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Kingdom Hearts The Time Massacure

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Aqua blinked. "Huh?" (Is he on our side or not?) She thought, and put her Keyblade behind her back. "Oh, uhm... We're on... Trash duty!" She exclaimed suddenly, reaching down for a crumpled can. "See? Whoo! Some people are such litterbugs! I mean, keep the Destiny Islands beautiful! You know?" (I'm such a great liar!) Aqua though excitedly. (I think he believes it!)

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Ryan looked at the man. (Is he on our side) thought Ryan. Ryan looked at Aqua. (Oh god really? Really??? Oh whatever. It seems to be working) Ryan summoned a bag and started picking up trash. "Yeah... we pick up trash! You see me, and this girl are tryint to serve justice to the litterbugs so we pick up trash!" said Ryan. He was going to have a talk with Aqua after the guy went away.

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Aqua glared at Ryan. "'This girl'?" She quoted, annoyed. "Well, I figure if were partners in keeping the Islands trash-free, you should at the very least know my name." She muttered, adding under her breath. "Old man." She looked back up at the man. "Trash collection's VERY fulfilling, you know." Deciding the man was safe for the moment, she de-summonded her Keyblade behind her back. "My name is Aqua. What's yours?"

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2 keyblades Float into sight, ??? "Im not one to be fooled..." Pulls out 2 keyblades. "Your both horrible liars." Takes right glove off to reveal a incomplete heartless symbol. "As i said are you two keyblade weilders destroying all the heartless?"

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Ryan stepped back one step but bumped into Aqua. "Sorry" muttered Ryan. Ryan stepped forward. He looked at the heartless symbol. (This guy... I think he's on the side of the darkness) thought Ryan. Ryan pretended to look stunned. Ryan got out his keyblades. "This is a keyblade? I thought that keyblades were fantasy!!! And the heartless... I thought they were fantasy as well. I thought this thing was a broom!" said Ryan lying once again.

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Reytx appeared beside the hooded man. " Yo dude he is like sooo lying right now. He has been with a keyblade for over 3000 years now. So unless he is awesome i think knows what it is by now." Reytx said summoning Nature-spark and Fresh Breeze. He turned to the man. (We are on the same side. The side of darkness so he must be thinking about destroying them. Now I got to turn Kalina against Ryan and then we will win this war.) Reytx thought to himself.

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Ryan was shocked when he saw Reyxt. "... You!" Ryan summoned his A-Blade and Ultumia Weapon. "Who are you? Why did you telll me a lie in Enchanted Dormain?" asked Ryan glaring at Reyxt. (I don't know what he's planning... but whatever he's planning, it ceartainly isn't good.) Ryan heard Reyxt say about Ryan weilding the keyblade for over 3000 years. (That's impossible! How did he know that! Only my friends know that... and enemies) thought Ryan. Ryan heard what Reyxt thought. "If you are a spy, I'm surprised that you didn't know what I can do besides weilding the keyblade and seeing the futue. If you truely are a spy or if you were working for someone who was a spy, then I'm surprised they haven't told you yet. So you're trying to turn Kalina against me eh'? Well lets see if that works. I'm more stronger than her even if you try to turn her against me" said Ryan.

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Aqua shook her head. What was happening? She looked up at the door--if they defeated these fools (Aqua's such a hypocrite xD) will the door open? She looked back at her opponents. (Well, I guess there's no point in hiding my face now.). Aqua yanked off her hoodie, and summonded her Kingdom Key. "So, I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume we're going to figt you?" Her enemies raised their weapons. "Yeah," She sighed. "I thought so."

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Ryan summoned his A-Blade and Ultumia Weapon. "Tell me... who are you? Wait a minute... that blade..." said Ryan. "No, it's not him. He's been dead for a long time. But... do you live on that island?" asked Ryan. (I have to fight this person. It's the only way to retrain the darkness) thought Ryan. (But not to destroy it... only to hold it back) thought Ryan.

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Aqua blinked, lowering her Kingdom Key slightly. What was going on? Clearly Ryan knew them, both by his words and horrified expression. Then again, being that old, he probably knew everyone. Well, now probably wasn't the best time to bring it up. She raised her Keyblade. "What's with that door?" She pointed it at one of the mystery boys. Aqua glanced above his head at the door. Was it just the angle of the sun, or was the keyhole glittering, as if waiting for someone's key. "Tell us now."

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Aqua tightened her grip when the mystery man spoke. "Night...mare?" She repeated. Well, if she'd had any hope they were 'good guys', it was lost now. And by their expressions, they weren't buying trash clean-up. She sighed. (This WOULD happen to me.) She thought. (Of course, Ryan's an old man, so he probably got some of this dragged down on us, too...) "Well," Aqua shook her head. "I can definately see why you became evil. Who would name their kid Nightmare?"

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Aqua shook her head. "Alright, y'all've TOTALLY lost me." She sighed, and raised her Kingdom Key. (They look considerably easier than the masked boy. He just had some creepy aura...) Aqua thought to herself. (And what if defeating them is the key? What if that's what will open this door? Whatever it is, where ever it leads?) She glared at them. "So, get ready. 'Cause I fail epicly at being clueless." (She nails hypocrite better than me. xD Although that should be obvious at this point.)

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???: "I think the target is right next to me..." Looks at a piece of paper, (reading aloud) "To Shade, the unversed which I have asked you to destroy, has two keyblades and looks human," (Huh now i know how we messed up) "He may try to trick you and knightmare to be his allies, do anything in your power to destroy this threat." Puts paper in pocket.

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Aqua's jaw dropped, and she glanced at Ryan, then back to the mystery men. "Wait, so let me get this straight..." She lowered her Kingdom Key. "You're here... you're here to destroy Ryan? To fight the old man?" She couldn't keep composed any longer. Aqua de-summonded her Keyblade, and gripped her stomach, laughing. "You're-you're going into a death match with us to kill the old man?" She could barely manage to speak as she laughed hysterically. "He can't even fight!"

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Aqua's jaw dropped. "So, let me get this straight... You're NOT trying to kill us?" She picked up her hoodie. "Thats a definate first. Although at least that doesn't mean I'm stuck protecting the old man." She shook the sand off of her hoodie. A shiny purple sea shell fell from the folds. "A sea shell..." She murmered. Immediately she had a flashback of stories her dad used to tell, of Sora. She tightened her grip on it. She hadn't realized it before, but this meant she was an orphan now. This meant she was ALONE. Aqua knew she'd been about to ask them something else, but she couldn't seem to move her lips. That one phrase kept bouncing around her mind. She was alone.

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"Wake up!!" Yelled Shade as he shook Aqua awake, "Never and I repeat NEVER look into the King Cobra's glowing eyes, it sends you on a "memory trip" showing you your deapest fears and memories."

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Ryan glared at Aqua. (Old man. I'm only 21! Geesh!) ((Who is that person? If it is the nobody of him, how come he wasn't born sooner) thought Ryan. Ryan glared at Reyxt. Ryan looked back at the cobra and suddenly wasn't where he was. His consioness wasn't there anymore. He was suddenly at The Keyblade Graveyard, but nobody could exactly see him. He saw a woman and a man. "Why... I thought you loved me Soul" asked the woman. The woman looked like she was about to die. "You wanted to help Ryan. And for that you shall die!" He stabbed her and the woman died. Ryan's consiosness went back to Destiny Islands. (No.. that couldn't be! That wasn't her!) thought Ryan. He thought that because the woman who Soul killed was his friend Allera and it seemed that Soul had some grudge against Ryan. Ryan doubled over for a second.

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Suddently Rue Appeared out one of the doors.

He glared at Ryan for a sec and glared at Rexyt.

"You seem very familiar... I dont know were you are from, But you look awfully much like Trey. The one helping us earlier a few years ago".

He walked up to Ryan and Aqua. He summoned A keyblade he used to wear a few years ago, but it changed cause of the transformation with Dark Ryan.

He pointed it at Shade.. "Your holding them up. whats the deal with that ? you want something ? cause you can have a fight right now" he muttered.


Rue was still trapped inside of Evil Rue's body. Evil Rue just took Rue's appearance. ( Looks like I Have to join them in thre journey through this all. I have no other choice to guide them through the doors of each world I have took over. )

Evil Rue's were blocked from mind-reading ability's. His mind was being blocked by the most evil and darkest aura. If someone even tries to read his mind. they automaticlly lost they're consioness and go to a different universe for a while. In that universe your going to feel how it is like to be a heartless. being corrupted by evil.


Rue was still standing there in his pose. between Ryan and Aqua. There was a invisible and not notice able dark aura around him that protects him from taking damage if he gets his. It wont work if the Kingdom Key hits him.

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"Knightmare, please use iron clamp on the target." Knightmare: "Yes sir."

knightmare's armor came apart to reveal a small blue eyed shadow, and he then rapped around Reytx stopping all movement.

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