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The 13th Kenpachi

Who is the strongest character?

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Aqua. She defeated Terranort... You know Xehanort in a young body. Granted he wasn't used to the new body, I think.

That's the key point, he wasn't used to it. He almost exclusively used Terra's abilities

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Brute-force-wise: Lexaeus

Strength (endurance): Sora. He has defeated at least some form of every antagonist I can think of. From the data replicas of Org. 13, to Ansem SoD, to the Lingering Will (not antagonist, but still tough like one!), and even Sephiroth. He has proved to be capable of anything.

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Riku. He's the strongest of will to over come the Darkness inside of him, and work with it to his advantage. Not really in brute strength, but in will, thinking process, and evasion. He not only managed to be directly involved with Org. 13's 13th and 14th members on several occasions, but also kept everything more or less on track for Sora's awakening. 

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ok but really guys theres a bunch of diffrent types of strength emotionally strong and phisicially strong for example. theres also strong willed.  are we just messureing the normal oh how much can someone lift strength or are we being more specific with this. 


i mean sora isnt built strong for example (not really all that muscular, but emotionally you can throw any situation at that kid and hell come out on top with a smile. he doesnt let anything get him down. and thats a type of strength) 


if were talking whos the most muscular though i think terras got people beat. hes really big. 


but whos the strongest is a really broad really ambigious term. what are we talking here?

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Xion, she was strong enough to sacrifice herself entirely for the greater good.

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Except he still lost to Xemnas in DDD despite going full on Friend Mode. Besides, why wouldn't those same rules apply to Riku, Terra, Aqua, Ventus or Roxas? They're all playable main characters and they fight for their friends too.

You forget that Sora was practically drowning in darkness at the time and he still did a number on Xemnas. So by this virtue alone, I think Sora is the strongest with Xemnas as the second strongest.

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