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Disney Infinity 4.0 Theme: Kingdom Hearts (Thoughts and Ideas)

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        So now that Kingdom Hearts has officially crossed over into the Disney Infinity universe (which is actually the first time the series


has crossed over into another third party video game console), with Disney Infinity 3.0 having a special Keyblade weapon to unlock after


100% everything, including all figures bought from DI1.0 - DI3.0 and maxing them to their levels, and having a Power Disc (a disc that 


helps upgrade your character's costume or abilities; in this case, costume) where you can change Mickey's regular form into his 


Kingdom Hearts outfit, we might have a chance at seeing more things in store with Disney Infinity focused on the Kingdom Hearts 





        One interesting thing to note about, is that the previous Disney Infinity games put small, detailed teasers that would be focused on


the next theme of the series. Disney Infinity 1.0 and 2.0 teased with items from the Star Wars series through the Ultimate Unlock


system, having to 100% everything to be able to access them. 1.0 had the Lightsaber weapon, and 2.0 had a Star Wars ship you can be


able to ride around. Today we found out that the next Ultimate Unlock item is the Keyblade from the Kingdom Hearts series. With that said, this


meant Square-Enix and Disney Infinity had previous discussions on how to implement something from the Kingdom Hearts


series into the game's universe. Could this mean bigger plans for the future of the Disney Infinity cross over with Kingdom Hearts? With


just this teaser, we might be able to see Kingdom Hearts again in the future with Disney Infinity.



       What's even more to think about, is having a Disney Infinity game entirely focusing on the Kingdom Hearts franchise this time. This


means we might get all of the Kingdom Hearts figures, including Sora, Riku, Kairi, Ven, Terra, Aqua, Organization members, Xehanort,


etc., Play Sets based on each game of the series (Play sets are pieces you place on the Disney Infinity base to access story-like mode


with cutscenes, bosses and missions to complete) for example: one play set focusing on Kingdom Hearts 1, another with Kingdom


Hearts 2, one with Birth By Sleep and so forth. Power Discs that could give you different keyblades from various Kingdom Hearts games


(Decisive Pumpkin, Kingdom D, etc) and other Kingdom Hearts outfits like Donald's and (possibly Goofy's) costume. And much more.


It also seems that Disney Infinity loves coming out with more games when big events are going on, example: Disney Infinity 2.0 came out when


Avengers was still hot, and Disney Infinity 3.0 is coming out with the new Star Wars episode on the horizon, Disney Infinity 4.0 could come out


when KH3 is near it's release, and might even have a Play Set focused on Kingdom Hearts 3!



      What do you think? If this were to happen, what specifically would you buy, and what wouldn't you get? What would you love to see


enter Disney Infinity 4.0 based from the Kingdom Hearts series?

Edited by Moochieh32

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Star Wars has a good 16 or so figures in 3.0, so I can see about that many KH for a KH edition.


1. Sora

2. Riku

3. Kairi

4. Roxas

5. Axel

6. Xion

7. Ventus

8. Aqua

9. Terra

10. Namine

11. Vanitas

12. Xehanort

13-16 random original KH3 characters or some Organization members--maybe Ansem and Xehanort and some other person.


With that said, I'm already anticipating KH to be the focus of 4. My brother and I both really wanna get into Infinity so I'm buying him 3.0 for Christmas. Already bought him Thor, Iron Man, and Crystal Fantasia Mickey since I had like $80 in store credit at Gamestop. Got a certain someone for myself too:



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        So now that Kingdom Hearts has officially crossed over into the Disney Infinity universe (which is actually the first time the series


has crossed over into another third party video game console), with Disney Infinity 3.0 having a special Keyblade weapon to unlock after


100% everything, including all figures bought from DI1.0 - DI3.0 and maxing them to their levels, and having a Power Disc (a disc that 


helps upgrade your character's costume or abilities; in this case, costume) where you can change Mickey's regular form into his 


Kingdom Hearts outfit, we might have a chance at seeing more things in store with Disney Infinity focused on the Kingdom Hearts 





        One interesting thing to note about, is that the previous Disney Infinity games put small, detailed teasers that would be focused on


the next theme of the series. Disney Infinity 1.0 and 2.0 teased with items from the Star Wars series through the Ultimate Unlock


system, having to 100% everything to be able to access them. 1.0 had the Lightsaber weapon, and 2.0 had a Star Wars ship you can be


able to ride around. Today we found out that the next Ultimate Unlock item is the Keyblade from the Kingdom Hearts series. With that said, this


meant Square-Enix and Disney Infinity had previous discussions on how to implement something from the Kingdom Hearts


series into the game's universe. Could this mean bigger plans for the future of the Disney Infinity cross over with Kingdom Hearts? With


just this teaser, we might be able to see Kingdom Hearts again in the future with Disney Infinity.



       What's even more to think about, is having a Disney Infinity game entirely focusing on the Kingdom Hearts franchise this time. This


means we might get all of the Kingdom Hearts figures, including Sora, Riku, Kairi, Ven, Terra, Aqua, Organization members, Xehanort,


etc., Play Sets based on each game of the series (Play sets are pieces you place on the Disney Infinity base to access story-like mode


with cutscenes, bosses and missions to complete) for example: one play set focusing on Kingdom Hearts 1, another with Kingdom


Hearts 2, one with Birth By Sleep and so forth. Power Discs that could give you different keyblades from various Kingdom Hearts games


(Decisive Pumpkin, Kingdom D, etc) and other Kingdom Hearts outfits like Donald's and (possibly Goofy's) costume. And much more.


It also seems that Disney Infinity loves coming out with more games when big events are going on, example: Disney Infinity 2.0 came out when


Avengers was still hot, and Disney Infinity 3.0 is coming out with the new Star Wars episode on the horizon, Disney Infinity 4.0 could come out


when KH3 is near it's release, and might even have a Play Set focused on Kingdom Hearts 3!



      What do you think? If this were to happen, what specifically would you buy, and what wouldn't you get? What would you love to see


enter Disney Infinity 4.0 based from the Kingdom Hearts series?

Today opened new posiblities for the game. But i don't think is going to be the 4.0 theme.

Edited by MarieltheKeybasHGirl

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Star Wars has a good 16 or so figures in 3.0, so I can see about that many KH for a KH edition.


1. Sora

2. Riku

3. Kairi

4. Roxas

5. Axel

6. Xion

7. Ventus

8. Aqua

9. Terra

10. Namine

11. Vanitas

12. Xehanort

13-16 random original KH3 characters or some Organization members--maybe Ansem and Xehanort and some other person.


With that said, I'm already anticipating KH to be the focus of 4. My brother and I both really wanna get into Infinity so I'm buying him 3.0 for Christmas. Already bought him Thor, Iron Man, and Crystal Fantasia Mickey since I had like $80 in store credit at Gamestop. Got a certain someone for myself too:



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Jaaaack, B)

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A couple of thoughts:


1. There may not actually be a 4.0. 3.0 is considered the end of DI's "launch" as they finally get the major properties (Marvel & SW) out of the way. There's no more themes left to persue, just individual films that require attention. From here on it may just be DLC tied into periodic new figures & playsets.


2. A Kingdom Hearts playset should include the ability to use certain Disney figures when you're in their worlds. IE if in Agrabah you can play as Aladdin/Jasmine. If in Halloween Town you can play as Jack Skellington. This serves to give purpose to some of the figures that never got playsets of their own.


3. At absolute most the figures we'd be seeing are:




-KH Mickey

-KH Donald

-KH Goofy

-& maybe Ansem or toon Maleficent given the tendency to include a villain figure for playsets.


That's already 7 figures at max which is a lot. Characters from handheld games just are not happening at all.

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