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Klonoa the Dream Traveler

Why do we exist?

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Why are we alive? Why do we even exist? If there isn't a god, where did we come from? Is recarntion real? Is there any reason to live if there isn't a god or after life? Are we just a bunch of flesh that's waiting to rot? Who created the big bang if not the universe? What's the reason to die if there's nothing I can expect after death? Is there any good reason why living on this Earth for a another day is good?

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If there is a god, try to get into heaven then partaaaayyy for eternitaaaayyy live your life being kind, doing what is just and frequently be grateful to Him/Her for what you have.(If god is decent these things will be of far greater value to them, than one might think)
If there isn't a god, your purpose should be to live for yourself. You are here for a small amount of time, make it a memorable life.(Every extra day you live is another chance at making things better for yourself, of course it won't happen instantly, but working to turn things around is better than being dead)
In both cases do not forget to be kind, especially if you believe there is no after life because it's not okay to be a pain for people if this is the only life they'll have.

Edited by Col.Random

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There is no purpose in life, but it is our task to make a purpose. Some people believe in a transcendental entity, which can be neither verified nor falsified. Others believe in the validity of science, which tries to reduce the complex reality into models and to describe the nature of our existence. Both views can be seen sceptical, but it is up to everyone to choose a side and decide how to look at life. Of course there are more sides.


In case you deny the sense of existence, moral and universal rules, you are a nihilist.

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Honestly, thinking about these things will cause you to go half insane thinking about it too long. There comes a point where you have to stop and say "well I'm alive now, and I'm gonna make the most of this life." Don't worry about religion if your not into it. Don't worry about the reason for life. Find a goal to reach and try your best to reach it, be the best you can and create your own reason for existence.

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So many questions. Here I go


No one can prove if God is real, no one can prove if the big bang actually happened. My existence is pure luck for me, I'm just glad to be alive.  I'd rather not fret over death either, because it has to come, it's natural. I don't fear dying, I fear being forgotten. So I try to make my existence as meaningful as possible "Inside peoples memories, I can live forever". It just boils down to chance, but be thankful for life. Your not a pile of flesh, your a human being, you have family and friends that care about you and trust you. Live to protect the things that matter, if you love something, defend it with both hands. I love the people that previously hurt me, because they shaped my character, carrying around a little hurt isn't too bad either, it just makes you human. We live to protect each other.

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This is a question that has been greatly troubling me as of late.  I grew up with a rich religious background and as of late I have begun to question everything since the foundation of my prior beliefs have been shaken.  I am pretty sure that there is a God because I don't know where else we came from otherwise, but I cannot say for sure.  I also don't know what He really wants from us.  There's so many different convincing religions out there and there is virtually no way to know that you've chosen the right one.  Everyone thinks that they've been "guided by God" to the truth no matter their faith, when obviously not everyone could be guided correctly when each religion says "all other beliefs are going to hell."


To be honest this very topic has brought me into a rather deep depression.  I don't fear dying if there is no God, but if there is a God and I don't choose the right religion I greatly fear being cast into Hell.  It's a dark concept.  I feel that, if there is no God, the best we can do is make the most of what we have here, cherish our time, and be the very best people that we can be.  If there is a God, well, I do not know what advice to provide except to seek guidance and forgiveness from Him.  I'm in the very same boat as yourself so I cannot really offer any advice.  Here's hoping that we'll all find happiness and peace in our findings and be able to live a prosperous life.

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but if there is a God and I don't choose the right religion I greatly fear being cast into Hell.  It's a dark concept.

I have a lot of mixed feelings when it comes to religion and I wasn't going to post in here, but this caught my eye.I think that if there really is a god then he wouldn't care what religion you're apart of as long as you're a good person. Don't go around killing, stealing, and just try to do the right thing and you should be fine. At least that's what I think anyway.


Honestly, thinking about these things will cause you to go half insane thinking about it too long. There comes a point where you have to stop and say "well I'm alive now, and I'm gonna make the most of this life." Don't worry about religion if your not into it. Don't worry about the reason for life. Find a goal to reach and try your best to reach it, be the best you can and create your own reason for existence.

Gonna have to agree here. You can think about this stuff all you want but after awhile you'll just be going around in circles and go insane.

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These are questions that we sometimes can't help but think, ya know?  There comes a point in one's life where we wonder what becomes of us after we die.  Will we be remembered by our words, or our deeds?  Will we be people who illuminate a path to a brighter future, or bring more destruction to this Earth than it's already bore witness to?  What are we, and where do we go?  These are things that boggle the mind at times.


Honestly, when it comes to me, I believe in God, but I'm not a religious type of person.  I believe that being a good person, treating others with respect, acknowledging your mistakes, learning from the many things that happen in life, having faith and being oneself, are the keys to living a good life, and finding a goal to pursue is just part of the ride, ya know?  All of us have a purpose, although at first we may not know what said purpose might be.  But hey, it's like they say: "Keep moving forward!"

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