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Green Sparrow

PS4 Game Recommendations

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I can sense that I'm going to get a PS4 very soon. In fact, the information from this upcoming weekend will probably tip me to finally caving in and buying the console. But, I don't want to get a platform for just one game. Here are the games I plan on getting for the PS4:- Kingdom Hearts III- Final Fantasy XV

- Final Fantasy Type-0

- Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition (Never played original)- The Last of Us Remastered (Never played original)- Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (Never played original)- Persona 5- Uncharted 4- Horizon: Zero Dawn

- Infamous: Second SonI didn't know if there were any games that are a "must have" for the PS4. I'm open to new experiences as well, so don't hold back. I use to HATE FPS games, but then Bioshock Infinite changed my mind, so I welcome the new. Thanks in advance! :)

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idk if borderlands is on the ps4 but its a pretty fun RPG FPS and lots of humor and sometimes a lotta dark humor but its awesome

I can sense that I'm going to get a PS4 very soon. In fact, the information from this upcoming weekend will probably tip me to finally caving in and buying the console. But, I don't want to get a platform for just one game. Here are the games I plan on getting for the PS4:- Kingdom Hearts III- Final Fantasy XV

- Final Fantasy Type-0

- Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition (Never played original)- The Last of Us Remastered (Never played original)- Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (Never played original)- Persona 5- Uncharted 4- Horizon: Zero Dawn

- Infamous: Second SonI didn't know if there were any games that are a "must have" for the PS4. I'm open to new experiences as well, so don't hold back. I use to HATE FPS games, but then Bioshock Infinite changed my mind, so I welcome the new. Thanks in advance! :)

and mgsV is releasing September 1st!

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Black Flag is definitely worth it, one of the best, if not the best in the AC series. Second Son is also worth it, a ton of fun, although it's a short game. As for Type-0, I feel like I may be one of the few people who doesn't really like it that much. The gameplay is kind of fun, that I'll admit, but I just can't get into the story. Doesn't interest me. Also not really a fan of many of the characters in the game. 

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Let's see....


Bloodborne (don't do if you have no patience or suck at video games, you'll regret this purchase)

Shadow of Mordor

Metal Gear Solid 5 when it's released


Most of your picks I would agree are good choices. TLOU is good, AC4 and Infamous Second Son as well. Type-0 is just okay, but still a good choice.

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Well if you are going to get Uncharted 4 might as well get The Drake Collection which has Uncharted 1 2 and 3 in it unless you already played the originals.  Bloodborne is a pretty fun game it was my first time played that kind of game and I loved it.  Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain is coming out soon and that looks to be an amazing game as well and you might as well pick up Ground Zeroes as well since I had fun playing that game as well. Life is Strange is a pretty fun game as well and is very similar to the Telltale style of games which you can pick up those as well.  Of course there is also all those indie games that you can get like Rocket League is really good from what I've heard, also the two games you get for free every month if you are a PS+ member this month is Limbo and Lura Croft whatever game, but there are a lot of games and you already have a list with time consuming games (Final Fantasy, Persona 5) but some of them aren't out yet so if you get a PS4 before they do you can pick up the games that I mentioned

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