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KHCoM Do you think CoM would've been better WITHOUT the card system?

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If you have played CoM (or RE:CoM) you know these games have annoying card systems. But would it be better plot wise/game wise?

Edited by PokemonRyanLVL900

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The one thing they should've changed was being able to hold more Map Cards. I liked to have some numbers for each type of card, so I'd have more options for doors and stuff, and I'd end up having to ditch some cards every now and then since I was such a hoarder xD

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Ok ok,someone why tell me why every time mentions COM,it's always "Oh god cards,the horror!"Honestly whats so bad about the cards?I didn't like it but I didn't really mind it,didn't Nomura say he experiments with all the portable titles?

The card System was fine, it's a lot better than smashing buttons a lot like kh2 and bbs

lol button smashing works as long as you aren't doing a lvl 1 run or no healing.

If COM had the KH1 battle system or an improved version of that, then it would be my favourite KH game.

Wasn't that KH 2 FM?Mainly without the limits?(although limit form does have it)

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Ok ok,someone why tell me why every time mentions COM,it's always "Oh god cards,the horror!"Honestly whats so bad about the cards?I didn't like it but I didn't really mind it,didn't Nomura say he experiments with all the portable titles?

lol button smashing works as long as you aren't doing a lvl 1 run or no healing.

Wasn't that KH 2 FM?Mainly without the limits?(although limit form does have it)


Well if that's the case then team osaka better step it up or just make it more like the first game, as button mashing isn't too bad on that one

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Ok ok,someone why tell me why every time mentions COM,it's always "Oh god cards,the horror!"Honestly whats so bad about the cards?I didn't like it but I didn't really mind it,didn't Nomura say he experiments with all the portable titles?

lol button smashing works as long as you aren't doing a lvl 1 run or no healing.

Wasn't that KH 2 FM?Mainly without the limits?(although limit form does have it)

If you are referring to my favourite KH game, it's KH1 and KH2FM, I can't chose.

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Well if that's the case then team osaka better step it up or just make it more like the first game, as button mashing isn't too bad on that one

I just found it annoying because of card breaksMe: *selects cards and uses a really powerful sleight*Enemy AI: *Plays a 0*

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The card system was one of the strongest points in the original game. I'm not a huge fan of it in Re:CoM, but that's down to the whole transition to 3D and it made the battles awkward to control.

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There is a reason why they never implement the original KH battlesystem like in KH1 and KH2 in spinoff titles. Its because it would confuse new and maybe even old players due to the similarity the spinoffs would have to the main titles and they wouldnt feel different after all. Also with each handheld KH game they are developing they are implenting their ideas in the game and collect feedback after its release to make sure that future games like KH3 will contain what we want instead of just throwing it in without listening to the fans that matter. Thats how i see it at least.

Anyway, if CoM wouldn't have had the Card system it would have felt like KH1 just with a little improvements here and there and it would just have been a mere shadow of what KH1 is sinc ethose games share the same worlds.

Edited by EndOfTheWorld

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I absolutely hated having to use cards to enter each new room in a world. Grinding to get map cards was my least favorite thing about the game. I could've tolerated the battle system if not for the terrible exploration.


That said, I would've preferred the combat been more like KH1 or KH2. Yeah, maybe those games are a bit more on the button mashy side, but I find that to be much more fun than what CoM provided.

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No. Card system made the game unique,and i really like making my own deck and stuff...and the whole point of the story is that you use cards to enter worlds and fight because you visit the worlds from your memory,and you lose all your abilities from KH1 once you enter The Castle Oblivion

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