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Daniel Black

Fire Emblem: Return - RP Thread.

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-Alexander Crad-


"A good goal, I can respect that" he said smilling, as his expression became normal as she asked him about why he joined this merry band of mercenaries, "I'l be honest, work, mostly, doing odd jobs here and there isn't exactly a surefire way to make a living, couldn't refuse this offer" he gave his honest opinion as to why he joined, "Most mercenaries would say they were here for glory, money and beer, least the ones I know of, so I guess im different, you could say" he said with a small laugh.

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Faaron sighs and looks around. "Not much else to do..." He mutters to himself before looking for a nice place to sit. When he does he begins to play a small tune on his flute. Nothing overly happy.

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(I noticed our lvls didn't change in the updated stats chart :P)



After the battle was over Yany transformed back into her normal form just in time to see Ei kneeling on the ground "Hm...interesting man-spawn indeed" thought Yany before he finished. After Ei introduced himself & then asked for her name Yany gave a slight frown "I already told you my name man-spawn, er I mean Ei" said Yany as she crossed her arms "My name is Yany & I would thank you not to go forgetting it again Ei" said Yany before she felt dizzy "I need to rest for a moment" said Yany shaking off the dizziness. Yany then looked at Ei with kind eyes "Lets head back to camp, As I said I'll gladly tell you more about the Taguels & maybe you could tell me about yourself also Ei?" said Yany.

Ei looked at her and bowed to her "I'M SO SORRY! I was so focused on the fight that I forgot." He said to Yany. When she looked like she was about to fall he walked up to her but she caught herself, and when she said about heading back to camp and talking about her race a bit more he smiled."I would love that."

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(IM SOOO SORRY I wasnt not here for this)The sound of galloping hooves eminates from far off until a man on horseback can be seen heading for the group. His blonde hair currently tied back and his blue coat fluttering from the air he currently rides through. His sword is sheethed at his side. As he nears close he stops and gets off his brown haired steed and quickly moves towards the princess. "I apologize for my absence and for not arriving with Kihone... There was some matter she had to attend to. She also would not tell me what the matter was." He immediatly says before he stretches out from his ride.

"Mmmm... I see." Reiner said as he took a dep breath, then he continued. "I hope you´re ready for tomorrow, it will be a long day". 

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"Mmmm... I see." Reiner said as he took a dep breath, then he continued. "I hope you´re ready for tomorrow, it will be a long day". 

Armad nods "I am indeed ready. oh and i did bring the soliders you asked for. They are setting up their tents back at the camp." Armad adds.

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The Princess sighs, still resting on poor Evelyn. "So, we taking all these fine warriors with us Reiner, or do I have to part?" She asked. She was pretty relaxed and somewhat carefree, something that probably got on her brother's nerves all the time. She kept close to Evelyn, though she did glance at Catrain and Brookly Carrot-Top, Master of Tactics.


"So Evelyn. Tell me about yourself, while I have you trapped as my armrest."

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-Evelyn Boon-


Evelyn relaxes a little, becoming accustomed to being the Armrest of a Princess while she regained her strength. "I'd rather not part with anyone this early." She commented.

She then looked up at Arcelia. "Me? Well, I'm just your average, run of the mill, female Mage. Other than that, I'm...an interesting individual, with a very strange past. Nothing insanely...well, insane, but still odd." She sighed a little. "I, don't really want to talk about that but, I will divulge a few things. I'm a nice girl, regardless of what happened, so I won't bite!" She said with a chuckle. "Then again, you've probably already got that figured out." She added with a smirk.

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-Alexander Crad-


"A good goal, I can respect that" he said smilling, as his expression became normal as she asked him about why he joined this merry band of mercenaries, "I'l be honest, work, mostly, doing odd jobs here and there isn't exactly a surefire way to make a living, couldn't refuse this offer" he gave his honest opinion as to why he joined, "Most mercenaries would say they were here for glory, money and beer, least the ones I know of, so I guess im different, you could say" he said with a small laugh.

Catrain also laughed. "I haven't heard anyone here talk about wanting glory yet... Maybe we found the right group to join." She added, happy with her new teammates. Penna's happy expression showed that she agreed, as well.

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She listened politely, letting her finish.

"Well what if I like biting?" She joked at Evelyn, her laugh light-hearted. "And that's okay, to not want to talk about your past. We all have something we'd rather left buried. As long as I get a smile, I'll accept you as juuust a run of the mill girl."

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-Evelyn Boon-


"I'll keep that in mind." She said, with a laugh of her own. "Thanks, Arcelia. Heh, besides, run of the mill isn't so bad, is it?" Evelyn added with a smirk.

"So, what about you, Princess?" She asked, looking at Arcelia. "How about you tell me about yourself this time? Anything interesting?" She added with a eager tone to her voice, adjusting her own hair a little bit as she spoke.

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Moving in front of Evelyn, she sat down on her runp between her legs. Her combat skirt billow ed over a bit, hiding what lay beneath. She looked up at the young mage.


"Problem child, rebel, sword-loving annoying girl who was a bit too open and carefree for the King." She said. "I said no to a sheltered life. Now I'm here the Bane of my brothers existance and friend to damsels everywhere." She smirked.

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-Evelyn Boon-


Twirling a strand of her own hair in a finger, she listened politely and with interest to Arcelia. "Nice to hear about a Princess defying the status quo. 'Tis different and interesting, compared to Princesses who lead the sheltered life and were...well, snobby." She said with a chuckle.

"Heh...do I have to be a damsel to be your friend, Arcelia?" She asked jestingly, but she was interested in a friendship with the Princess.

Edited by Corrupted Shinnok

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Laughing, the Princess shook her head. "No, you do not have to be a damsel to be my friend. I may be the dashing princess in shining armor to helpless maidens and men, but you are far from helpless." She grins. "Besides, next time I'm sure we'll get to see how a mage like you devastates her enemies."

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-Evelyn Boon-


She chuckled as she leaned forward a bit. "Good to hear, Hero Princess." She laughed light-heartedly after speaking. She then took out one of her Magic Tomes, looking at it closely a bit, then looking back to Arcelia with a confident look. "Then prepare to be amazed, Arcelia. At least, I hope so." She said, grinning, keeping the Tome out for now.

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(WHY DON'T YOU PEOPLE TELL ME YOU'RE WAITING ON MEEEEEEEEEEE. *cough* *cough* Seriously, if I'm ever needed to post, just poke me... somehow. So long as it's not literally, I really won't mind. And if you can do it literally... well, be my guest!)

After the battle Alexander took a deep breath, and sheated his sword as he looked at the others, they had lost an unit in this match, which frustrated him, but he was genuinely glad to see that the tactician regreted it, even though it wasn't exactly his fault for her going down,

He turned to Alice, and nodded to her  with a smile "Thank you for healing me, I owe you one" he said as he began walking to camp as well, on his way he decided to walk over to Catrain after Brooklyn left and thanked the team, "You and your wyvern make quite the pair! nice work in the fight back there." he complimented her.

"You're welcome!" Alice yelled, making sure that Alexander could actually hear her. Looking around the camp, she thought, "With a group like this, one of two things is very likely. One: We all die horrible deaths to be sacrificed to a now-dead god. Or two: We become a legendary group, one that goes down in history. I just hope my brother doesn't screw it all up." Deciding to take action on a thought she had earlier, she looked over to where Yany was, but noticed she was talking with somebody else. "Drat," she muttered. "Better luck next time."


Brian flew up into the air on Blitz, as he looked down at everyone. He started whistling a song of his own creation as he wondered what to do. "The gal with the wyvern is currently talking with that Alexander guy, so she's out. ... I have an idea!" he thought, as he swooped down to where Brooklyn was. "Hey, you're the tactician, aren't you?" he asked, although he already knew the answer. "The name is Brian Polet, I believe I've already introduced myself. But I wanted to ask you... what's it like, being a tactician and all?"

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(WHY DON'T YOU PEOPLE TELL ME YOU'RE WAITING ON MEEEEEEEEEEE. *cough* *cough* Seriously, if I'm ever needed to post, just poke me... somehow. So long as it's not literally, I really won't mind. And if you can do it literally... well, be my guest!)



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(I would have thought one person waiting would be enough. xP Also: Chilllllllll~ xD)


-Arcelia-She didn't stop grinning."I expect a show."

-Evelyn Boon-


She couldn't help but smirk as she spoke.

"I shall not disappoint, Princess." Chuckling a little afterwards, then giving an honest smile.

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-Evelyn Boon- She couldn't help but smirk as she spoke."I shall not disappoint, Princess." Chuckling a little afterwards, then giving an honest smile.

-Arcelia-"Excellent. Reiner!" She looked around. "What's next again, and can I take her with me?"

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-Alexander Crad-


"Yeah..." He said with a smile, "With this group, either things will end very badly, or very good...I'l go with the latter" he told her, "They do seem to cooperate well, least from what I noticed, I wonder what they'l have us do now..." he said, clearly curious, as he walked along with Catrain to the camp.

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Lenord looked at everyone, and sat on a chair he brought out. He took a deep breath, taking a rest sitting on the chair. He felt like he needed some rest before going to do an actual battle. He felt he and the others would get along nicely. "So guys, you ready to get to our mission? You have my guidance, my Dark Magic shall help clear the way." Said Lenord, talking to everyone.

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And so.. the night came into... but the shadows lurking out were still acting.. 

  • Stadistics updated (levels and Experience).
  • Added the section Support where you can check your relationship improvement. 
  • Tactician stadistic page updated.


End of Prologue.


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The cold and frigid air was a natural trait in Regna Ferox, however, suddenly the winter air came sooner than normal, that was something the Kan of Regna Ferox, Ragnar as well as almost the entire citizens in Regna City felt. And so, alongside the winds, a messenger from a far off country came asking an audience with him. Ragnar was known to be the youngest chosen Khan ever, but that was because of his skills as a fighter, as well as his polite and humble demeanor, yet still, the cold calm inside him was shaken when he learned the message bringed by a knight, Rija was her name. 


"I see... but if what you´re telling is the truth... then ..." Suddenly, he was interrupted by one feroxi soldier. "Lord Ragnar! Enemy forces have been spotted gathering near the frontier with Dormus." the soldier said as his hands were shaking. "What did you say?!... Bring Ryonne´s team right now!" Ragnar shouted as the soldier ran out of the throne room. A few moments later, the soldier returned with two people, a mirmydon of black hair and blue clothes, and another one of black clothes. "I see you bringed Derik as well. Well then, I need you two to go to Gules Temple and secure the gemstone in there. Also you will met with certain group in there. I need you to escort them back into the capitol." Ragnar finished.. anyone could say.. the cold inside hs mind was changing into a heavy rain... a heavy dark rain...


(I need Rija, Derik and Ryonne to post before continuing with the mission and such. Please waith a little until they post. thanks)

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