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Dream Drop Distance HD Remix Opening Menu Concept

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This is good but I have to say I don't think it should be bundled with KH3, I don't think people would play it as much as it rightfully deserves to be played, plus I think it would be weird to do that, Kingdom Hearts 3 should be sold by itself and same with Dream Drop Distance if they do decide to make it for console

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That looks awesome man! I especially love the slashes and the emblems as Azure said, I do quite like the concept of 3D being bundled with KH3, I would at least hope that if they were to make this that they should bundle it with a demo of KH3 similar to that of Type-0 HD and FF XV Episode Duscae if they decided to release the two full games separately. A cool feature I would add in is maybe along with the enemy emblems is to add maybe some emblems of the keychains or maybe even some of the emblems from the chess board in the E3 2015 KH3 trailer, although I'm not sure if that's just me or if it's too unreasonable of a request, it'd just an idea that popped in my mind :P.

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