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Kingdom Hearts The Time Massacure

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Shade blasted The Horseman with Fira and directed The Horseman's attention to him. Knightmare grabbed Aqua and Ryan and bolted through a white portal. The Horseman: "You little pest blasting me will be your last act!!"

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"Well EXCUSE me!" Aqua snapped, wriggling free of Knightmare's grip. "I can take care of myself ya know," She muttered under her breath. "I'm not a child." She rubbed her arm, and glanced back at the portal he'd brought them through. So close was Twilight Town... it could be healed... but at the cost of anything she'd ever thought was true about herself. It would cost her her LIGHT. "Where are we now?"

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Ryan calmly got out of the man's grasp. "Fool, I'm not tempered that easily." said Ryan. Ryan started to remember what the cobra showed him in a vision. (Was that true or not?) thought Ryan. (I have to find out.) thought Ryan. Ryan took off his invisibility cap. "Nice to see you too, dark side." smirked Ryan. Ryan opened up a dark portal and calmly walked through the portal which took him into the Keyblade Graveyard and closed it immediately.

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When Ryan and Aqua got grabbed into the portal Evil Rue was just standing there..


"What just happened ? ..Well.. Lets get this started with. The clouds need more worlds to swallow up..". Right after he said that, He could hear Ryan talking about the "dark side" of him. Evil Rue stood still for a while. He opened his eyes in a twisted minded way. "He knows.." After that the Keyblade of Dark Ryan appeared in Evil Rue's left hand, and Rue's keyblade appeared in his right hand.

" Now I want your part of the heart that was whole when I still was your side".

He opened a dark corridor to were Ryan was. It was easy since Dark Ryan always was a part of Ryan his being so Dark Ryan could feel his heart anywhere. That would gave Evil Rue the ability to Teleport to Ryan instantly.


The dark corridor led to the Keyblade Graveyard.

Evil Rue was standing in the middle of a giant ring with keyblades around it.

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Aqua ran towards Ryan when he opened the portal. "Wait! Ryan! You should be protecting--" The portal closed before she could leap through. She glanced over her shoulder, biting her lip. Mentally, hoping Ryan could hear, she added. (Don't leave me here with this people again..) She swallowed, and then glared. "If you touch me again, you will sooo pay for it." She summonded her Kingdom Key, and it shifted into a Keyblade rider. "Let's hope I can make one of those portals again..."

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Ryan smirked. "Don't worry. If you need help, defend yourself. I'll be back. I just need to check something" said Ryan. Ryan entered the dark portal. (They say that the fallen keyblade wielders' keyblades are in this graveyard. Time to see if it's true.) thought Ryan. Ryan walked around and didn't see the keyblade that he was looking for. (Good doesn't seem that' she's dead.) thought Ryan. Ryan walked to the last keyblade that he saw and saw Allera's keyblade. Ryan scoweled. (He's going to pay for this) thought Ryan clenching his fist. (Allera's keyblade was once my keyblade so I can wield it probably.) thought Ryan. Ryan grabbed Allera's former keyblade which was his former keyblade. It was the Oathkeeper. (That's right. About 10 years ago, I gave this keyblade to her. I have to fight against the darkness for her.) thought Ryan. Ryan took the keyblade and went back to where he formally was.

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As much as he got on her nerves, Aqua was sort of relieved to see Ryan appear again. She didn't exactly trust the other two. Not that she actually trusted Ryan very much--she just could count on the fact he probably wasn't evil. It was more than she was getting from the rest of them. "Where did you go?" She demanded, putting her hands on her hips. "Why do you have a new Keyblade?"

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Ryan shed a tear and wiped it. "It's nothing. I always had this keyblade" muttered Ryan. Ryan took out his Oathkeeper. (I can tell. It's power has been growing since I gave it to her. Allera must've been able to increase the power in this keyblade somehow.) thought Ryan. Ryan clenched his fist. (Soul's going to pay for this.) Ryan thought angrily. Ryan looked at the ground. "Where I went is none of your buisness" growled Ryan.

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Aqua rolled her eyes. "None of my buissiness? Well, EXCUSE me. You seemed to know all of MINE before I even officially MET you." She smirked. "I deserve to know something other than the fact you're, like, a gazillion years old." Aqua sighed. "All I asked was where ya got the new Keyblade..." She held out her Kingdom Key. "A nice hot pink paint job on this one... huh, Fresh Breeze would look cute if I colored it a bit, too..."

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Ryan facepalmed. "My god. You're concerned about a COLOR of a keyblade when the worlds are being destroyed???" questioned Ryan. "Bah! Nevermind. You're on your own, unless you want to go to a different world. These men probably only have darkness in their aura." said Ryan. Ryan went on his Oathkeeper Keyblade Rider and went back to Destiny Islands.

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"Ryan, Ryan, Ryan..." Aqua shook her head. "You're CLEARLY missing something here. I AM the god... dess," She added. "And the color of a Keyblade is VERY important!" She pouted. "I mean, pfft, it's one thing just to save the world. Are you kidding me? One in a million can do that easy. But doing it in STYLE?" She flipped her hair. "Now how many can claim that? Saving the worlds come second to Twilight Town and tackiness."

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Kalina followed them and watched them fight about the colors of the keyblades. Then she saw something stick out. Her Father's Fresh breeze and Naturespark. " Ryan, look it's my father's weapons." Kalina said kneeling down. After paying her respects she stood up. She couldn't see her mother's Katana Keyblades anywhere. (Could my mother still be alive?) she thought.

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Ryan looked at Kalina as he examined the weapons closely. "No, that's not his weapons. I'm pretty sure that he's still alive out there somewhere" said Ryan as he was thinking about Reyxt, Trey's nobody.


Vanitas was pacing back and fourth in front of Reyxt. "Don't you have some mind controlling powers, or do you have some way to turn Kalina against Ryan?" asked Vanitas. Reyxt stayed silent momentairly. Vanitas sighed. "Just turn Kalina against Ryan, I'll turn Aqua to darkness and destroy the others"

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Reytx stared at Vanitas then sighed. " I guess i can test if i can use Trey's old PSI. By the way, why cant you just take over Aqua's body like you did with Ventus? It seemed pretty easy then." Reytx said. He then opened a dark portal and went to the Keyblade Graveyard.



Kalina looking down at the weapons agreed after taking a closer look. She realized it had a color scheme. " I am going to take a walk." Kalina said walking from the graveyard to the fissure next to it.

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Vanitas smirked. "It's not that easy. I need her away from Ryan and the others, and that is where you come in to play. You need to turn Kalina against Ryan." said Vanitas. "It was more complicated then it was with Ventus. I concealed him at the right moment" said Vanitas.


Sora was in the Keyblade Graveyard. He saw Ryan and approached him. "Ryan, are Radiant Garden and Destiny Islands safe?" asked Sora. Ryan turned around. "Yeah, my cousins are protecting those worlds" said Ryan.

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After sitting there in the circle of Keyblades Evil Rue finally gathered enough aura. He stood up. "This is a world filled with such hatred, My hatred will defeat all of them. I dont want anyone alive anymore. I hate this. I protected what was the dearest to me. And I did it for nothing".


Evil Rue fired a purple glowing aura shot in the sky. It opened the sky and a enormous keyblade made out of chakra just crashed in the place. It sucked up all the keyblades that were in the graveyard.


"I shall gather. And shall make a weapon even more powerfull. I will cut this world, end it from its misery and begin mine !".

Evil Rue could sense Ryan. At this point he could feel everyone that is in the graveyard.


"Even the dark beings finally want to show they're faces. They be destroyed with this awefull world. Feel my wrath for once".


He floated up in the air and gathered aura from the keyblades that were sucked up by the giant aura keyblade. It slowly formed a very new unamed keyblade.

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"RYAN!" Aqua yelled as he disappeared. "YOU GET BACK HERE RIGHT FREAKING NOW! The Destiny Islands are MY world to protect, now that I can't protect Twilight Town anymore. I don't want you to 'help'," She made air quotations around the word. "Me anymore! I can do it by MYSELF, thank you very MUCH!" She summoned her Keyblade, and jumped on her rider, following Ryan through the portal he'd made to the Islands.

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Kalina turned and gasped at the purple aura. " OH MY GAWD!" She exclaimed then she heard someone walking behind her. She turned around. "Ryan?" Her hope fell when she saw it was Reytx. " Hello, hello, hello Kalina. What a pleasure it is to see you." Reytx said. Kalina snarled at the comment. " You dont mean that! Considering me and Ryan put an end to you. Why are you here?" Kalina asked. Reytx just laughed as he shot a PSI beam at Kalina influencing his thoughts over her.

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Ryan took a look the keyblades. (These are the fallen keyblades of the fallen keyblade wielders. They have all fought admirably over light or dark. I still have to fulfill what I did. I can't get cocky. I know now that both light and darkness needs to co exist. It cost Rue's life, but now I will get him back) thought Ryan. Ryan looked and saw Evil Rue. (What's he doing on that thing? I have to check on Kalina then I'll check on Rue) thought Ryan. Ryan walked around and saw Aqua leave and he raised a eyebrow. "Okkkayyyy" muttered Ryan. Ryan looked around and saw Kalina and Reyxt. Ryan summoned his Ultumia Weapon and A-Blade.

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The keyblade finally was formed. It was glowing a bright light that could shine through the worst of darkness. "The once fallen blades combined to create the ultimate weapon. The weapon a god should wield is now in my hands. This is my ultimate creation. "The Time Massacure".. It is the greatest of all and I shall destroy all with it" Evil Rue muttered.


He could see Rexyt, Kalina and Ryan from in the sky. The enormous chakra keyblade turned into normal chakra again and surrounded Evil Rue. He landed on the ground. The dark aura surrounding him crushed the ground around him. It was swirling at high speed. black and light vapour was coming out of the aura it cutted through air.


He saw Ryan drew his blade and noticed his attention was to Rexyt and Kalina.

( It seems that Rexyt is a lost soul aswell. Why does darkness treaths him like a pet. It should be collapsed in it right away. ) He thought. He appeared between Rexyt and Kalina. The dark aura surrounding him pushed them away from eachother.


"You shall all pay for what you've done, and .. Especially for you Ryan ! You made this all happen. You are the one that is going to suffer this time, There will be nothing left for you to protect. Now your going to feel how its like to sacrifice yourself. Your a lost one aswell. Your friend betrayed you and your lover died, There is nothing left for you in this world".


He pointed his weapon at Ryan firing a purple roaring dark firaga blast.

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Kalina turned and saw Ryan. Her eyes were blank just like Trey when he was controlled by the Monster on the Island. Kalina summoned NatureSpark and FreshBreeze while Reytx ran through a portal laughing evily as he returned to Vanitas. Kalina attacked Ryan with a special Double Ars Arcarnum using both of her new blades.


~Meanwhile in The Realm of Nothingness~

Alex and Trey were walking through the absolute nothing of the realm they were exlied to. Edge right before he accidently killed them with his darkness, he regained his concious long enoughto instead send them to the realm of nothingness. Alex turned to Trey. " What are we going to do? We can get out of here Trey." Alex said. Just then a portal opened and they rushed into it coming on the dark meridian. Standing there was a woman with Blue hair with a blue outfit. " Hello who are you? Im Master Aqua." the woman said.

(BTW heartless have you created a fake world yet in my thread?)

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Aqua stomped down the beach. "Hmph! Ryan's way to full of himself... I at least have a REASON to be full of myself. Well, with me, it's fact..." She heard sand shifting behind her. "Huh?" She glanced over her shoulder, but no one was there. Aqua took another few steps, and heard the sound again. Yet when she looked, nothing was there. She bit her lip--she could sense that something was there. She saw a flicker of black, though it only lasted for a second. Aqua's Kingdom Key appeared in her grip. "Who are you!?"

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Ryan summoned his Oath Keeper. He saw Reyxt. "Wait!!!" exclaimed Ryan. Ryan started to chase after Reyxt but he was stopped for 2 reasons: One, the portal closed. Two, even if he could get into the portal, Kalina was attacking him. Kalina's keyblade was at his throat but Ryan moved back his head a little bit to dodge it. (What's she doing? Does she think that I'm looking like Reyxt or what?) thought Ryan. Ryan blocked Kalina's attack but got hit by the second one and fell to the ground. (It's no use. I can't fight one on two keyblades. I have to use it!) thought Ryan. (Hopefully she doesn't have it) thought Ryan. Ryan summoned his A-Blade.

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Kalina looked blankly at Ryan. She shot a beam at Ryan. It didn't exactly harm Ryan just copied and stored data. Then she dissummoned Fresh Breeze and summoned an A-Blade similar to Ryan's. She then used Tornado on ryan making three and having them circle around her.

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Ryan looked at the beam and suddenly saw a replica of the A-Blade. (What? A A-Blade? No... not a A-Blade. It's... a replica of it.) thought Ryan. Ryan looked at the tornadoes that Kalina made. (This is simple. I just use a beam of light. That's how I did it when I faced Trey) thought Ryan. Ryan sent a beam of light at the tornadoes but instead the tornadoes just absorbed the beam of light. (What???) thought Ryan. Ryan was hit by the tornadoes and got thrown to the ground. (This is impossible!) thought Ryan. Ryan got up slowly. (I need to find out what's going on with her.) thought Ryan.

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