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Dead Man's Tale (Role-Play)

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William shook his head slowly in response to Nina's question. He never rode anything before. Not even a horse.

"No...?" He said slowly. "Where I come from we don't have things like that- uhh!" Suddenly he was pulled on the sea creature and his heart jumped. This was definitely new. Riding a giant sea monster with a girl. Interesting. William didn't even know any girls. Cuddles began to walk, or swim or whatever and William actually somewhat didn't mind it. He was only dead for not even a hour and he was riding a sea monster. Imagine what the hell would happen in a day. As they went to find the witch, William began to wish he didn't find his father. If his father was down here... That meant he was dead.


Du'Vall was slightly annoyed by Arthur's anger but understood if. As soon as he took the handkerchief out she grabbed if and smelt the blood.

"This'll do..." She muttered. Du'Vall took out a purple crystal from a crate. She also spread our a map on the table. With handkerchief in hand and the crystal dangling from a string, she spun it over the map. Almost immediately it hit the map in the area around the outskirts of town.

"He is definitely dead..." She muttered softly. "But he is nearby. It looks like he's headed this way. While he is I will explain things to you. You can die again here a few was. One of the ways is by getting killed by a cursed weapon. You're going to need one if you're going to defend yourself."

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"She isn't who i meant." He sighed. There was a silence after Adeline introduced herself, something about manners ... of which the viking knew very little.

"Thorfinn son of Thors." He finally snarled. There was this air about the new arrival making him feel uneasy. He was always had that feeling around people in black clothes. It grew on him from the time he spent with Askelad who emphasized wearing black clothing at night.

"And you are?" He asked with his trademark snarl making it sound almost arrogant. It seemed as if the nicest he could be was with that like a wild wolf trying to socialize with a human. The stop wasn't something he really something he wanted so the woman would not really be the most welcome addition. Then however something felt like it hit him from behind making it look as if he had bowed. It was actually just an impulse he developed over the years to overcome madness. It was basically an imaginary version of his father he believed was real enough that it would occasionally influence his behavior this situation being the only reason he helped Adeline earlier.






"Hey Will you seem kinda worried." Nina smiled as she turned backwards. She playfully scratched Cuddles softer scales making the back part move a little as if giggling.

"You regret anything you didn't do?" She asked thinking casual conversation would calm him down and usually that's how the last conversation with people started often where she was. She then thought taking the initiative would also be good.

"I know you don't have arranged marriages anymore but i feel sorry for the guy that probably died innocent after that." The Leviathan then squirmed for a moment as if telling her to stop.

"Sorry cuddles. Just being nice." She replied to the beast. Cuddles then growled hissed and glowered again making Nina jump and blush.

"Hey that's to far!" She bumped its head slightly. The creature now "laughed" or at least did something similar to laughing.

Edited by Firo_Procheniezio

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She was actually over joyed to hear their names, it eased her unsteady mind. Just responding with a ever-so soft and slight smile, A Shimmer of a twinkle in her eyes. As they shimmered Tile and blue, She managed to say

"I am Kuryu," With out embarrassing her grace. then the colours that were flourishing, Died Down.


She said as she looked up. 


"I Would naut Expec you too rememba me. Saviers and savation com een manii forms." 

(i would not expect you to remember me. Saviors and Salvation comes in many forms)


Remembering she never had the chance to exchange thoughts, names or even appreciations. Kuryu was for certain, this was that man on that day. The one with Dire wolf eyes, Ember burnt emotions and Fierce Quake as the earth molded to his steps. The same face Lords would have in her land. So she gave him respect as one. She lifted her chin to look Thorffin, directly into the eyes. For she had seen the man of beast before. No glare, frightened her like the tyrannical shogun of a father she had been born with, neither did she give off any signs of disdain. She upheld her Poise and honor, to ask


"Wahta ees it dat you may waunt, here"

(What is it that you may want, Here)


She kept a gentle smile. In sake, she knew how to host, and entertain the idea of others. So she knew well of what to do in the manifestation where she was the idiosyncratic one. She did not daunt at the pressure that was there, yet welcomed Such Oddities, It was in her loyal-likeness to regard such as how she was to be treated.


But adeline had a most certain infectious Quality of her, that made kuryu adhere to her. It was something that reminded her of an unblossumed Power, waiting to be adorned. Quietly she said


"Cherish da feus, becose eet makes heroes out of us. Da corajus stay where day au but da fearfoo caun oni get stronga,"

(Cherish da fears, because it makes heroes out of us. The Courageous stay where they are but Thar fearful can only get stronger) 

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Nina didnt seem to be paying much attention to Seto. She was wrapped up with trying to get a small child comfortable with a terrifying sea creature. She'd be there a while. "Fine, i didnt wanna know anyway." He turned to Leo. "So how bout you? Howd you get down here? Got any pro tips?" 

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Adeline looked up at the woman, and realized how pretty she was. She said her name was Kuryu.

Saviors and Salvation comes in many form? "I wonder what she's talking about..." thought Adeline.

"...Nice to meet you, Miss Kuryu." she said. Ever since she was little Adeline was taught to respect older figures such as Kuryu.

Although.. she didn't look that old. She also asked what they wanted in this place. 

"O-oh, um.. I just got here... and I asked Thorfinn to help me out a bit.." she said, nervously. 

Kuryu also said, "Cherish the fears, because it makes heroes out of us. The courageous stay where they are but the fearful can only get stronger." But with her accent.

Adeline stared blankly at her. What did she mean by that? Why was she telling her this? 

"Um, Miss Kuryu, what do you me---" Adeline stopped herself. "T-thank you...I guess.." said Adeline, smiling softly. 

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Leonardo frowned at the question of how he had ended up down here. It brought bad memories. "Well...I was a prince from the kingdom of Spain. I was second to the throne and was studying abroad all over the world! I've visited places not many people have ever even heard of!...but I was murdered. Pirates intercepted my ship while I was on my way home. They took my men and I hostage and slaughtered us. They threw our bodies off into the water and took down the ship. My crew and I live in its wreckage. I've been here for centuries...I've lost count." Leonardo sighed sadly and pouted. "All I can ask of you is to get a cursed weapon as quick as you can, avoid encountering the wrong people especially if you are alone, be nice to witches...and don't make enemies. Believe it or not, even though we are dead...we can die again."


Arthur sighed of relief. William was a smart lad, of course he would be able to find his way here! Regardless how much Arthur worried. However there was a tinge of disgust and annoyance in his expression once he heard that they could apparently die again. "Seriously? I can die again? What is this bloody bull crap?" Arthur growled. He sighed, shaking his head. "Alright alright. Do you know where I can find a cursed weapon? Or do you happen to have a spare one?"

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William couldn't help but jump slightly when the creature began to move around. The last thing he needed was the creature attacking him. Slowly be reached down to pet it to try to calm it down. The creature looked to be jealous. William looked over to Leo and frowned. It was such a sad story.

"That's terrible..." He muttered with a frown. Such things were common in the seas he learned. Especially in the old days. Did Leo just say they could die again? "But we're ghosts! Who can we die again? What happens... If we die again...?"


Du'Vall rolled her eyes once more and took out a dagger from her sash. "I do not know if I want to give you a cursed weapon. I'll help you save your boy first then I'll decide." She muttered. Du'Vall also put on a necklace with a light blue crystal as a pendant. "Cursed weapons can kill those that are already dead. If you die again you just don't exist anymore. Some people say you are sent to live in a cold pitch black hell but those are myths... Similar to he myths of Davy Jones' Locker." She looked outside only to see many people out and about. Du'Vall absolutely hated being outside with other people so she turned to face Arthur. "Would you like to wait here for your boy?" She asked.

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Thorfinn was never good with philosophy and the like and as such only raised an eyebrow.

"I do remember you. You were at the slavers place right before I had my fun." He made his mouth form a smile. Not the average nice smile this one was similar to that of a demon laughing over an atrocious act that even Odin himself would shiver with a chill down his spine. That being said he calmed down again. He wasn't sure whether the woman was completely right in the head but stayed quiet. Down here spirits would succumb to madness every so often for the whole immortality thing was too much to bear for most.

"I'm here to return to life." He proclaimed proudly and pounded his chest a little. The pride was soon gone and replaced with a void. Then the entire sentimental part about cherishing fears. This was to much for him to process.

"I have no idea about all that mambo jumbo but I for one don't plan on staying down here and rotting with what's left of my sanity." He then scanned the Kuryu as if he was trying to see through her. There was one thing this woman gave and that was a sense of equality or something that made him feel like he was staring down Askelad only with less arrogance.

"You have guts I'll give you that much." It has been a while since the viking said that to anyone and a woman was the last person he'd expect to say that to.






"I don't know what happens but one thing is pretty obvious. You don't want to die again. Usually cursed weapons would kill you again and there are some rumors of sea creatures that can do it. Fluffuls said once that "If you ever go down in the abyss even the dead will regret going there." And I try not to think about it." That being said she directed the creature a bit and soon they could see a shop with a seashell on the planks. They've arrived.

"Hey fellas we're here. In here you'll find one of the biggest sights in the locker. Apart from Skippy and Fluffuls." She said and gave off a gesture as if she were commercializing the place. Down there the witch was one of the people Nina would often send people to. Even so she stopped Cuddles a bit in front of the door.

(sry for the late post hospital emergency)

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She nodded with a quaint smile at the fact he actually did recognize her. She was actually quiet invigorated by this and stunned. She wasn't to sure if she could Dote of the matter, So she didn't. 

She could Feel the Tension as thorffin was uncalmed by her. So she lifted her hands from infront of her, reached out in a calmly manner, and showed her palms to him, then the back of her hands with another elegant swish she placed her hands back. After which she chose to say.

"eef iee was sum crazed beas i would have attacked you, and not resorted to such formaulities."

(if i was some crazed beast, i would have attacked you, and not resorted to such formalities)


She was in faint hope that her appeal to his discomfort would reconcile his dispositions. Hearing that he wanted to return to life, made her ponder, and the pound of his chest brought a fray of startle this impediment brought a thought. She was struck with an idea. Knowing he probably wouldn't want her tagging along. She thought to say, with a Whim of a smile, a bow and swift dust of the kimono


"I Know of a plays, wif a witch. Dat Could Answer your questions. Dat is where your Questions Weel be laid to res"

(I Know of a place, with a witch. dat could answer your questions. that is where your questions will be laid to rest.) 


She turned around before hearing his compliment, and was caught off guard. He did not fit what she thought, never did she believe he was able of complimenting. With her back being turned it was impossible to make out the face she could have fabricated, but she did look down fairly fast and scurried abit when taking her first step forward. "Tank kyu" (Thank you) She susurrated.

Posted Image'Remembering home....hurts'


She was brought back home in memory, just for a breathe. Her eyes teared as her lips curled to let her teeth clasp down. She had no where to be stirred alive to, and now, She was to help another leave. But where, do i have. no where. Just repay and be on your way. watch another leave, or go mad by the pain all is fine. Her father, this whole world was like her father. just out for itself. Nothing matter, but victory. Ruthless, no mercy. not even to his own daughter. The Pain? like what her betrothed gave to her? The last thing ever to be felt by her. now she knows nothing else. She shows her appreciations by just walking and continuing. 'Don't be a bother' she thought.Posted Image

((i felt like deleting this cause i was depressed While writing it :( ))

Edited by Gothraven Dovegrace

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She nodded with a quaint smile at the fact he actually did recognize her. She was actually quiet invigorated by this and stunned. She wasn't to sure if she could Dote of the matter, So she didn't.

She could Feel the Tension as thorffin was uncalmed by her. So she lifted her hands from infront of her, reached out in a calmly manner, and showed her palms to him, then the back of her hands with another elegant swish she placed her hands back. After which she chose to say.


"eef iee was sum crazed beas i would have attacked you, and not resorted to such formaulities."

(if i was some crazed beast, i would have attacked you, and not resorted to such formalities)


She was in faint hope that her appeal to his discomfort would reconcile his dispositions. Hearing that he wanted to return to life, made her ponder, and the pound of his chest brought a fray of startle this impediment brought a thought. She was struck with an idea. Knowing he probably wouldn't want her tagging along. She thought to say, with a Whim of a smile, a bow and swift dust of the kimono


"I Know of a plays, wif a witch. Dat Could Answer your questions. Dat is where your Questions Weel be laid to res"

(I Know of a place, with a witch. dat could answer your questions. that is where your questions will be laid to rest.)


She turned around before hearing his compliment, and was caught off guard. He did not fit what she thought, never did she believe he was able of complimenting. With her back being turned it was impossible to make out the face she could have fabricated, but she did look down fairly fast and scurried abit when taking her first step forward. "Tank kyu" (Thank you) She susurrated.

Posted Image'Remembering home....hurts'


She was brought back home in memory, just for a breathe. Her eyes teared as her lips curled to let her teeth clasp down. She had no where to be stirred alive to, and now, She was to help another leave. But where, do i have. no where. Just repay and be on your way. watch another leave, or go mad by the pain all is fine. Her father, this whole world was like her father. just out for itself. Nothing matter, but victory. Ruthless, no mercy. not even to his own daughter. The Pain? like what her betrothed gave to her? The last thing ever to be felt by her. now she knows nothing else. She shows her appreciations by just walking and continuing. 'Don't be a bother' she thought.Posted Image

((i felt like deleting this cause i was depressed While writing it :( ))

(Awww I'm sorry >.<)


Thorfinn was never good with philosophy and the like and as such only raised an eyebrow.

"I do remember you. You were at the slavers place right before I had my fun." He made his mouth form a smile. Not the average nice smile this one was similar to that of a demon laughing over an atrocious act that even Odin himself would shiver with a chill down his spine. That being said he calmed down again. He wasn't sure whether the woman was completely right in the head but stayed quiet. Down here spirits would succumb to madness every so often for the whole immortality thing was too much to bear for most.

"I'm here to return to life." He proclaimed proudly and pounded his chest a little. The pride was soon gone and replaced with a void. Then the entire sentimental part about cherishing fears. This was to much for him to process.

"I have no idea about all that mambo jumbo but I for one don't plan on staying down here and rotting with what's left of my sanity." He then scanned the Kuryu as if he was trying to see through her. There was one thing this woman gave and that was a sense of equality or something that made him feel like he was staring down Askelad only with less arrogance.

"You have guts I'll give you that much." It has been a while since the viking said that to anyone and a woman was the last person he'd expect to say that to.



"I don't know what happens but one thing is pretty obvious. You don't want to die again. Usually cursed weapons would kill you again and there are some rumors of sea creatures that can do it. Fluffuls said once that "If you ever go down in the abyss even the dead will regret going there." And I try not to think about it." That being said she directed the creature a bit and soon they could see a shop with a seashell on the planks. They've arrived.

"Hey fellas we're here. In here you'll find one of the biggest sights in the locker. Apart from Skippy and Fluffuls." She said and gave off a gesture as if she were commercializing the place. Down there the witch was one of the people Nina would often send people to. Even so she stopped Cuddles a bit in front of the door.

(sry for the late post hospital emergency)

(Don't worry at all! I understand if there is things going on in your life that needs your attention. If you can't post in here, that's fine. I could always pause the rp)


As soon as Nina said they had arrive, William instantly jumped off of the sea creature and ran right into the shop without giving another thought. Some spirits nearby raised an eyebrow, wondering why such a foolish kid would just run right into a witch's shop but whatever. As soon as he went inside he saw the person he was looking for.

"Father!" He yelled, running up to throw his arms right around his father's chest. A part of him was happy, but a part of him was devastated to see him down here. "I thought I lost you...!"


Meanwhile Du'Vall certainly wasn't expecting the boy to arrive so soon. He really must've been smart, or had outside help. Still, her usual strong face softened to see the boy. He really was young. Too young to be down here. But he definitely wasn't the first, or the last.

"Ahh... He is only a baby." She said, partially to herself.

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Arthur groaned to himself. What a pain. So they could die again. "I think I will wait here for my son. Wouldn't want to miss him if he comes by." Arthur said. Just as quick, he went into business mode. He was merchant, surely he could find a way to convince the witch to consider to give him the dagger. "Now...is there anything I can do to gain that dagger from you? I mean, I have a bit of currency on me still, and I am quite a talented person...surely there must be something I can do to convince you to give me the dagger?" Arthur asked, smiling softly and hoping that maybe there could be a compromise. That would be for later, however, for someone special had just arrived.


"...W...William!" Arthur gasped, completely forgetting everything else as he threw himself over to William, wrapping his arms around him and holding him close. "William you're alright! Thank goodness!!!" Arthur said, giving William kisses on his head. However as they remembered their situation, guilt and sadness began to build up. "...I'm so sorry...William..." Arthur began, frowning as he was visibly hurting on the inside. "I...I should've done something. Change the course of the ship or had you on deck to have you go on a life boat...I'm sorry to have dragged you down into this William...I'm so sorry...!!!" Arthur hissed, tears falling down his face as he held William. They were both dead. He wouldn't have minded if it had been only him, but William didn't deserved any of it...he was too young.

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Seto waited a moment so that William could have a nice, movie-like entrance once he heard that his dad was in there. it made him happy. He tried not to show it in his face, but his tail relaxed and swished around. Damn thing. he could never keep anything a secret with it always bad there, doin stuff. He walked into the store after the two reunited and tried to talk to the witch. "Hi. Im Seto, and im new around here. i heard you could help me"

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