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Why DID Roxas' Clothes Change?

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Probably the unique manner in which Roxas came into being. A powerful Nobody with the power of the Keyblade, a heart already within him, and no memories of his human life. DiZ said that Roxas "resides in darkness" but with Ventus' heart and the Keyblade, Roxas had a significant amount of light within him. Nomura said that the checkers were supposed represent light and darkness, so Roxas' entire outfit is probably a representation of how Roxas represents a unique existence of light and dark. 


Or Nomura logic. Either one.

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Probably the unique manner in which Roxas came into being. A powerful Nobody with the power of the Keyblade, a heart already within him, and no memories of his human life. DiZ said that Roxas "resides in darkness" but with Ventus' heart and the Keyblade, Roxas had a significant amount of light within him. Nomura said that the checkers were supposed represent light and darkness, so Roxas' entire outfit is probably a representation of how Roxas represents a unique existence of light and dark. 


Or Nomura logic. Either one.

but Ven's clothes represent light and darkness too, being black and white

but no checkers

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It's probably due to the fact that he is born out of Sora and Ventus. His clothing resembles Ven's in a lot of ways, but since Roxas has adopted his own personality his clothes have also adopted a change from Ven's. You have to remember that Roxas is an unusual Nobody, not because he's a Keyblade wielder, but because his "birth" process was so complicated and had a lot more going on. Everyone else was created in the traditional sense, but Roxas' creation had several different factors going on, what with Sora having Ven's heart in him as well as Kairi's, Namine having to be born from Sora's body rather than Kairi's, Sora only staying a Heartless for a short time, it's a very complicated event that wasn't nearly as simple as being turned into a Heartless and leaving a Nobody behind. Considering everything that happened, him having different clothes that resembled Ven's in a more casual manner is probably just a small byproduct of the whole ordeal and probably isn't that big of a deal. It's probably not that worth wondering about. It's not like it dictates the lore of the whole series.


but Ven's clothes represent light and darkness too, being black and white

but no checkers

 The checker patterns are just a different way of representing the whole light and dark thing. It's like Ven's outfit but remixed. From a storytelling perspective he is the first Nobody protagonist we are exposed to and the first openly called Nobody (dialogue from CoM aside), so his design is to help represent his nature as a being between light and darkness.


Also, checkered past, lol.

Edited by Hero of Light XIV

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He's a special nobody with special circumstances with a special outfit representing this.lolz



Also I'm pretty sure the checkered thing was already confirmed as representing both the light and the darkness.

Edited by Flaming Lea

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Um.. I don't quite understand your point. Just b/c Roxas' clothes have checkers and Ven's don't doesn't undermine my argument.

they both represent light and darkness, so specifying one of them doesn't really explain why one would be changed

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I also said that the checkers, and Roxas' whole outfit, probably represent his unique existence as a Nobody.

uh huh?

and Ven's clothes represent his unique relationship to light and dark

that's all

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Kinda makes me wonder what clothes Xemmy wore before ditching it for the Org coat? probably a shirtless version of Terra's outift while wearing a labcoat *squeals*

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He's a special nobody with special circumstances with a special outfit representing this.lolz



Also I'm pretty sure the checkered thing was already confirmed as representing both the light and the darkness.

Namine is also a special nobody.....though if you noticed Kairi's outfit in KH2,Namine is kinda wearing Kairi's underwear dress Lol

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Namine is also a special nobody.....though if you noticed Kairi's outfit in KH2,Namine is kinda wearing Kairi's underwear dress Lol


Yes kinda looks like it but as of for sure it could be just based off of her dress....Plus they aren't even the same kind of special nobody at that :P I think Draco said it best : 


Probably for the same reason Namine got new duds: to make them distinct characters/to hide who they're related to, and because of the special circumstances of how they were formed.

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