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Sora not Roxas

KHBbS Brett Iwan did...awesome!

Brett Allwine after Wayne Allwine  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Brett Allwine after Wayne Allwine

    • Brett did awesome!
    • Not as good as wanye, sounds different
    • eh? ok I guess.
    • I miss Wayne

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Hi SnR here, and I am....a kh fan. Shocking I know! lol. Ok enough bad jokes for one night, I am here to talk about the new voice actor for Mickey Mouse, Brett Iwan! I know you all saw the Gamescom trailer (Personally I see it as a rerun considering the Japanese one was similar in almost every way besides the secret boss and...was Pete a d-link in the Japanese version? I don't think so....whatever) So I'm going to make this short.


I know Mickey wasn't shown that much but what do you guys think? A great job for Mickey's voice or Does it feel a little different?

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as for pete he is a new one


Do you mean his appearance or the VA? He was in the Japanese version and his VA is definitely the same.

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He's the VA on all the other Mickey-related stuff on Disney/Playhouse Disney isn't he?

I hear/watch him at the daycare I work at all the time during video/quiet time and thought he was a good choice to be dubbed the next mickey. :3 -- True he isn't like the one from before, but he's still a kickass mickey and did a good job in the trailer.

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he just has no "spirt, no soul" that "disney magic" that Walt,Jimmy,and Wayne had. I've seen better. but he did a good job. While he's missing that heart,and spirt (of course kids like y'all today wouldn't know the difference nor care.) it was good. I miss Wayne, it was a deeper pitch, still has to mutch texture, but it was good. the only thing he needs is heart,sprit,and more deadicaiton,he also needs to be Wayne, other then that it's odd...you know? I mena no one can be liek Wyane....but i knwo alot of peopel who Do BETTER then BRET!

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as for pete he is a new one


Do you mean his appearance or the VA? He was in the Japanese version and his VA is definitely the same.


he meant that pete is a new d link for the english version. va is the same.

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