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Daniel Black

Fire Emblem: Return ( RP Sign Ups)

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I think the tome is called waste. It attacks from a loooooooooooooooong distance. low chances of hit, but if hits.. ouch


Okay, I could use that, Lenord does sometimes mess up on hitting enemies with spells, it fits.

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and dont go against cavaliers, mages, knights, etc don't sugar coat it, i'l be useless until I can get to Hero -_- god that ruined my mood.

Mainly don't go against super specializes or advanced classes. Then you should be fine.

*smiles evilly* My morgan is a bow knight.

My Morgan has perfected stats, can resist bow damage, and can beat you to death a number of ways. Also hurting her won't last for long, she regen's 30% HP a turn and gains back 50% on kills. Because I'm obsessed with making my daughter the queen of death.

^~^ info sharing is goodI still need to beat that game on Lunatic mode

Beat it, working on side-logs.

Alright, clearing some stuff before things begin.*Promotions will work like old fire emblems. So the choice to what promote will be one time and only one. (Soon explaining how it will work).*No unit is better than another, each one has their own usefulness. So be at peace with your choice, you´ll learn why.*As for Exp... Pokemon exp share will be an idea of ow it will work. Abilities from FE Awakening are on.

Building stats will be fuuuun...

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Mainly don't go against super specializes or advanced classes. Then you should be fine.My Morgan has perfected stats, can resist bow damage, and can beat you to death a number of ways. Also hurting her won't last for long, she regen's 30% HP a turn and gains back 50% on kills.Because I'm obsessed with making my daughter the queen of death.Beat it, working on side-logs. Building stats will be fuuuun...

*Flash forward, an indeterminate amount of years into the future* 

Old!Riki: "Hey *Name of daughter*! Work harder! You've got a great future ahead of you. Now go and hit that practice dummy." 

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Mainly don't go against super specializes or advanced classes. Then you should be fine.My Morgan has perfected stats, can resist bow damage, and can beat you to death a number of ways. Also hurting her won't last for long, she regen's 30% HP a turn and gains back 50% on kills. Because I'm obsessed with making my daughter the queen of death.Beat it, working on side-logs. Building stats will be fuuuun...

so basically dont go against 2/3 of the enemies, fine, whatever I dont care anymore.

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so basically dont go against 2/3 of the enemies, fine, whatever I dont care anymore.

nah don´t worry, just be careful of units wit spears, and mages that´s all. 

you can crush axe wielders and tech knights, and if you attack first mages.

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nah don´t worry, just be careful of units wit spears, and mages that´s all. 

you can crush axe wielders and tech knights, and if you attack first mages.


gimme a spearreaver and i'l take care of spears, im fast enough to attack mages I think.


although as riki said, I'l be useless, so lets see how things play out, or in the case of fire emblem RNG grow out.

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nah don´t worry, just be careful of units wit spears, and mages that´s all. you can crush axe wielders and tech knights, and if you attack first mages.

^This. We shouldn't be facing any Advanced units, and at the moment the only Super Specializers are magic users,(and most Melee classes, of course, have piss poor Resistance...) and always beware of the weapon triangle.

Im pretty sure both of our Morgans were built the same. Just different classes cause i did that too.


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I got bored and decided to find out what Maggie would look like with a cloak... Cheshire Cat smile looks a bit creepy on her.

Edit: yep, I'm putting a cloak in her bag if that's ok. It makes sense, obscuring your face and movements would be important as a thief...


Edited by Kingdom Key D

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In case you were still wondering...Lord- Arcelia (Sabre Lilly)Great knight- Reiner (Daniel Black)Tactician- Brooklyn (Riki)Pegasus knight- Brian (Nortanort)Cavalier- Armad (Unto The abyss)Myrmidon- Ei (Cam1947) Ryonne (Disgust) Derik (Riki)Cleric- Alice (Nortanort)Mage- Evelyn (Corrupted Shinnock) Julius (Disgust)Wyvern knight- Catrain (Shulk)Dark Mage- Lenord (KHLegendIII)Thief- Maggie ( Me! :) )Knight- Rija (Disgust)Mercenary- Alexander (Scrapmaster)Taguel- Yanny, Pan (The Unversed)Tech night- Wolt (Daniel Black)Bard- Faaron (Unto The abyss)


You got 1 of my Taguel's name wrong, it's Yany not Yanny. Thanks for the list tho, helps alot :)



Name: Ryonne Neyelmnik

Age: 19

Appearance: As soon as Daniel finishes his artwork it will be posted. Imagine a tall and lean man with toned muscles and a pale skin tone. His dark brown hair is shaggy and sticks out in spikes and his expression is normally a little cold or distant. He wears blue robes.

Bio: A young man born in Chon'sin. As an infant he was smuggled with his mother to the cold region of Regna Ferox. His father promised to join them there as soon as he could. Unfortunately, he did not come. What happened to him is unknown. In any case, they grew up by themselves. His mother ended up being hired by the Khan and his staff as a simple maid, allowing Ryonne to live in the current Feroxian castle. He was often chosen to be a sparring partner for the younger pages or high ranking children despite his low position. He was taught that strength matters, and through that lesson, he chose to become the strongest. He trained incessantly, whether he was by himself or with the other children. He fought by instinct, the Chon'sin blood that ran through him guiding his every blade stroke. Ryonne was a whirlwind during training slicing quickly and constantly, often simply overwhelming the others. Now 19, Ryonne is a full-fledged castle guard, and often the undisputed champion of the guard. He occasionally is known as the personal guard of the Khan themselves. And he made this life for himself. Because strength is what matters.

Class: Myrmidon


Str - 2

Mag - 0

Skl - 3

Spd- 4

Lck- 0

Def- 1

Res- 1


Ya got 11 stats instead of 10 here :P might want to fix it haha


*.....just smiles with army of Bow Knights.....*The grind was worth it


*Stares closely*


You like Bows don't you?




Hey Riki have you ever played that DLC map Xenologue: Apotheosis? if you did how'd you do on your first time with it? cause I can't believe how hard that map is, I went into it with only my strong & fav characters blind to what was in this map & I managed to make it all the way to round 3. Then the snipers & bow knights showed up with that skill Hawkeye, 100% hit without fail. short story my team had arrows through their foreheads just after 7 turns into that round, you won't let that happen to us right?...right?! haha xD  

Edited by The Unversed

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You got 1 of my Taguel's name wrong, it's Yany not Yanny. Thanks for the list tho, helps alot :)



Ya got 11 stats instead of 10 here :P might want to fix it haha



*Stares closely*


You like Bows don't you?



Hey Riki have you ever played that DLC map Xenologue: Apotheosis? if you did how'd you do on your first time with it? cause I can't believe how hard that map is, I went into it with only my strong & fav characters blind to what was in this map & I managed to make it all the way to round 3. Then the snipers & bow knights showed up with that skill Hawkeye, 100% hit without fail. short story my team had arrows through their foreheads just after 7 turns into that round, you won't let that happen to us right?...right?! haha xD  

I only had the cash to buy the essential DLC (Golden Gaffe, Infinite Regalia, and EXPontential growth) so I've yet to play them. However the challenge excites me. 




(Couldn't resist, I binge watched DBZA the other day and the quote was the first thing I thought of)


However, I've looked at it. Ages laugh's at bow's. Plus tankmorgan too op

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Good point.False, I am also the lord of Shipping. COME ON EVERYONE COUPLE UP UNTIL YOU REACH A RANK AND THEN WE WILL FIND YOU A BETTER PARTNER!Good, Great Knight. Luna for days.That won't be a needed, as Daniel is giving us another Knight(in Tech Knight). Also, we have two Taguels, which early game will help with the damage output, but adding a Mercenary adds someone who doesn't learn quite too many useful abilities (Arms Thrift and Sol are noce, but for units with Brave Weapons, you often want Astera, that x5 hits tho) plus I'm assuming that, like Awakening, we want units that are very quick stat-wise, and Sword Masters as well as Myrmidon get the fastest growth of a non-mounted land unit I've seen aside from Theif-style classes that are kind of low on Defense and can struggle in attack (Take Colm from Sacred Stones, he in the early game has dreadful attack and requires a lot of grinding if your luck is poor xD). They are useful to have and with our Army size, it would be good to have another.

... Now I'm worried about who the Tactician will put Catrain with. After your suggestion of TharjaXRicken in my game, for all I know, you'll have Catrain get with the youngest guy. ._.


*sits in the corner, still debating on whether to make a Pegasus knight or a Tagurl*

Pegasus Knight is best class. Galeforce all the way.

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I keep wondering who am I gonna be coupled with -_- 


Im afraid of the ship lord's plans...

It can't be worse than a bridge, trust me on that one.


EDIT: Crap, now he'll do CatrainXBridge. ;_;

Edited by Shulk

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... Now I'm worried about who the Tactician will put Catrain with. After your suggestion of TharjaXRicken in my game, for all I know, you'll have Catrain get with the youngest guy. ._.


Pegasus Knight is best class. Galeforce all the way.

You're getting a rock.


I keep wondering who am I gonna be coupled with -_- 


Im afraid of the ship lord's plans...

I plan many things, Scrap. Primarily blowing up Valm.

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You're getting a rock.


I plan many things, Scrap. Primarily blowing up Valm.

Valm is not .. or it is.. wait a sec valm is gone, the name only remains in the continent... O.o... 

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Valm is not .. or it is.. wait a sec valm is gone, the name only remains in the continent... O.o...

Valm is the name of the continent iirc, but if I'm failing to recall then I will have to blow it up anyway.

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Well you have a point.



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