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Nero Kunivas

Tainted Blood (An Original RP) Sign-Ups and Discussion.

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Name: Brooklyn Mors

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Born of the Stream (Humans reborn through the Goddess of Time)

Side(Rebellion, Empire, Criminal Underworld): Currently unassigned, to side with Rebellion.

Appearance: Posted Image

Weapon(s): He uses a long, single-bladed crimson and cherry red scythe with a emerald-colored handle, along the edge there are etched markings that resemble numbers counting down from the tip to the base, the upper "bridge" that connects the blade to the pole resembles the "arm" that hangs in older-style clocks, the pole almost seems to look like a clock tower from the top and a large percentage of the way down the handle it's self.

Power Status(Mage, Tanzynite User, Race Power e.g: Demonic Power if a Demon): Foresight: Has the ability to see, predict, and if he acts fast enough in a drastic enough way, manipulate even what seems to be the set course of the "future", however, he cannot do this at all times save predict the future, which he can do mid-combat to aid him. The other methods require him to meditate to realize them to their fullest potential. He also gains slight dominion over the powers of Light and Darkness in a unique combination, only dictated as "Void"

Magic(If a Mage, can be Elemental, Illusionary, Necromancy or Summoner based, Limit of 3 Specializations): Darkness/Light magic called "Void", which enables short-range teleportation through portals, generate weak illusions, and can be used to cloak himself in a dark, light, or Void magic armor that improves his capabilities ten fold, but drains his stamina very quickly

Instigator Chemicals (If a Tanzynite User, can become one if Human and if not already one, Limit of 3.): N/A

Tonic Chemicals(Same as above. Limit of 3.): N/A

Experimental Compound(If a permitted user, limit of 1. Can have 1 other Instigator and 2 Tonics.): N/A

Race Power(If Non-Human): Foresight: The ability to predict, read, react to, and even in some case change the future.

Bio/History: A young man born of a normal linage, however he was incredibly intelligent from a young age. His parents died with him in a train accident, but the Goddess of Time chose him and resurrected him, and used him as her servant, until he escaped. Afterwards, he roamed the lands until he ended up at the Empire, seeking Asylum. And this little venture is where his real story begins.

Personality: Colder, distant, always serious, always the Debbie Downer. Very rarely does he smile at all. Not one for jokes, he just likes getting down to business.





Name: Sandrew Kanz

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Side(Rebellion, Empire, Criminal Underworld): He just follows who his friends are, he has no diligence beyond that.

Appearance:Posted Image

Weapon(s): A long buster sword, which he has to wield one-handed, and his Mage Gloves, which improve magical focus in Crystals

Power Status(Mage, Tanzynite User, Race Power e.g: Demonic Power if a Demon): Mage

Magic(If a Mage, can be Elemental, Illusionary, Necromancy or Summoner based, Limit of 3 Specializations):Using the power of special Crystals, he has control over all the elements, if only slightly.

Instigator Chemicals (If a Tanzynite User, can become one if Human and if not already one, Limit of 3.):N/A At the Moment, he will eventually gain the Reign's as well.

Tonic Chemicals(Same as above. Limit of 3.): N/A

Experimental Compound(If a permitted user, limit of 1. Can have 1 other Instigator and 2 Tonics.): 

Race Power(If Non-Human): N/A

Bio/History: Sandrew is a normal boy who lives in the Capitol of the Empire. He's Average in every way, but his parents have given him access to a set of elemental crystals, which, when active, give the user great usage of the elements. He prefer's to stay back and heal or deal damage from the rear, otherwise, his life has been completely and utterly boring and uneventful.

Personality: Shy, submissive for the most part, but protective of his friends. He only fights when it's the only option left.


Both are accepted! :)

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I bet the empire's building have no cameras whatsoever, seriously, people in the garage already? holy shit. Also put Id locks onto the equipment there, can't be too careful, unless ya crack it, you can't access it :P

1.) Everyone focused on Eclaire possibly trying to kill Korben2.) Looped footage3.) Akatsuki and Kusanagi belong to Victoria's family so there are backdoor codes to access them.

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Good points, still nee to serious security overhauls in this place...

It's not really that your security needs overhauls (they do) it's that you're facing someone who has intimate knowledge of your base, so this theft is a one off thing but with what I'm about to do...it's okay ;DAlso it's Derik, he just flew through a wall. I didn't plan for that.

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It's not really that your security needs overhauls (they do) it's that you're facing someone who has intimate knowledge of your base, so this theft is a one off thing but with what I'm about to do...it's okay ;DAlso it's Derik, he just flew through a wall. I didn't plan for that.


I dont think anyone expected him to crash through the wall either.


now all they need is Henry to stop by and say hi, but he wont do that xD, but he might go to the northeasern outpost, in case DIsgust needs some help there.

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The only time poor Derik finds solace in the world is when he flies.


However as a result, he sometimes blanks out.


Wall.ee has crashed.

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First and foremost, I apologize for my absence; I was on a much needed overnight trip away with my beloved person in the world.  Secondly, I feel that we need to create a limitation to the break-ins within the imperial base.  While a break in is, of course, potential I feel that it might start happening too frequently.  As someone pointed out (I think it was Scrapmaster?) it can't be every day that someone infiltrates the empire and starts assassinating people.  The Empire is the leading world power, and as such is extremely powerful.  Their safeguards and security are going to be top-notch, and I think it's going to be insanely hard for people to break in.  I think what we have is okay for now, but maybe it would be best if no one else broke in until the rebellion is fully formed and Eclaire is executing the breaches in security.  As Kunivas and Sabre pointed out, Eclaire knows the inside and out of the imperial territory like the back of her hand because she was once affiliated with them, but I don't think the others should feasibly be able to break in at all.  Of course, this isn't set in stone until Kunivas agrees, but these are my thoughts on the matter.

*kicks like a thousand horses*


Also, is there a map of this world?

No map yet, but I was wondering about this.  Everyone is free to make up their own locations, and if anyone wants to make a list of their own suggestions for the world and its locations please feel free to post them or PM them to me or Kunivas and I can compile a list.


So, where should the Rebellion base be?If it's on Jeremy's ship then that'll be...interesting...If not, where would everyone agree is a good place?

Nah, not on the ship. I don't think it's a good idea for the entire rebellion to be so dependent on a wild card like Jeremy.

Someone mentioned old ruins (I think it was you, Sabre, but I apologize that I forgot to quote the post), but I think that might be a good base.  Someplace where they can retreat and be secure, I'd say.  The airship is a cool idea, but I think it's going to be too difficult to access and, as Disgust said, I'm uncertain that Jeremy could be reliable enough.  On another note, it seems that a lot of characters (Riki's and mine included) are not yet apart of the rebellion, so are the current rebellion members currently recruiting?  I was just curious on that.

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I might have Gabriel put up some cameras, or reactivate the ones the rebelion might have deactivated (There must be cameras in the empires base, specially the garage)


So I might have him use his mechromancy to take direct control of the cams, and possibly Riki's gundam, and maybe the ship they're trying to steal xD, unless they activate the failsafes, to which he might be able to disable parts of the ship so they can't use, but they'l still have hte ship...

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First and foremost, I apologize for my absence; I was on a much needed overnight trip away with my beloved person in the world.  Secondly, I feel that we need to create a limitation to the break-ins within the imperial base.  While a break in is, of course, potential I feel that it might start happening too frequently.  As someone pointed out (I think it was Scrapmaster?) it can't be every day that someone infiltrates the empire and starts assassinating people.  The Empire is the leading world power, and as such is extremely powerful.  Their safeguards and security are going to be top-notch, and I think it's going to be insanely hard for people to break in.  I think what we have is okay for now, but maybe it would be best if no one else broke in until the rebellion is fully formed and Eclaire is executing the breaches in security.  As Kunivas and Sabre pointed out, Eclaire knows the inside and out of the imperial territory like the back of her hand because she was once affiliated with them, but I don't think the others should feasibly be able to break in at all.  Of course, this isn't set in stone until Kunivas agrees, but these are my thoughts on the matter.No map yet, but I was wondering about this.  Everyone is free to make up their own locations, and if anyone wants to make a list of their own suggestions for the world and its locations please feel free to post them or PM them to me or Kunivas and I can compile a list. Someone mentioned old ruins (I think it was you, Sabre, but I apologize that I forgot to quote the post), but I think that might be a good base.  Someplace where they can retreat and be secure, I'd say.  The airship is a cool idea, but I think it's going to be too difficult to access and, as Disgust said, I'm uncertain that Jeremy could be reliable enough.  On another note, it seems that a lot of characters (Riki's and mine included) are not yet apart of the rebellion, so are the current rebellion members currently recruiting?  I was just curious on that.

I just assumed it's not normal to see a man do self-propelled flight and no-one knew what to do.I mean Derik is basically there by accident.Originally I was going to have him ask the emperor for a plate of machos, but then Saber offered to let me steal gundam's with him, and I could not say no.

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I wouldnt go speaking like thta to the emperor, he might be as powerful, or even more powerful than Derik -_- he IS the emperor for a reason.



Christ we got gundams now? *Gabriel sighs*


*Assumes direct control of the gundams*


Im so having him do it.

Edited by Scrapmaster

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First and foremost, I apologize for my absence; I was on a much needed overnight trip away with my beloved person in the world.  Secondly, I feel that we need to create a limitation to the break-ins within the imperial base.  While a break in is, of course, potential I feel that it might start happening too frequently.  As someone pointed out (I think it was Scrapmaster?) it can't be every day that someone infiltrates the empire and starts assassinating people.  The Empire is the leading world power, and as such is extremely powerful.  Their safeguards and security are going to be top-notch, and I think it's going to be insanely hard for people to break in.  I think what we have is okay for now, but maybe it would be best if no one else broke in until the rebellion is fully formed and Eclaire is executing the breaches in security.  As Kunivas and Sabre pointed out, Eclaire knows the inside and out of the imperial territory like the back of her hand because she was once affiliated with them, but I don't think the others should feasibly be able to break in at all.  Of course, this isn't set in stone until Kunivas agrees, but these are my thoughts on the matter.

No map yet, but I was wondering about this.  Everyone is free to make up their own locations, and if anyone wants to make a list of their own suggestions for the world and its locations please feel free to post them or PM them to me or Kunivas and I can compile a list.


Someone mentioned old ruins (I think it was you, Sabre, but I apologize that I forgot to quote the post), but I think that might be a good base.  Someplace where they can retreat and be secure, I'd say.  The airship is a cool idea, but I think it's going to be too difficult to access and, as Disgust said, I'm uncertain that Jeremy could be reliable enough.  On another note, it seems that a lot of characters (Riki's and mine included) are not yet apart of the rebellion, so are the current rebellion members currently recruiting?  I was just curious on that.

The Empire is indeed highly secure and firmly established. To drop in willy-nilly is borderline Satire/Parody of Evil Empires and their shitty security. It only makes sense with those who have a long history with the empire and intimate knowledge of their layout and procedures, but even that can be combated.


As for locations, I agree with Mystic there.


Also, the Rebellion, called "The Order" by Sabre, perhaps could be expanded to something like, "The Order of Lux" or something, may need to expand from Ruins at some point and increase Loyalty, Resources etc in the future, but for now, ruins works. :)

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I just assumed it's not normal to see a man do self-propelled flight and no-one knew what to do.I mean Derik is basically there by accident.Originally I was going to have him ask the emperor for a plate of machos, but then Saber offered to let me steal gundam's with him, and I could not say no.

I think it's fine as you have it, but it just made me aware that we haven't really covered much ground on this and it might become too common for people to attempt infiltrating the empire.  You're good. ; )


Also, yes, I like the Order of Lux!  Brilliant!

Edited by Mystics Apprentice

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I think it's fine as you have it, but it just made me aware that we haven't really covered much ground on this and it might become too common for people to attempt infiltrating the empire.  You're good. ; ) Also, yes, I like the Order of Lux!  Brilliant!

Okay, just wanted to make sure it was understood thst this was for comedy originally.

The Empire is indeed highly secure and firmly established. To drop in willy-nilly is borderline Satire/Parody of Evil Empires and their shitty security. It only makes sense with those who have a long history with the empire and intimate knowledge of their layout and procedures, but even that can be combated. As for locations, I agree with Mystic there. Also, the Rebellion, called "The Order" by Sabre, perhaps could be expanded to something like, "The Order of Lux" or something, may need to expand from Ruins at some point and increase Loyalty, Resources etc in the future, but for now, ruins works. :)

It was intended to be a sort-of parody of that, mixed with a little bit of Derik being a derp early game. Kind of like that dude who stumbles into the bat-cave somehow. No siege or snything, I mean, hell, he went to apologize for it and then noticed the room full of dead people so he did a "nope, gtfo".

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Okay, just wanted to make sure it was understood thst this was for comedy originally.It was intended to be a sort-of parody of that, mixed with a little bit of Derik being a derp early game. Kind of like that dude who stumbles into the bat-cave somehow. No siege or snything, I mean, hell, he went to apologize for it and then noticed the room full of dead people so he did a "nope, gtfo".

I don't mind comedy, hell, I love it. I'll admit, I did laugh at Derik's...odd entrance.


I'm just saying, I hope it's not the norm and Korben gets made a fool out of. :)

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I don't mind comedy, hell, I love it. I'll admit, I did laugh at Derik's...odd entrance. I'm just saying, I hope it's not the norm and Korben gets made a fool out of. :)

*makes sign up sheet for Galactus and have him sneak in unnoticed*

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With gundams around im gonna have to do some SERIOUS research on weapons that can combat them, rather, Gabriel will...


And i'l warn slade and Disgust's character, don't firetruck with Mikhail xD

Edited by Scrapmaster

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Okay, just wanted to make sure it was understood thst this was for comedy originally.It was intended to be a sort-of parody of that, mixed with a little bit of Derik being a derp early game. Kind of like that dude who stumbles into the bat-cave somehow. No siege or snything, I mean, hell, he went to apologize for it and then noticed the room full of dead people so he did a "nope, gtfo".

I don't mind comedy, hell, I love it. I'll admit, I did laugh at Derik's...odd entrance.


I'm just saying, I hope it's not the norm and Korben gets made a fool out of. :)

Kunivas said it all, really.  I didn't mind it that one time, but I just don't think it should be a common occurrence, for Derik or anyone else, really.  I was just making the comment in my original post before it became an issue is all. ;)

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With gundams around im gonna have to do some SERIOUS research on weapons that can combat them, rather, Gabriel will...


And i'l warn slade and Disgust's character, don't firetruck with Mikhail xD




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First and foremost, I apologize for my absence; I was on a much needed overnight trip away with my beloved person in the world.  Secondly, I feel that we need to create a limitation to the break-ins within the imperial base.  While a break in is, of course, potential I feel that it might start happening too frequently.  As someone pointed out (I think it was Scrapmaster?) it can't be every day that someone infiltrates the empire and starts assassinating people.  The Empire is the leading world power, and as such is extremely powerful.  Their safeguards and security are going to be top-notch, and I think it's going to be insanely hard for people to break in.  I think what we have is okay for now, but maybe it would be best if no one else broke in until the rebellion is fully formed and Eclaire is executing the breaches in security.  As Kunivas and Sabre pointed out, Eclaire knows the inside and out of the imperial territory like the back of her hand because she was once affiliated with them, but I don't think the others should feasibly be able to break in at all.  Of course, this isn't set in stone until Kunivas agrees, but these are my thoughts on the matter.

No map yet, but I was wondering about this.  Everyone is free to make up their own locations, and if anyone wants to make a list of their own suggestions for the world and its locations please feel free to post them or PM them to me or Kunivas and I can compile a list.


Someone mentioned old ruins (I think it was you, Sabre, but I apologize that I forgot to quote the post), but I think that might be a good base.  Someplace where they can retreat and be secure, I'd say.  The airship is a cool idea, but I think it's going to be too difficult to access and, as Disgust said, I'm uncertain that Jeremy could be reliable enough.  On another note, it seems that a lot of characters (Riki's and mine included) are not yet apart of the rebellion, so are the current rebellion members currently recruiting?  I was just curious on that.


The old ruins of the Kingdom of Orience (Victoria's old kingdom) are where I feel the Rebellion could base very easily.


As for the break-ins I literally didn't aim for more than the tandem Gundam heist - Eclaire breaks in, diverts ALL THE ATTENTION to herself via the show during the meeting, leaving Victoria and a few other defectors to infiltrate the lower levels and steal back Kusanagi, Akatsuki, and anything other mechs (Gundams) that can be captured. This is made harder because Derik just flew through the firetrucking walls.

I wouldnt go speaking like thta to the emperor, he might be as powerful, or even more powerful than Derik -_- he IS the emperor for a reason.



Christ we got gundams now? *Gabriel sighs*


*Assumes direct control of the gundams*


Im so having him do it.



The Empire is indeed highly secure and firmly established. To drop in willy-nilly is borderline Satire/Parody of Evil Empires and their shitty security. It only makes sense with those who have a long history with the empire and intimate knowledge of their layout and procedures, but even that can be combated.


As for locations, I agree with Mystic there.


Also, the Rebellion, called "The Order" by Sabre, perhaps could be expanded to something like, "The Order of Lux" or something, may need to expand from Ruins at some point and increase Loyalty, Resources etc in the future, but for now, ruins works. :)

And I literally called it the Order of Lux in Eclaire's sheet. Or the PM we were spitballing in.


With gundams around im gonna have to do some SERIOUS research on weapons that can combat them, rather, Gabriel will...


And i'l warn slade and Disgust's character, don't firetruck with Mikhail xD

Considering most of the gundams are actually Empire-owned idk why you'd need to research what you made....

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The old ruins of the Kingdom of Orience (Victoria's old kingdom) are where I feel the Rebellion could base very easily.


As for the break-ins I literally didn't aim for more than the tandem Gundam heist - Eclaire breaks in, diverts ALL THE ATTENTION to herself via the show during the meeting, leaving Victoria and a few other defectors to infiltrate the lower levels and steal back Kusanagi, Akatsuki, and anything other mechs (Gundams) that can be captured. This is made harder because Derik just flew through the firetrucking walls.



And I literally called it the Order of Lux in Eclaire's sheet. Or the PM we were spitballing in.


Considering most of the gundams are actually Empire-owned idk why you'd need to research what you made....

....didn't see that. *Facepalm*





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The old ruins of the Kingdom of Orience (Victoria's old kingdom) are where I feel the Rebellion could base very easily.


As for the break-ins I literally didn't aim for more than the tandem Gundam heist - Eclaire breaks in, diverts ALL THE ATTENTION to herself via the show during the meeting, leaving Victoria and a few other defectors to infiltrate the lower levels and steal back Kusanagi, Akatsuki, and anything other mechs (Gundams) that can be captured. This is made harder because Derik just flew through the firetrucking walls.



And I literally called it the Order of Lux in Eclaire's sheet. Or the PM we were spitballing in.


Considering most of the gundams are actually Empire-owned idk why you'd need to research what you made....


They are, true, but in the off chance htey manage to steal them, knowing the rebellion has the gundams is gonna be bad news, which will call for development for weapons to use against them, even if we do have other gundams to combat them.

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Those are the only things happening at the Imperial Base anyway right? Just Eclaire's show and the gundam heist, which were a part of the same thing.


Ryonne and Viridem are at the Outpost (in case that was unclear) since it was said during the meeting that it was understaffed. Seemed like a great entrance. 


And Scrap, I wouldn't worry about making sure that Viridem and Ryonne have back up against the war mech.


Skip to 1:16, and watch from there. Essentially Ryonne (speed powerhouse) and Viridem (lightweight distractions/light attacks)

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Those are the only things happening at the Imperial Base anyway right? Just Eclaire's show and the gundam heist, which were a part of the same thing.


Ryonne and Viridem are at the Outpost (in case that was unclear) since it was said during the meeting that it was understaffed. Seemed like a great entrance.


And Scrap, I wouldn't worry about making sure that Viridem and Ryonne have back up against the war mech.


Skip to 1:16, and watch from there. Essentially Ryonne (speed powerhouse) and Viridem (lightweight distractions/light attacks)


Yeah I kinda put that its understaffed for that reason xD



Well, if you say so :P

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