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Daniel Black

Fire Emblem: Return ( RP Sign Ups)

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Roger, all I needed to know was that If moved Alexander it'd disband the pair.



also found in gamefaqs that sol is not 2x skill stat, its just 1 = 1% scale pretty much.


BUT armsthrift IS 2x on both luck AND skill, meaning Alexander has a total of 22% of activating the ability, which...makes me quite happy :D, although less Sol though.

Edited by Scrapmaster

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Roger, all I needed to know was that If moved Alexander it'd disband the pair.



also found in gamefaqs that sol is not 2x skill stat, its just 1 = 1% scale pretty much.


BUT armsthrift IS 2x on both luck AND skill, meaning Alexander has a total of 22% of activating the ability, which...makes me quite happy :D, although less Sol though.


Relax.. also.. my calculator is quite busy these days.. wish yourself luck. xD

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WOW! You guys are way to funny haha xD


also Daniel, just wondering but if any of our characters get S support rank will we see a future child in this RP? also did read this right that our characters will have 3 life's, so that if they fall in a battle once they come back after the battle is over & that counts as 1 life gone? Also this RP is so awesome man, really liking it so far :)  

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WOW! You guys are way to funny haha xD


also Daniel, just wondering but if any of our characters get S support rank will we see a future child in this RP? also did read this right that our characters will have 3 life's, so that if they fall in a battle once they come back after the battle is over & that counts as 1 life gone? Also this RP is so awesome man, really liking it so far :)

Thanks and :D

  • You can reach S ran, but.. I can´t tell about child... yet
  • Much like that.. think about... "MEDIC! WE HAVE AN INJURED HERE; BRING HIM/HER TO INFIRMARY RIGHHT NOW!" or something like that
Edited by Daniel Black

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 Yany quickly leaving the tent "Why did I grab his hand?...Why do i feel so strange around him? I should get some rest to put my mind at ease" said Yany as she found her tent, Yany entered her tent & quickly went to sleep.


. Yany stared at Alexander's shivering body with eyes of annoyances "If you can't take the cold you should turn back man-spawn, also all that clothing will slow you down should we battle the enemy" said Yany feeling like hes not acting like the warrior he should be. "I sure hope the rest of this group has a better mind set then this man-spawn"



1 - Thats called love xD


2 - Rude >:(

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You shall all soon see the product of me not posting.


It is a very tasty product.


Posted Image



You mean when you didn't post in Tirain and made the party fail against the flying heartless? making them crash land? and losing a potential 10000 experience reward?


Oh yeah, i've read that, it was painful.

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