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Tweet Hinting at Kingdom Hearts in Disney Infinity?

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So I stumbled upon this today and it's a tweet showing that they'll be hinting at what the ultimate unlock is for DI3.0 (In case you didn't know, the ultimate unlock is an item you unlock in the game as soon as you reach 100% with everything in the game and the item is basically related to something that would be the main focus on the sequel.For example, DI and DI2's ultimate unlock were items related to Star Wars which is ending up being featured in DI3... While this will only be a hint to it, take a closer look at the image. Keyhole.


Could this mean the ultimate unlock item in Disney Infinity 3.0 is a keyblade, which is a hint at Disney Infinity 4.0 having a Kingdom Hearts theme? 


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Eh, while a keyhole is linked to the KH franchise, it is called an "unlock". This hint is like peaking through a lock to see what's inside.

I kind of hope I'm wrong, but i think the keyhole reference is too flimsy to get our hopes up.

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Sorry to be that one girl, but keyholes are pretty general. Considering it is called the 'Ultimate Unlock' the keyhole in the tweet could just mean the whole 'unlock' thing. It doesn't necessarily have to be KH.Not gonna lie though, I really want Sora to be in Disney Infinity and if they add Sora and the gang I will spend like all my money on Disney Infinity.

Eh I'm with Aqua on this one, a keyhole is pretty generic, it could just be referencing the fact that you're getting a "peek" at what's next, it doesn't necessarily have to be Kingdom Hearts related. Still, the idea alone of having KH in Disney Infinity would be pretty cool, and I would also throw all my money at Disney Infinity if that were to ever happen. <3

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id buy the figures but I wouldn't care shit about the game


And that my friend is called a wise investment!  :wink:  :lol:

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I don't want KH near Infinity really, so I hope it isnt. (Though as the comment above me, it's very possible I'd just buy a sora figure and never touch the game). I mean it would just be such a shallow game featuring KH characters, don't think they deserve that fate.


Though looking at the picture it looks more like the "KH Keyhole", as the sides are angled out, while traditionally, they're straight, but could just be a coinicidence too.

Edited by LAA

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id buy the figures but I wouldn't care shit about the game

I'd just gawp at the figures for a few moments, shrug, then leave. xD


Unless they're high quality, then I'll buy 'em.


They have to be better quality than some Amiibos, that's for sure. xP

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Thanks xD I'm glad you actually remembered this thread dude, I appreciate the support :D

I do remember because I thought "how smart to think of" then I read all the comments and then thought "aw, well I guess not everyone thinks so" I was actually going to say so but at the time I was at work then just forgot till now.

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The Keyhole doesn't mean ANYTHING.


Really people i only will buy the figure only but not to play the game.


Ugh this isn't "Amiibo" guys.

if only I could time travel

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