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Klonoa the Dream Traveler

Explain to me how KH Vcast is a bad game

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I've never played it, but I have seen clips of it and I only call it 'bad' cause it is 'bad' compared with the other games. The combat seems very boring, while it's true that graphics aren't everything, the graphics look VERY bland and just downgraded by a LOT from the original game where even the graphics of the original 358/2 days, re:coded and even coded look better, and the entire game seems more of a platformer than a fighting game. Also, to what I've heard there is pretty much no plot, if not little.

Edited by Master Eraqus

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While graphics aren't everything, just look at Maleficent's face.

I mean, hell, just LOOK AT HER.


And as mentioned, combat is extremely lacking, there's basically no plot, it's not even canon and just there for the sake of being there.

Edited by Darku Scarlet

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Everyone else has voiced pretty much everything I could say about this game. xP


The game itself is objectively bad: It's badly made, feels like a Knock-Off rather than a Spin-Off or even a Fan-Made game, the plot is incoherent and terrible, the graphics are woefully AWFUL and just do the game even more of a disservice, Combat is sluggish and bad and it has no reason to exist, it's not even Canon and doesn't have it's own story to go off on or continue as it died after it's first part.


It's probably best that V-Cast was forgotten and left to gather virtual dust. (What is V-Cast supposed to mean anyway?) 

Edited by Corrupted Shinnok

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I played it a shit ton when it was out its was a alright game but I got stuck in Aladin when heartless stopped swpawing and I needed more mp to cast fire to kill a mummy and u need munny from heartlessto restore mp

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Everyone judges it that way because it almost impossible to get a hold of these days. The game was part of an old phone game service that isn't used anymore for a far outdated phone as well as the fact that it never got beyond one episode. Even if you never got to touch the game with your hands, watching footage can still tell you a lot about a game's quality. You don't exactly have to have actually played Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric yourself to see it controls terribly from the millions of videos out there. Just try to imagine moving in a three-dimensional space with the limited controls of your then-standard early-2000's flip phone. A few buttons in the orientation of a diamond isn't exactly the same as the four directional buttons on a game controller or hand held, let alone an analog stick. Not only that but the movement looks pretty stiff itself, and the game itself just looks like it lacks any imagination to it. No, graphics aren't everything, but it's important to have at least some kind of standard, and for the technology it was using at the time,3D was a pretty poor choice. It would have been better off with sprite-based graphics like the original Chain of Memories had or even the 2D character in a somewhat 3D modeled map from an over-view angle like in the original Coded. Add to the fact that it's been confirmed that the game was never canon and it wasn't even being made by either Disney nor Square and you basically have what can best be described as an experiment with the mobile gaming market before it became as big of a cash cow as it is today. I suppose it always helps to actually have hands-on experience with something, but there are some cases where you can easily tell how bad something is just by looking at it, and this is one of those cases. I'm sorry if that doesn't sound fair to you, but that's really just the way it is.

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Imagine a bootleg version of Kingdom Hearts and have it official just because Disney said back in the day "Screw it, it's a popular cash cow, release this!". That is Kingdom Hearts V-Cast: corporate rubbish in its purest form.

Edited by Guest

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Yes, graphics don't mean anything but when it's that bad!? I think it does plus seriously.....It's just bad in everything!

Graphics 2/10

Plot 1/10

Gameplay 2/10

Music.....I dunno can't remember but probably bad.

It's just bad in everyway possible!

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It seems that everyone is calling this spinoff game bad. Please explain how this game is terrible. Have you even played it? How can you judge a game that you haven't played? Graphics isn't everything.

Cuz every single game in the series is obviously perfect,uncriticisable and absolutely well crafted



Just look the game up.....it has awful controls,awful gameplay and little to no story


There ya go

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Inb4 VCast HD remake.


There already is one: it's called Coded.  :lol:

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Everyone judges it that way because it almost impossible to get a hold of these days. The game was part of an old phone game service that isn't used anymore for a far outdated phone as well as the fact that it never got beyond one episode. Even if you never got to touch the game with your hands, watching footage can still tell you a lot about a game's quality. You don't exactly have to have actually played Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric yourself to see it controls terribly from the millions of videos out there. Just try to imagine moving in a three-dimensional space with the limited controls of your then-standard early-2000's flip phone. A few buttons in the orientation of a diamond isn't exactly the same as the four directional buttons on a game controller or hand held, let alone an analog stick. Not only that but the movement looks pretty stiff itself, and the game itself just looks like it lacks any imagination to it. No, graphics aren't everything, but it's important to have at least some kind of standard, and for the technology it was using at the time,3D was a pretty poor choice. It would have been better off with sprite-based graphics like the original Chain of Memories had or even the 2D character in a somewhat 3D modeled map from an over-view angle like in the original Coded. Add to the fact that it's been confirmed that the game was never canon and it wasn't even being made by either Disney nor Square and you basically have what can best be described as an experiment with the mobile gaming market before it became as big of a cash cow as it is today. I suppose it always helps to actually have hands-on experience with something, but there are some cases where you can easily tell how bad something is just by looking at it, and this is one of those cases. I'm sorry if that doesn't sound fair to you, but that's really just the way it is.

ive actually played Vcast a lot back then. It was an alriught game but it wasa pretty bad. Theres  a part where u need to kill a mummy with fire spells and you need munny to restore MP but heartless will stop reswapning after a while.

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