suit spoke for him telling her to get down from swinging off of his Sahala mech. Peashy looked at him & begun to pout "NO!!! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! & NO!...no." screamed Peashy pouting away as she shook her head sideways. "Peashy found this thingy first so it's Peashy's toy now!" screamed Peashy to Gabriel giving him a stern look.  



After Uzume was shocked & then punched in the face by Korben Uzume coughed a bit spitting some blood on the floor before glancing at her hands "M-my body feels like it's going numb...darn it!" thought Uzume while Korben walked around her. Uzume stared at Korben as he turned up the intensity of the shock remote. After Korben demanded info on the order of Lux again Uzume just simply showed another grin "hehe, you must be scared of us if your that concerned on getting info of me. But I will tell you one thing Korben. It's that you may rule an empire with your power but, no amount of power can rule a persons heart!" yelled Uzume as she then decided to try transforming into her goddess form again. Uzume was then shocked with the intensity increased but she still went on trying to transform, Uzume tried really hard to transform but in the end she passed out cold from all the shocking she endured. Uzume sat in the chair out cold with her body smoking a bit from all the shocking. 


(Plutia will be in my next post K)

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"I did not. Sorry, Ryonne." She watched Viridem leave. "If you absolutely need it, I'll give you a godly blessing. Go marry that firebrand, I swear she's just insecure and doesn't want to lose your undivided attention." She grinned.




She frowned.

"Thank you for the information, but refrain from flattery. I do not need your unless words, I do not need your crap. Thank you for the information, but I won't need your services. Mainly because you walk in on my Order with no prior contact."

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It seemed that the demon and rebel leader were finally starting to get things underway.  Now that Yev was all alone and there was a moment of silence between Azrael and Eclaire, he figured that now was the time to get directly to the point.  He cleared his throat, in hopes to attract their attention. "Excuse me, Miss Eclaire, I presume?  My name is Yevgeni Malachite, and I would like to discuss a few things with you, if you don't mind.  As the others mentioned, I am interested in joining your organization.  I have both a blade and holy magic to aid in your conquests.  However, what is it that you're hoping to accomplish?  What will happen when the empire falls?  I have no interest in taking over the empire, and I will support none that do.  I merely wish to see it fall, that is all."


Failure, that's all that Yev wanted out of the empire.  He didn't care what happened to its civilians, tanzynite, or the world order.  After everything that the empire had done, he just wanted to see it gone.



Again he was being treated like a child.  Fiora was showering concern over him, and Rufus, of course, refers to him as a young abomination.  Jadis clenched his fists at his sides, trying to prevent them from shaking as he glanced up into Rufus's face.  Why did he dislike him?  That . . . was honestly a good question, one that Jadis didn't reasonably know the answer to.  Finally the fire died within his eyes as he glanced down, slightly abashed.  "I don't . . . dislike you, Mister, and I'm sorry that I've been short, it's just"--he brought his gaze up to Rufus, eyes glassy with tears--"I want to do something!  I have magic, too, and I've been taught to fight.  This is my home, and my people--I want to save them!  I'm tired of always being protected while my friends and family die, treated like I can't do anything but take care of myself.  I want to prove that I can do something, even if it means that I die doing so."


The boy sniffled, rubbing his ragged sleeve across his nose before finally responding to Fiora's question.  "Krea's still in that guy's room at the inn.  Don't worry, she's safe.  I came alone.  But please, guys, let me do something, okay?  Don't leave me out of everything!"



The clock ticked against the wall, chiming upon every hour.  The chimes had come and gone many a time--at least forty-eight, before the form of the imperial general started to stir.  She weakly brought a pale hand to her forehead, rubbing it several times before attempting to open her eyes.  Her vision was blurred, causing her to blink several times before it cleared.  It was then that she noticed her hand: rubbing her temple and forehead.  She brought it before her eyes, nearly gasping at what she saw.  The darkness that she tapped into so often had begun taking its toll on her body, leaving dark, ruined patches on her skin and hands from her persistent usage of it.  Now, however, her hands were cleared, looking wrinkle-free and youthful like she once had.  A soft sound at her side caught her attention, causing her gaze to shift over.  Beside her sat the little angel, Chrysalis, who seemed terribly concerned about her mistress.  A frown furrowed Ari's brow as memories of Rhasolvich flooded back to her.


"You saved me," Ari murmured, as if in disbelief.  "I've treated you like an animal, a slave, and yet you risked your life to save me."  The reality of this hit her hard.  Why would Chrysalis do such a thing?  Why didn't she preserve herself and run back home?  The thought almost made Ari angry, and immediately she grasped Chrysalis's arm and shook it.  "You could've saved yourself and gone back home!  Those people could've killed you.  Do you not value your own life?  Why would you care a thing for me?"  And then, suddenly, it hit her: Chrysalis had called her "Mommy" back there, and for the first time in so long she actually felt a hint of compassion in her heart for the child.  Ari shook her head.  So many thoughts, and so much confliction . . . .  Why was she starting to care, and why had she been so hateful?  Which was right, and what did she really believe in anymore?

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Vortludo met Yevgeni's eyes as he shook his hand. "Til next we meet! Try not to battle any other epic evil doers without me!" He said in farewell as he led the others through the door and into the base. As he stepped in, the Noble opened his arms wide with a smile. "Ah, it is always good to return home triumphantly!" He said, before turning back to the others. "I'd love to share a drink less likely to be interrupted by a demon, but I am afraid I have some work to do. Farewell friends!" Vortludo called, bowing to them and then turning and heading towards his own room. He still had some magic research to do, as well as document the powers of the Demonic Suits he had just witnessed. Was he full of bravado and perhaps a bit foolish? Yes, but he had dedicated his life to the study of magic as it relates to the regular man. Demonic Suits was a rare ability, and he was glad to have seen their use first hand.



The Swordsman blushed. Heavily. He cleared his throat. "Perhaps... After the war. But I don't think either of us need our emotions to distract us. And please no blessing. I appreciate the offer, but I uh, don't think we'll need it. And I like to do things by myself. And I'm not sure I really like the sound of it... Anyway, I guess we'll see you later." Ryonne turned away, and left through the door. He had been mocked and teased to the point of it becoming repetitive about him and Viridem and had handled it much better than he had just done, but to be told so directly and sincerely. Needless to say it flustered him. People were not his thing, and in particular he was bad with romance. He shook his head, then vanished in a blur of motion, off to find where his partner had gone.


~The Crow's Eyes A~

"Why was I chosen to come along instead of say Scherp?" Heksen said, clearly not enjoying himself. The market was busy, loud with chatter about the rebellion after Korben's announcement. Of course, Heksen knew that the rebellion was not a myth, and even knew what was going to happen soon, but sharing that kind of information had been expressly forbidden by Die.

"Because," Kol said, like she was frustrated with the question. "I'm pretty and charming enough to get us any kind of discount. And if they don't, you're intimidating enough to get us one anyways." Heksen muttered something under his breath before responding to Kol.

"Then why bring the twerp?"

"Twerps have feelings too!" Lan cried out from behind the two.

"Shut it twerp. Well Kol?" Heksen shifted his gaze so he was looking directly at her. She was stunning as usual in her robes and her luscious red hair.

"Were you listening at all? Lan is the only one that knows what we're even looking for. Speaking of which, are we nearing the store yet?" She asked Lan, turning her head to look at Lan who trailed behind them.

"To our right." He said with a nod, then gestured to a hardware shop.


~The Crow's Eyes B~

"This is just like the old times huh guys? Just us three, lifting some unneeded plans off Imperial hands? Ah, I'm feeling nostalgic already." Scherp said into his comms. He lay on a roof across from the south outpost, keeping a careful eyes on Die. He'd look out for Naja too, but she was invisible, so that was kind of difficult.

“As long as your nostalgia doesn’ get in the way of your job.” Die commented. He was seated on a bench across from the outposts front entrance. He had mastered the act of acting completely casual, completely unnoticeable. “Are you ready Naja?” The Mastermind asked his spy.

“I am now.” She whispered into her mic, perched precariously on the windowsill of an office. Why had she let Die convince her to climb up to another window in the same day?

“Alright, beginning the plan. Be sure to cover me Scherp. And if you can, increase my rep.”

“Got it boss.” Scherp replied, somehow understanding exactly what Die wanted. Die smiled slightly. He stood up and walked right over to the front entrance of the outpost, where two guards stood.

“Excuse me sir,” Die began, drawing attention to himself. “How long would it take for everyone in the base to react to a disturbance?” He asked innocently.

“Citizen,” One responded with an air of superiority. “Our training has us all in our positions in less than five minutes.”

“That’s a bit longer than I had hoped, but it will have to do I suppose.” Die said thoughtfully. The guards looked perplexed, until Die smiled with haunting malice. He pulled his pistol out and shot one right in the head. His friend died at the same time. Perfect. Die hit the alarm button, just in case the people in the base didn’t hear the gunshots.


~The Doctor~

“I’d really appreciate it if you two didn’t decide to go and try to get yourselves killed so quickly.” The Doctor interrupted the touching scene between Ariana and Chrysalis. His gaze landed first on Ariana, then on Chrys. “You two are very important to our testing, and I’m sure you know that.” The Doctor had come as soon as he had heard the news, which had been just moments before. “Honestly, I thought you both had better self preservation instincts than that.” He said frankly, continuing to look them over. They both seemed fine now, which was very fortunate. Despite his words, he did not care for the two of them as only test subjects. That’s not how he saw any of the experimental compound users. They were all people, regardless of what their job was, and the Doctor respected that very much.



Neena looked up to Henry, the victor of the match. “Of course I didn’t want to hurt civilians!” She spat. “I’m not a monster like you are.” She commented, trying her best to get to her feet, but ended up settling for kneeling. “And I’ll be fine thank you very much. Not that it matters whether or not I’ll be fine, I’m dying here and now anyways.” She said, sounding very resigned. The assassin had not lost in a very long time, and this time she was certain it was the end. She did not have much chance for escape at this point, not if he was going to pursue her like she expected. And if he didn’t pursue her, than the tanzynite had made him crazier than she thought, considering she had just seconds ago attempted to kill him.

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After Uzume was shocked & then punched in the face by Korben Uzume coughed a bit spitting some blood on the floor before glancing at her hands "M-my body feels like it's going numb...darn it!" thought Uzume while Korben walked around her. Uzume stared at Korben as he turned up the intensity of the shock remote. After Korben demanded info on the order of Lux again Uzume just simply showed another grin "hehe, you must be scared of us if your that concerned on getting info of me. But I will tell you one thing Korben. It's that you may rule an empire with your power but, no amount of power can rule a persons heart!" yelled Uzume as she then decided to try transforming into her goddess form again. Uzume was then shocked with the intensity increased but she still went on trying to transform, Uzume tried really hard to transform but in the end she passed out cold from all the shocking she endured. Uzume sat in the chair out cold with her body smoking a bit from all the shocking. 

-Emperor Korben-


"Damn it..." He muttered as Uzume fell unconscious due to her constant attempts to transform, yet every time she was shocked. Korben couldn't help but be utterly befuddled by her inability to put two and two together, perhaps she was an idiot....but no matter, for Korben slapped her cheek hard to awaken her. "Pay attention!" He shouted as he did, then put the Shock Remote in his pocket and awaited more of her babbling.


-Eclaire-She frowned."Thank you for the information, but refrain from flattery. I do not need your unless words, I do not need your crap. Thank you for the information, but I won't need your services. Mainly because you walk in on my Order with no prior contact."

-Azrael/Masked Man-


The Masked Man frowned beneath his facial cover as Eclaire completely dismissed him and told him to stuff it practically. He could sense the anger and bitterness in her voice, combined with her short and to the point sentences...she was impulsive. This did not bode well.

"Eclaire, I could not help but notice you're mobilizing for a battle. A battle....too big for your current forces. At this point, you need all of the assets you can get your hands on. And I do not flatter. I speak truth." He spoke, insisting she listen further. "I hadn't thought of contacting you prior because I was in a hurry, I'm afraid, so do not hold it against me. I said you were wise. Do not prove me wrong now...not now, not ever. Now calm yourself and think." The Masked Man spoke calmly, his voice unfaltering, his words ringing true.

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 - Henry Hansees -


Henry simply looked back at Neena, with a normal expression even though the girl literally insulted him, and tried to kill him a few seconds back, he showed no anger, no distrust either in the way he acted.


He did frown the moment she said she was about to die, figuring she thought he was about to kill her right then and there, "Wether you think me a monster or not, I did help you back there, and I made sure no civilians were harmed too...but that doesn't matter does it? If you think me an enemy, what gives you the right to judge me?" he asked her before shaking his head sideways and standing up.


"You know what? you've went as far as to keep civilians safe, im not going to kill you..." he said simply, with an amused look on his face, "Hey, Healer woman, apologize for asking, but can you heal this ninja elf here? she's doesn't pose any threat right now, would be unpolite to keep her in this state." He called for Fiora




- Gabriel Stross -


Gabriel frowned bellow his visor, he was not good with kids, at all, and even more so when kids were immature enough to say what Peashy had just said, he shaked his head sideways as he took a few steps forward, "My lab, my robot, I built it. Its not yours, now leave" the Ai said in monotone, almost as if an automated answer. as Gabriel slowly moved a hand to his back pockets, pulling out a small disc, a taser disk, just in case Peashy tried to fight him.

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-Rufus Contralto-


The middle-aged man was taken aback by Jadis' response and frowned, then was beaming a compassionate smile.  This child, an elf child by taking note of his ears and with a quick scan of Rufus' mana sensation, was impressive enough in terms of will, and his desire for action was inspiring, invigorating, really.  He took out a handkerchief and unravelled it from around an item.  It was a potent healing potion lodged in the confines of the silky, initialed cloth, one of his own concoctions, and he offered it to Fiora.


"An elixir to present to the wounded girl, to aid her body to quick wholesomeness, and for this young brave elf I would like to give this"--he held out the kerchief to Jadis with his other hand--"but only for the present, please.  It was a gift from my sister, bless her soul to the stars."


He closed his eyes and inwardly sighed.  He was almost broke and had only the healing potion and his spellsword as valuables, and he gave one away purely for charity, or maybe thanksgiving.  Either way, his was a sorry state at the present, but at least he was still armed.

Edited by Vaude

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Fiora listened to Rufus' apology, and smiled at him. "I forgive you. We were in the middle of a battle, it can be easy to make a few mistakes when you're focused on defending others while talking." After responding to Rufus, Jadis answered her question, but also mentioned wanting to be able to help. He began to remind Fiora of herself when she was just a little younger... She smiled. "Jadis... I know a way you could potentially help others. It would be dangerous, but if you're willing to take the risks... I could help introduce you to the rebellion, if you'd like me to." She offered. "Before we seriously discuss that, we should go find Krea and help your friend, though. I don't know if we should leave them alone after an imperial attack like that..." She then took the potion that Rufus had handed her. "Alright, I'll go give this to her, then." Fiora approached Neena, and handed her the potion. "Here, take this. I apologize if you didn't want my help, but I can't leave anyone injured without proper treatment." She explained.

Edited by Shulk

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((Sorry; two things.  First is that the healing potion was meant for Neena to aid in the magical curative process, though I guess it's down the hatch of Fiora now.  Second is that there was no magical instruction, yet I'm sure Rufus would leap at the thought anyways).  Just wanted to say that before too much confusion is spread.))

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((Sorry; two things.  First is that the healing potion was meant for Neena to aid in the magical curative process, though I guess it's down the hatch of Fiora now.  Second is that there was no magical instruction, yet I'm sure Rufus would leap at the thought anyways).  Just wanted to say that before too much confusion is spread.))

(... Well, I'm completely blanking on everything right now. ._. I can edit my post, no one else has posted since then)

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(In the end Neena will just scream at Henry and threaten to kill him next time in boyh scenarios. To which Henry'l just shrug it off and go his merry way)

(You know me so well)

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