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Kingdom Hearts The Time Massacure

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Evil Rue landed on Ryan with.

His voice and body were completely choasrupted. The purple vapour coming from out of his body was at the same temperature as real fire.

"It seems I have no other choice but to take both of you with me. You and that girl.. Kalina.. I sure remember her. To bad I wasn't remembered. I'm just a fool".


He summoned "the time massacure" and pointed it Kalina. It fired the same exact blast he just fired at Ryan but he missed. He pointed it at Ryan his face.

"I dont know why but I considered you as a friend.. atleast a part of me did, the other part feels like I have been a part of you.. You know I am you..right ? the real you.. the one that isn't hiding for darkness. the one that has accepted his true being. But it all doesn't matter anymore. Soon there will be only one of us. and that will be me..".


He flew high up in the sky, He gathered the clouds with his new powers and the clouds formed a sky battle area. He stood there and waited.

"When you are ready to fight me. Come see me."

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Still, no one answered when Aqua yelled. She scanned the area behind her carefully, but that black speck didn't appear again. She de-summoned her Keyblade, realizing she might be scaring them off. "Hey," She added softly. "It's alright. That was for... trash collection." She lied, and mentally scolded herself for not being able to come up with anything better. "I won't hurt you. I promise," She added in her mind. (Unless you're Ryan, in which case I will scream at you, and if that doesn't get you off my Islands, I will kick your butt.)

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Ryan dodged the beam. "Rue! Why are you doing this? Has the darkness corrupted you???" questioned Ryan. Ryan looked at Kalina. (There has to be some way to wake her up. Wait a minute... I have a idea. It might be a long shot but it'll be the only way to prevent harm from both of us. Hopefully it still works.) thought Ryan. Ryan used a Trey D-Link and when Kalina fired a tornado, he dodged it easily. (Yes! Haste!) thought Ryan.

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Arround the Sky Battle Area appeared some thunder clouds. The clouds spread over the whole area. It started to rain really hard and thunder was striking the ground. The darkness never could Corrupt a part of me. I'm still the same Rue as I was. But I don't know what I am doing, Is this me ? or the other part. he thought.


As the weather changed Rue started to think about what he had acomplished. He was thinking about who he is and what made him like this. He can't remember that he was evil before. He didn't seem the evil type. He didn't know what changed him, Only that he sacrificed himself for the sake of his friends. he was happy that they lived on and they have grown well. But he still felt the pain. Rue felt left alone in a world to big. When Rue and Dark Ryan molted togheter. Rue's memories shattered and the pieces still are scattered inside of him. Dark Ryan's part of Evil Rue had his evil existance. It was the Dark part that corrupted Rue. By combining both the hearts there was some space needed in ordor for Dark Ryan and Rue to exist inside one body. Both they're memories are scattered so that they could share the same mind. Although Rue is captured inside of the body. The broken pieces of memories are Rue as long as they continue to be shattered. So will be Rue.

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A dark door opened in the sky. The Horseman walked out laughing "All this power shall be mine!" A hand came from behind and grabbed The Horseman's head. Shade: "Ah just shut the hell up." Shade squeezed till The Horseman finally faded, and the world took a new darker form.

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Kalina looked at Ryan blankly. " Take this." Kalina said making a thunder storm around Ryan. Ryan felt a power inside him. A sorta Natural feel. That made him seem intact with the earth. Ryan saw that when he moved the earth moved with him. It was Trey's Nature powers tranferring to Ryan during the D-Link.



Alex looked at Aqua down and up again. " how long have you been here Aqua? Cinderella mentioned someone with your description saving her life before." Alex asked. Aqua looked at the floor frowning. " I have been here ten years. And yes I have saved Cinderella before." Aqua said.

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Ryan couldn't dodge fast enough for the lightening storm and was prepared to get hurt pretty badly but instead he felt nothing. (What happened?) thought Ryan. Ryan looked at the ground and earth was on his feet. (I guess Trey's d-link enables me to prevent lightening from hurting me.) thought Ryan. (The earth is within me. But this d-link won't last me forever. I'm going to be out of energy when this d-link runs out.) thought Ryan.

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Aqua bit her lip. Someone was following her. She wasn't sure if that was good or bad at this point. She lifted her hand and jumped on her Keyblade Rider. Either way, it was probably best to get the heck out of here now. Aqua knew she wasn't an expert at navagating these portals yet, and desperately hoped it'd dump her out somewhere she wasn't being stalked by some wierd invisible person. The ground started shaking. She looked up, and her jaw dropped to see Ryan and that girl Kalina fighting someone. "What's going on!?"

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Kalina kept on attacking Ryan with her A-Blade and Nature-spark. She used Aerial Slam to knock Ryan into the ground. Kalina paused for a second after this as if resisting the spell on her.



Reytx was with Vanitas. " It seems Master Aqua has found Trey and Alex. You should go take care of them. I dont want Trey to know about me yet." Reytx said to Vanitas watching through a portal to spy on their conversation.

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Aqua scrambled to her feet. "H-HEY!" She summonded her Keyblade. "Knock it off, you two!" She glanced between Kalina and Ryan, glaring. "I actually thought you two were friends.." She murmered, and then laughed. "WOW, Ryan. I thought you had no friends because you creeped them out being fifty zillion years old and all. But NOOOOOW I see." She laughed, and de-summonded her Keyblade. "Well, at least I know it wasn't you following me.." She breathed a sigh of relief. "Your invisibility thing was driving me crazy!"

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Ryan got slammed into the ground but didn't feel the after shock of it. He didn't glance at Aqua but heard what she said. (I knew I shouldn't have told her about that. From now on I should just read her mind) thought Ryan. Suddenly the burst of energy of Trey's D-Link was gone and Ryan felt drained of power. "Real power... comes at a real price... I'm still badly injured" muttered Ryan. (All I can do is block. I can't attack her.) thought Ryan. (Attacking will take too much energy out of me.) thought Ryan.


Meanwhile at the Dark Realm.

Vanitas sighed. "Looks like I have to deal with the intruder. Farewell for now Reyxt" Vanitas entered a portal of darkness which teleported himself to where Aqua was. "And just what do you think you're doing, girl?" asked Vanitas glaring at Aqua. Vanitas looked at Trey and Alexandra as if they were cocroaches. "My my, Trey and Alex." mused Vanitas. "Seems as if you guys are exactly the same as Kalina" said VAnitas smirking.

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Alex looked shocked to hear about her daughter. " WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HER ASS-WIPE!" Alex yelled. Aqua looked shocked to see Vanitas. " Where is Ven, Vanitas?!" Aqua asked with force in her voice summoning Eraqus' keyblade. Trey summoned Fresh Breeze and NatureSpark. " WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY DAUGHTER?!" Trey said enraged at Vanitas.

How could he know Kalina? Also how can he know me and alex as well? Trey thought.

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"Oh it's nothing that I did to her" mused Vanitas summoning his keyblade. "As for you, girl. I will spare you if you tell me the location of Ventus." said Vanitas. "Unless you want all of you want to be met at the end of your life with Void Gear" smirked Vanitas.


Meanwhile at Keyblade Graveyard...

Ryan tried to stand up but fell back to the ground. (That took a lot of energy out of me...) thought Ryan. (Hopefully she's fighting it. If she isn't then both of us might be killed.) thought Ryan.

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Ryan felt a power activate inside him. As he entered a Kalina D-Link like Kalina was trying ti fight back by helping Ryan.

Kalina still looked blank but she moved weirdly like Reytx's mind beam was wearing off little by little.


Aqua looked at Vanitas Ventus might be in trouble. But his heart is not awoken yet. Maybe the person who has his heart can help. Aqua thought. (Hint hint for sora) She held her master's Keyblade up while Alex and Trey got their weapons ready. " I wont let you hurt my friend!" Aqua cried getting prepared as the battle began.

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Vanitas shook his head. "Fine, then be destroyed" said Vanitas. Vanitas dug under ground and when he popped back out of the ground he sent out fire balls everywhere. "Tell me his location and you shall be destroyed. All of you" said Vanitas. Vanitas sent dark lightening at the three of them.

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Trey and Alex dodged it by moving each-other underground with nature powers while Aqua casted a barrier then used Barrier blast to counter. Bu she still got burned from the fireballs. Alex dug up from the ground behind Vanitas and casted Thundaga around him while Trey jumped up and used Aerial Slam. Could Ventus be the blond haired boy i saw on the Island? He did give me Fresh Breeze. Trey thought to himself.

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Vanitas dodged the Arieal Slam with his reversal ability and got behind Alex before she could use her thunder on him. Vanitas stabbed her in the back. "Fool, you cannot beat me by teaming up 3 on 1 on me" said Vanitas smirking. Vanitas made clones of himself and the 3 clones used dark fiagra on the 3 of them. "Fine I guess I'll have to find Ventus myself after I defeat you 3"

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Evil Rue felt a warm bright feeling inside of his body. It felt like the warmth of the sun. A part of the purple vapour coming out of his body turned into bright light flashes. His body felt like it was going to split into half. "Ah it seems your finally trying to resist the power of the darkness. But it won't work. I'm almost at my maximum state and even if we split I will find a way to someone else's body and become even more powerfull than I am right now!". The aura surrounding Evil Rue turned part into light. The battle area in the air started to crack. The close to glass pieces fell on the ground and broke in even more pieces. The pieces started to turn into light orbs that heal the ground.


Finally the whole area felt to the ground and so did Evil Rue. As he lay there on the ground his body started to hurt really bad. The feeling of your body being split in half slowly was really painfully. And Suddently a bright version of the body got out of the darkend body of Evil Rue. The bright version of the body was glowing a beautifull yellow glowing light surrounded by light orbs. It floated for a while and when the brightness faded, Rue was standing right there. Evil Rue was slowly turning into Dark Ryan again.

He couldn't be Evil Rue if there wasn't a Rue inside of the body.


Rue looked at Dark Ryan. "Now I finally found my purpose. I'm not the forgotten one. You are the one that suppose to be the forgotten one. When we merged I felt like I sacrificed by life for nothing, But that wasn't true. The negative and darkness inside my body made me think like that. It was you all this time. You wanted revenge and did it with my body. Thats why you were defeaten that easily it was because we could merge and you will come back and try to kill everyone again. But it won't work this time. You see. Now we have splitten you won't be able to teleport and open portals that fast. Your speed ability's will be halfed. And wielding the keyblade as 2 keyblade masters will turn into 1 again. And that pretty weapon of ours.... I shall wield it from now one. You won't be able to control Time, You won't create a realm of darkness. The realm of twilight was nothing more than a lie. We both know that. It was suppose to be all darkness, thats how you wanted to fool that girl. I have suffered inside of you. Inside of my own body, and now I claim what was mine. I want my honor back as Rue !".


Rue tried to summon his keyblade. His former keyblade was at the inside of the "Time Massacure" so he automaticly summoned the time massacure. He pointed it at Dark Ryan.

Dark Ryan his evilness and darkness was starting to grow to fast. His whole body started to turn into the giant creature John used to be. Only this one wasn't the darkness it was Dark RYan. It looked a bit like how John was in his ultimate form but Dark Ryan's version was a bit diffrent. This one had 4 big keyblades in his 4 hands. and the giant wings were causing a little storm.


"Changing into that won't work against me ..Dark Ryan" Rue exclaimed. He pointed the keyblade at Dark Ryan and it fired a light glowing beam right through his body. It left a heart mark. It was slowly collapsing Dark Ryans body into the realm of light. But it was to slow. Rue had to kill Dark Ryan with the keyblade. But he couldn't do it by himself. ( hint hint hint hint ).

He started to take a fighting stance.

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Aqua entered Ghost Drive and teleported around Vanitas and kept on zooming around and hitting him. " I will not let you hurt him!" Aqua yelled. Alex inspired by Aqua's strength entered a her own command Style called Holy star. her two katana's changed into two blades of light which she rushed at Vanitas with. Trey meanwhile entered a command Styled call Nature Blaze which strengthened his nature powers and creating a tornado and using vines to whip Vanitas with.

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Vanitas fell to the ground by all of their attacks and smirked. "My turn" Vanitas entered a Command Style which was called Darkness of Shadows. Vanitas made a 1000 laser beams all around where they were fighting. "Let's see how you can block all of them keyblade masters" Vanitas stated laughing and dissapeared out of sight of them.

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Name: austin

Age: 9

Weapon: soras silver keyblade

Appearance: Posted Imageit looks most like me

Bio: is nine and fight against bad. He lives in the destiny islands and is friends with sora and riku and kairi. Evil come and they fight it off and stop time from stopping.

Side: bad

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Aqua, Alex and Trey stod in a position like Sora and Riku did when Xemnas launched Lazers at the. As the first lazer came toward them Trey blocked it and Aqua and Alex did the same as the all used Ghost Drive Command Style to circle around and block them. Aqua slipped and was hit but Trey blocked her from the other one while Aqua countered and use dSalvation clearing the field of the lazers. Aqua looked around and saw that Vanitas was gone. " No! He went after Ven!" Aqua shouted slamming the ground with her fist. Aqua stood up. she turned to Trey and Alex. "Follow me to The Land of De- I mean Castle Oblivion to wear Ven sleeps/." Aqua said leading them away from the shore.

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Rue got slammed by Dark Ryan who was only gaining power by getting hit by Rue. "How is he able to be that powerfull after being split in half" Rue thought. As he stood up Dark Ryan slashes him his Keyblade, Rue was blocking the slashes with his blade and used Firaga at the end to blast him away.

Ryan got hit by the heat and most of his body was burned by the attack. the parts that were burned got recovered with a dark glowing red skin with red vapour coming out of it. "It seems your not able to beat me..Rue!" Dark Ryan Exclaimed. He pointed his keyblade at Rue firing a black and red laser at him. Rue did the same but his was blue. As the beams collapsed and exploded the ground beneath them got crushed by the pressure. Rue fell and a rocks fell on him, he had to push them away. the rock almost broke his arm and leg but they were just badly injured. Dark Ryan hit his head and his forehead was bleeding terribly. Rue jumped up to the normal ground level and waited for Dark Ryan to jump aswell. He took his chance and ran to Ryan who was laying on the ground exhausted. "Ryan I need your help to defeat Dark Ryan.. he is badly injured and so am I.. so I can't fight him alone. You are part him right ? maybe you have the same style of fighting.. So we can beat him with your power aswell". Rue said.

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(@austin: accepted, you can start posting ^^) Vanitas went to Castle Oblivion. (Someone's told me that Ventus was here.) thought Vanitas. Vanitas started to walk up the stairway to Castle Oblivion and finally reached the 13th floor. He looked around. (Wierd there's nothing.) Suddenly, Vanitas' keyblade started to react. A beam of darkness shot into a wall. (What happened?) thought Vanitas. A door appeared.

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Aqua, Try and Alex suddenly appeared on the 13th floor of CO. Due to Trey rebuilding the Land of Departure the castle was missing parts and looked mis-shappen. Like the rest of Castle Oblivion was ready to join back with the land. Aqua was shocked that the castle was in this shape. "It looks like Ven is almost ready to wake up. This way guys." Aqua said leading them through a door.

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