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That Socially Awkward Guy (NEW SERIES)

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Hello, my name is Socially Awkward! I have created a new series and would like for you to check it out. If you've enjoyed it, please feel free to tell me in the comment section. Have a great day! ;)


  -Socially Awkwardpost-57155-0-32964400-1438919597_thumb.jpg



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Hey it's Socially Awkward again!!!


The new episode of That Socially Awkward Guy is out!!! This week, as I've stated on my profile page. I will upload an episode every Thursday AND Friday now. I'm now also trying to make my comics a little longer than before since a lot of people seemed to like episode 3 (which was the longest out of the 3). So please enjoy viewing episode 3 and episode 4 will be out by tomorrow! ;)



Socially Awkward





Almost forgot, lol: http://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/that-socially-awkard-guy/list?title_no=9153



Well that was awkward...

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Hey everyone!


It's Socially Awkward once again!


Episode 5 of the series has just been uploaded! Please enjoy, and tell your friends and family about it!



I am now accepting any new ideas for an awkward comic! Please feel free to post your ideas to me and you may see your idea drawn out in a soon-coming episode. I will also mention your name in there! ;)



Socially Awkward


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Hello everyone!!


Socially Awkward here!


I would like to inform you that Episode 8 of That Socially Awkward Guy has been uploaded! If you like this series a lot please share it with people you know! Have a great day! ;)





  Socially Awkward


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Hey guys!


Socially Awkward here once again with another episode up and ready. Please enjoy and tell your friends and family about this series! I enjoy making these comics and will continue to keep making as many as I can!  ;) 




As always, episodes will be released every THURSDAY and FRIDAY from now on!



  Socially Awkward


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Socially Awkward speaking!


The next episode of That Socially Awkward Guy is out! Please enjoy and have a great morning, afternoon, evening, and goodnight! ;)





  Socially Awkward


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Hey everyone! It's Socially Awkward!


I would like to apologize for the absence of a Thursday comic this week! I've stated on my profile page that an incident had occurred earlier this week which in return screwed up my schedule for this week! I'm really sorry, but I had time to upload at least one comic this week! So please enjoy and have a wonderful morning, afternoon, evening, and goodnight! ;)



  Socially Awkward


Sigh...I did it again...



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