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Phill Devil

? wonk ouy naht noitceffa erom deen I ?

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I think you all know this phrase from Utada Hikaru's "Sanctuary"


? I need more affection than you know ?


and this scares me... because for me this is a fact

I've never seen a person that needs attention as much as I do


No, I'm not like people that does everything to have everyones attention like on the internet, or on a party.


most times, principally when I am sad I need someone's attention. Just one person. But yesterday I realized that... most times I need 75% of one person's attention. When I'm distracted, 50%~25%. But when I'm sad, thing that happens really often, I need someone's 90%~100% attention. Like not even carrying for this person's feeling


when I want to talk to someone I HATE to be ignored and right away I think that this person doesn't want to talk to me, as if this person is avoyding me, and then I get sad. Trying to make myself feel better I say to myself that this person is busy or something...

I'm not sure that this works...


Yesterday, My best-freind-ever and a friend of her were studying Gaelic, thinking that it was a dead language and they were really excited about it.

I said to them that It wasn't a dead language and then they both got really disapointed and kinda sad, but I didn't notice that because I was sad and I was dumbly demanding 100% of her attention.

We fought but then I apologized to her


Do I have some kind of mental disease?



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It is all within your personality mate. Within my research thus far within memory, emotions, and personality, personality is simply a collection of differently leveled emotions within one person, now there are common sets, and uncommon. You are possibly an uncommon set. Having one or two emotions higher than the other, drastically changing how your mind tells ye what is happening and what options are able to be taken into command. whether those actions are arguments, apologies, or others is within your personality which decyphers your choice. Basically, your fine, mate.

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