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The 13th Kenpachi

The structure of Kingdom Hearts 3

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Before we can fight the 13 seekers of darkness, there is A LOT of stuff we'll have to do. What order will things be done in do you think?



1. Xehanort and Eraqus prologue for 3-4 hours, 

2. Sora dolan gooby going across half of the disney worlds and retrieving the key to return hearts

3. Playing as riku in the realm of darkness with mickey, Aqua is found and brought back to mysterious tower.

4. Sora Lea and Aqua (Aqua and Sora have the deepest connections with ventus. Lea just wants to tag along) go to castle oblivion to retrieve ventus' body.

5. After everyone has been saved, Sora goes to the remaining disney worlds (Reason is unclear)

6. Final clash

7.The final boss battle.


Of course there will be plot twists that may force us off task

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