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Shovel Knight Amiibo Announced!

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So today the lovely people over at Yacht Club Games announced the release of an Amiibo of there main character of their big hit game Shovel Knight.  No it is not going to be used for Smash it is going to be used for the WiiU and 3DS version of the game, for the WiiU version it unlocks co-op and some customize able stuff, while you only get teh customize able stuff for the 3DS version.  If you want to know more watch this video!!


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Not gonna lie, I'm slightly disappointed that it's not a Smash Bros series amiibo like the initial leak suggested. That might as well confirm that he won't be in Smash, since I can't see him being a character who wouldn't get two amiibo (All Smash characters will get a Smash series amiibo, this was already confirmed.). Regardless, as someone who loves collecting amiibo, as well as Shovel Knight as a game and as a character, you can bet I'll be going for this thing on day one. I'm even tempted to pick up a second so I can make a custom Dark Knight.

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It'd be pretty useful... If only I had gotten Shovel Knight... Oh well, looks pretty cool, so I'll give it that.

Shovel Knight's still available to buy, you didn't miss your chance or anything. It's $15 for the Wii U or 3DS (as well as PC, PlayStation, and Xbox One, but I'm specifying the Nintendo release seeing as how this is the thread for the amiibo), and they're making a ton of free updates to add in additional campaigns. I'd say it's worth getting if you're interested.

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Shovel Knight's still available to buy, you didn't miss your chance or anything. It's $15 for the Wii U or 3DS (as well as PC, PlayStation, and Xbox One, but I'm specifying the Nintendo release seeing as how this is the thread for the amiibo), and they're making a ton of free updates to add in additional campaigns. I'd say it's worth getting if you're interested.

My brother was telling me that a friend of his has the game and said it was awesome. So maybe I will get enough to buy it.

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My brother was telling me that a friend of his has the game and said it was awesome. So maybe I will get enough to buy it.

It definitely is. It takes everything that retro platformers did well, and improves everything they didn't do so well. It's definitely a fantastic game.

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